- "I guess this means I'm the best!"
- — Cassandra
Cassandra Alexandra (カサンドラ・アレクサンドル, Kasandora Arekusandoru; Greek: Κασσάνδρα Αλεξάνδρα) is a character in the Soul series of fighting games. Cassandra debuted in Soulcalibur II, and has returned in Soulcalibur III, Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny as a standard character for all four games. After her absence in Soulcalibur V, Cassandra returned in Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul and Soulcalibur: Lost Swords. She also appears as an NPC in Soulcalibur VI, appearing in her new timeline counterparts story mode. The younger sister of Soul Edge character Sophitia, Cassandra's main goal is to relieve her sister from the burden of the Soul Edge and the oracles of the blacksmith god Hephaestus. Cassandra's nickname is The Valiant Princess, because she is strong hearted, determined and willing to save her family.
Cassandra has been mentioned early at Sophitia's Soul Edge profile, though her name was translated as "Kathandra" in the English version of the game, and was spelt as "Casandra" in Soul Edge Official Fan Book ~Chronicle~[3]. She's also briefly mentioned on Sophitia's Soulcalibur profile as well, as she witnessed Taki bringing her unconscious sister home, and goes on a shopping trip when Sophitia meets her future husband, Rothion.
What lies in her soul is Courage.
In Soulcalibur: Lost Swords, she is referred to as A Brave Swordsman.
Soulcalibur II[]
It was seven years earlier that Cassandra witnessed a mysterious Asian woman bring Sophitia back and draw out shards of the evil sword out of her sister's flesh while treating her wounds.
Therefore, when Sophitia disappeared again a few years later, Cassandra was certain that her sister had left to contend with Soul Edge once more. One day, after running errands for her family's bakery, Cassandra visited Sophitia's home. There she saw a familiar metal shard. It was undoubtedly a fragment of Soul Edge.
Angered by her sister's panicked reaction to the shard, Cassandra ran to the Hephaestus Shrine.
"Why are you doing this to my sister? How can you claim to be an almighty god? Answer me!" Cassandra screamed.
Her voice reverberated throughout the desolate hallowed grounds. Cassandra collapsed on the floor, worn out from shouting. It was then that she saw the metal fragment resonating with the holy sword blessed by Hephaestus.
She realized then that Soul Edge was still alive. But she could not allow her sister to carry the burden any longer.
Around the time when light began to filter in from the eastern skies, the holy weapon disappeared from the temple.
Soulcalibur III[]
Determined to destroy Soul Edge on behalf of her sister, Cassandra left her home. In the mountains to the east, she happened upon a city where the residents had lost their minds from the effects of evil energy.
"What's going on?" The fragment she held reacted strongly to this place. Soul Edge was somehow involved in this bizarre phenomenon. She made up her mind to free the city.
"My sister was able to do it… I can, too!" she said to herself. But then something unexpected occurred—cracks appeared in the sword and shield she had taken from the temple of Hephaestus.
Feeling deeply apprehensive, there was nothing Cassandra could do but to flee the city. She felt completely helpless—she may have used her sword and shield a bit roughly, but she couldn't believe that arms made from holy ore could be damaged.
As she gazed at her damaged sword and shield, the image of her sister and her young niece and nephew flashed through the back of her mind. Her sister smiled happily, leading her children by the hand…
"No… I can't give up." Cassandra's eyes shone once again with determination. She returned to Greece to consult with her blacksmith brother-in-law, Rothion. Unexpected news was waiting for her upon her return home, however.
During Cassandra's absence, Sophitia had once again set out on a journey to destroy Soul Edge.
"Damn you, Hephaestus! This is all your fault!" Cassandra cursed to herself, though she didn't consider her sister having regained her previous strong will to be completely bad news.
She had to help her sister. She would stand by her and support her.
After receiving a new sword and shield from Rothion, Cassandra set out with a pure purpose in her heart, with the early dawn’s soft light shining upon her back.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Cassandra set out once again for the town she has visited before Eastern Europe, hoping to find more clues that would lead her to Soul Edge. But as she hurried through the night, a man appeared before her. His eyes were stained red; she was reminded of the story she had heard about a swordsman who had led the mad townsfolk.
"You have a piece of Soul Edge, don't you? I can feel it," the man said, and in an instant he was upon her. After a hard fight, she was able to finally land a blow on her assailant, but he only sneered at Cassandra and vanished, "So, girl, you can ward off evil, though not as strong as the Holy Stone. Interesting. I'll let you live... for now."
