Bare-hand is a fighting style only usable in Soul Edge. This style is only available when a character's weapon breaks while in-game.
The moveset slightly differs between male and female characters, with each genders having different throws. Furthermore, it also changes slightly between the arcade and PlayStation port; in the arcade version, male and female characters have a separate + and + throw, whereas in the PlayStation port there is only one throw regardless of whether the player inputted + or +.
In the arcade version of the game, Mitsurugi, Taki, Sophitia and Rock all had unique victory animations when bare-handed. Voldo, Cervantes and SoulEdge all share the same animation; Siegfried and Seong Mi-na both share the same animation (with it being one of Siegfried's normal win pose); and Li Long and Hwang would share the same animation. In the PlayStation port of the game, all characters use the same victory animation as Siegfried.