Hey everyone, I'm here to discuss an update and page for this wiki's deletion policy. The only information we have on an deletion policy is that if you add a character from another series onto this wiki as a Fan Character or otherwise it is infringement and prohibited. Therefore the page will be deleted (although that isn't actually stated in the Rules of Fanon ).
So, I'm proposing making a page called "Deletion Policies" and here are the policies I am proposing:
Deletion Policies
All Users must follow these policies. Anyone who breaks these policies will be punished. If the same user continues to break these Rules repeatedly their account will be blocked from anywhere between a few hours to forever.
1. In accordance to the Rules of Fanon creating a page for a character outside the Soul series under the FanChar namespace or otherwise is infringement and prohibited on this Wiki. Any pages like this will immediately be deleted.
2. Creating a page about a rumored guest character is prohibited and will have the {{Delete}} added, it will then be ether locked until an official announcement or deleted.
3. Creating a page to troll or flame is prohibited, the page will immediately be deleted and the user will be given a warning. If the same user does this again they will be blocked.
4. In accordance to the Rules of Fanon adding a Fan Game that would be a future sequel to the canon Soul series (like Soulcalibur VI) is prohibited, unless you add a subtitle (like Soulcalibur VI: The Final Chapter). Any user found doing this will have the {{Delete}} added to their page and will be given a warning to change the title of their page, if no change happens the page will be deleted.
5. Creating a FanChar page for canon Soul series characters is Prohibited, however you are allowed to create small sections of information about them on a FanVerse page. (Example, FanVerse: Astral Series. Note how information about Abelia is there). If a page like this is found it will immediately be deleted.
Any User who is not an Bureaucrat/Admin must add the {{Delete}} to the page and report the page to an Admin. These Policies are effective from "Insert Date".
I have also made a new Delete Template .
So, they are my proposals for now. If I think of anymore I will add them. Share your thoughts in the comments and let me know if you agree or disagree with the Policies, and if you have any suggestions/or changes to them. Thanks!