"You're going to run?! You coward!"
A laugh echoed around her. "I already have what I came for." Panicked, Cassandra searched her tunic, but the fragment of the cursed sword was gone.
Unnerved at first, Cassandra pushed those unhelpful feelings down and headed for the town, where she discovered some townsfolk still retained their sanity. In fact, they had been healed—by shining blue crystal. Could it be the Holy Stone the swordsman had mentioned? She set out to learn more, and then a rumor caught her attention: a man carrying a mass of crystal as tall as himself was on his way to Osthreinsburg. If the crystal he bore had the power to smite evil, then that could only mean some evil presence lurked in the ruined castle there. Was it Soul Edge?! Cassandra decided to follow the man to Osthreinsburg and find out.
Cassandra does not know that she's following Soul Calibur, the spirit sword that was made to destroy Soul Edge.
Eventually, she infiltrated the home of the cursed sword, Osthreinsburg Castle. But who stood in her path was none other than Sophitia, who surrendered to the evil sword after her daughter was taken hostage. Cassandra was so shocked, that she was knocked out unconscious from a single strike from her sister. By the time Cassandra woke up, her surroundings were warped into a strange place. With the destruction of Soul Edge, the Astral Chaos that corrupted the castle began to contract quickly. Dragging her injured body along as she looked for Sophitia, she finally found her sister's collapsed body in one of the castle's rooms. Cassandra rushed over there instantly. Just at that moment, a rift to another dimension opened in front of her eyes. ----Several moments later, the castle's surroundings returned to normal, but there was no sign of Cassandra's figure.
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny[]
- Note: Non-Canon material starts here
In the Gauntlet mode, Cassandra helps Hilde in her search for the six items that will help in Professor Ivy's cure for Hilde's father, who has grown ill...
- Note: Non-Canon material ends here
Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul[]
In her wanderings inside the Astral Chaos, Cassandra ends up in a parallel world and is found by Edge Master. After meeting the player, she sets off a journey with him/her to find the fragments of Soul Edge.
Upon arriving at the Eurydice Shrine, Cassandra is relieved to find the Sophitia of this world alive and well, but wonders if she will ever see her true sister again.
Soulcalibur VI[]
Over the years, Cassandra's grip on her sanity began to slip and her appearance changed, driven only by the desire to save her sister. One day, an Astral Fissure opens up and she is confronted with her past self. Half-crazed however, she launches herself in a frenzy after her younger counterpart but ultimately loses. Back to her senses, she warns her past self of the grim future that awaits her family, about the death of Sophitia and the cursed fate her daughter would have to live through as a result. When the younger Cassandra asks who she is, she seems to have forgotten, the thought of protecting her sister being her only companion before she fades away.
Soulcalibur II[]
It was seven years earlier that Cassandra witnessed a mysterious Asian woman bring Sophitia back and draw out shards of the evil sword out of her sister's flesh while treating her wounds.
Therefore, when Sophitia disappeared again a few years later, Cassandra was certain that her sister had left to contend with Soul Edge once more.
One day, after running errands for her family's bakery, Cassandra visited Sophitia's home. There she saw a familiar metal shard. It was undoubtedly a fragment of Soul Edge.
Angered by her sister's panicked reaction to the shard, Cassandra ran to the Hephaestus Shrine.
"Why are you doing this to my sister? How can you claim to be an almighty god? Answer me!" Cassandra screamed.
Her voice reverberated throughout the desolate hallowed grounds. Cassandra collapsed on the floor, worn out from shouting. It was then that she saw the metal fragment resonating with the holy sword blessed by Hephaestus.
She realized then that Soul Edge was still alive. But she could not allow her sister to carry the burden any longer.
Around the time when light began to filter in from the eastern skies, the holy weapon disappeared from the temple.
"Here I sit, forming men in my image, a race to resemble me: To suffer, to weep, to enjoy, to be glad—and never to heed you, like me."
-Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Prometheus
It was seven years earlier that Sophitia, Cassandra's missing older sister, returned with the mysterious Asian woman.
Upon her return, Sophitia explained that Hephaestus, the ancient Olympian god of the forge and fire, had given her a divine oracle to seek out Soul Edge and destroy it.
Nobody believed her sister's fantastic story except Cassandra. She knew that Sophitia was not the sort of person who lied. She also witnessed the Asian woman extract a fragment of the evil sword from Sophitia's body, while treating wounds she received when one of Soul Edge's blades was shattered.
