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The Mimic fighting style consists of a character who mimics other existing fighting styles of other playable characters in their respective games (minus Necrid, Guest Characters, Bonus Characters and Algol), changing their fighting style every round at random.



Edge Master in Soulcalibur.


Inferno in Soulcalibur.

Edge Master and Inferno mimic every character in the game. They switch to a different fighting style every round in a battle.

Edge Master has one unique move he can do when mimicking Kilik or Seong Mi-na's style: Wind Divide Flare. With Inferno becoming playable in the Dreamcast port of the game, he would have access to a couple of unique moves of his own: Roy D' Effrayeur and Roy D' Angolmois.

Soulcalibur II[]



SC2 Inferno closeup

Inferno in Soulcalibur II.

Charade and Inferno mimic every character but cannot use any of the bonus characters' movesets (Assassin, Lizardman and Berserker), Necrid's Style and the guest characters styles. When fighting against Inferno in Weapon Master Mode, Inferno will switch to a different fighting style when enough of his health has been taken away.

Inferno has access to the same exclusive moves that he had in the previous game, Roy D' Effrayeur and Roy D' Angolmois. In addition, he was also given a brand new throw, Reign of Doom.

Soulcalibur III[]

Art Olcadan SC3



One of the forms of Will-o'-the-Wisp

Olcadan is the playable mimic character in the game. What is unique about Olcadan is that he can choose a weapon set and mimic the roster's weapon. For example: if the player selects Olcadan's 'weapon style' as The Silent, he will rotate between the 1P Weapons. Will-o'-the-Wisp is an unplayable mimic character who only appears in Prepare to Defend Yourself challenges. He will only mimic characters who wield Soul Edge as their ultimate weapon (Astaroth, Cervantes, Lizardman, Mitsurugi, Nightmare and Tira).

Soulcalibur III: Arcade Edition[]

Olcadan is the only mimic that appears in Soulcalibur III: Arcade Edition. Unlike in the PlayStation 2 version of the game, as Hwang, Li Long and Amy had their movesets redone and were added to the main roster, Olcadan could now mimic their movesets.

Soulcalibur V[]

Unlike in other games, where there is only one mimic character, this game has three of them. Kilik mimics all the male fighting styles, Elysium mimics all the female fighting styles and Edge Master mimics everyone except for Ezio, Devil Jin and Algol.

Both Kilik and Edge Master have access to one unique move when mimicking Xiba's style: Wind Divide Flare. Not only does Elysium have a unique Critical Edge (Eleusian Initiation), but when Elysium mimics Pyrrha Ω, her Nemesis Strike and Apollyon Strike moves are instead replaced by Sophitia's Angel's Strike and Seraphim Strike, respectively.


  • Soul EdgeSoulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur VI are the only main series games to date that do not have any mimic characters.
  • Though the mimics do change style every round, sometimes they use a single style for an entire match, or are depicted with a specific weapon:
  • Charade, Olcadan and Will-o'-the-Wisp are the only mimics to not have a unique move when mimicking another character's style; Edge Master and Kilik can use Wind Divide Flare when using the staff or halberd, Inferno can do Roy D' Effrayeur, Roy D' Angolmois and Reign of Doom in Soulcalibur and Soulcalibur II, and Elysium can use Angel's Strike and Seraphim Strike when using Pyrrha and Pyrrha Ω's moveset in addition to having her own Critical Edge.
    • Charade does have a unique eye beam attack in Soulcalibur III, however he isn't a mimic in that game as each of his three forms use a specific moveset: the Wave Sword, the Grieve Edges and a modified version of Cassandra's moveset.