Therefore, it was no surprise to Cassandra when Sophitia disappeared again shortly before her marriage. She was certain that her sister had left to contend with Soul Edge.
As if to answer the concern of her family, Cassandra's sister returned after a few years, her face glowing with contentment as she spoke of cleansing the lands contaminated by the evil of Soul Edge. Soon after, she married a blacksmith, had two children, and led a happy family life.
One day, after running some errands for the bakery where she worked, Cassandra visited Sophitia's home. As she looked into the sleeping faces of her sister's young children, she jokingly spoke to them. "Pyrrha, Patroklos, listen to me carefully. If you don't hold on tight to your mother, she might go running off again to carry out god's duties."
Cassandra's sister smiled and laughed, then assured Cassandra that she no longer heard oracles from god.
It was then that Cassandra's brother-in-law returned home after a day's work. The children jumped out of their beds and ran to greet their father, who carried in his hand a mysterious metal fragment. Fascinated with the metal scrap, the children grabbed it from their father's hand and tugged it away from each other greedily. The way they fought over the piece of metal seemed unnatural-almost as if the children were trying to take back something that belonged to them.
Cassandra recognized the metal. It was a fragment of Soul Edge.
Knowing exactly what her children's reactions meant, Sophitia collapsed, shrieking.
Cassandra grabbed the metal away from the hands of the children quickly and shouted, "Dear Sister! What could be so terrible about this thing? What could this possibly do? Get a hold of yourself! And you call yourself the divine warrior who answered the voice of god?"
Filled with anger, Cassandra rushed out of the house and ran to the Hephaestus Shrine. "Why are you doing this to my sister? How can you claim to be an almighty god? Answer me!" she screamed at the shrine, her voice reverberating throughout the desolate holy ground. Cassandra collapsed on the floor, worn out from shouting. It was then that she saw the weapon. It was the holy sword blessed by the god of forge; Sophitia and her husband offered it to Hephaestus after their marriage. Even after all this time, the sword had not lost its gleam despite being exposed to the elements for four years.
Cassandra held the fragment of Soul Edge up to the blessed sword. The fragment resonated and gave off a faint wailing sound-almost as if it was frightened of the holy object.
She realized then that Soul Edge was still alive. But she could not allow her sister to carry the burden, with a family who depended on her. Cassandra decided that she would put an end to the evil sword herself.
Cassandra did not trust Hephaestus, but the power to defeat the evil was right before her.
As night gave way to dawn, nothing disturbed the temple's tranquility. Cassandra was nowhere to be seen. However, something was amiss-the holy weapon was missing from the temple.[4]Soulcalibur III[]
Determined to destroy Soul Edge on behalf of her sister, Cassandra left her home. In the mountains to the east, she happened upon a city where the residents had lost their minds from the effects of evil energy.
"What's going on?" The fragment she held reacted strongly to this place. Soul Edge was somehow involved in this bizarre phenomenon. She made up her mind to free the city.
"My sister was able to do it...I can, too!" she said to herself. But then something unexpected occurred--cracks appeared in the sword and shield she had taken from the temple of Hephaestus.
Feeling deeply apprehensive, there was nothing Cassandra could do but to flee the city. She felt completely helpless--she may have used her sword and shield a bit roughly, but she couldn't believe that arms made from holy ore could be damaged.
As she gazed at her damaged sword and shield, the image of her sister and her young niece and nephew flashed through the back of her mind. Her sister smiled happily, leading her children by the hand...
"No...I can't give up." Cassandra's eyes shone once again with determination. She returned to Greece to consult with her blacksmith brother-in-law, Rothion. Unexpected news was waiting for her upon her return home, however.
During Cassandra's absence, Sophitia had once again set out on a journey to destroy Soul Edge.
"Damn you, Hephaestus! This is all your fault!" Cassandra cursed to herself, though she didn't consider her sister having regained her previous strong will to be completely bad news.
She had to help her sister. She would stand by her and support her.
After receiving a new sword and shield from Rothion, Cassandra set out with a pure purpose in her heart, with the early dawn's soft light shining upon her back.
Courage is better than keenest steel,
when bold men bare their brands;
-"Poetic Edda: Fafnismal"
Determined to destroy Soul Edge on behalf of her sister, Cassandra left her home. Unfortunately, she did not have any clues with which to find the evil sword. She therefore made use of the fact that the fragment of the cursed sword that she possessed reacted to evil energy in order to conduct a thorough search as she traveled from land to land.
At first, she had been operating more out of sheer determination than on actual clues, but in a land to the east of Greece, on the other side of the Danube River, she encountered a powerful evil energy greater than any she had felt before. What dwelled in this land surrounded by steep mountains and deep ravines? As she struggled to walk along unfamiliar mountain paths, Cassandra saw a city before her steeped in evil energy. A sinister presence swirled throughout the city, and the residents had lost their minds.
"What's going on?" The fragment she held reacted strongly to this place. Soul Edge was somehow involved in this bizarre phenomenon. Cassandra recoiled from the sight before her at first, but she couldn't abandon these people infected by the evil power. She made up her mind to free the city, and began to investigate the cause.
"My sister was able to do it... I can, too!" she said to herself. The center of the evil energy turned out to be a castle rising from the mountains. Things had been going smoothly up until she located it, but then something unexpected occurred--cracks appeared in the sword and shield she had taken from the temple of Hephaestus.
"What?!" Cassandra felt deeply apprehensive. The people possessed by evil chased her relentlessly. They displayed a fanatical obsession with the fragment of the cursed sword, and showed no signs of giving up. Without a weapon with which to resist, however, there was nothing she could do. She had no choice but to flee the city.
Cassandra managed to escape from the city, but felt completely helpless. She was not a warrior--she was inexperienced in the use of weapons. Although she remembered having used them a bit roughly, Cassandra couldn't believe that this sword and shield made from holy ore could be damaged.
"Is it too much for me?! Is my sister the only one that can do it?" These thoughts joined the uneasiness already in her heart, and her resolve began to waver.
As she gazed at her damaged sword and shield, the image of her sister and her young niece and nephew flashed through the back of her mind. Her sister smiled happily, leading her children by the hand...
"No...I can't give up." Cassandra shook her head and forced her hesitation aside. "I have to do it for my family!"
When Cassandra raised her head, her eyes shone once again with determination. Perhaps even holy weapons could break when exposed to such powerful evil energy, she mused.
"Humph, I guess the power of the gods isn't all that special after all." Convincing herself, she returned to Greece. There would be other weapons left in the temple, and she could also consult with her blacksmith brother-in-law, Rothion. Unexpected news was waiting for her upon her return home, however.
"Sophitia's gone again?!" During Cassandra's absence, Sophitia had once again set out on a journey of her own. Rothion informed Cassandra that Sophitia believed it was her duty to destroy Soul Edge, and that she had set out of her own will.
"Damn you, Hephaestus! This is all your fault!" Cassandra cursed out loud, though she didn't consider her sister having regained her previous strong will to be completely bad news.
"Please help her." said Rothion as he handed her a new sword and shield. If she destroyed the evil sword, that would surely save the city infected by evil as well. She had to help her sister. She would stand by her and support her.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Cassandra set out once again for the town she had visited before in Eastern Europe, hoping to find more clues that would lead her to Soul Edge. But as she hurried through the night, a man appeared before her. His eyes were stained red; she was reminded of the story she had heard about a swordsman who had led the mad townsfolk.
"You have a piece of Soul Edge, don't you? I can feel it," the man said, and in an instant he was upon her. After a hard fight, she was able to finally land a blow on her assailant, but he only sneered at Cassandra and vanished. "So, woman, you can ward off evil, though not as strong as the Holy Stone. Interesting. I'll let you live for now."
"You're going to run?! You coward!"
A laugh echoed around her. "I already have what I came for." Panicked, Cassandra searched her tunic, but the fragment of the cursed sword was gone.
Unnerved at first, Cassandra pushed those unhelpful feelings down and headed for the town, where she discovered some townsfolk still retained their sanity. In fact, they had been healed--by a shining blue crystal. Could it be the Holy Stone the swordsman had mentioned? She set out to learn more, and then a rumor caught her attention: a man carrying a mass of crystal as tall as himself was on his way to Ostrheinsburg. If the crystal he bore had the power to smite evil, then that could only mean some evil presence lurked in the ruined castle there. Was it Soul Edge?! Cassandra decided to follow the man to Ostrheinsburg and find out.
Cassandra set out once again for that evil city, hoping to find more clues that would lead her to Soul Edge. But when she arrived, she found it under siege; the neighboring powers had combined their might to destroy it. She feared the battle would reduce the city—and her hopes—to ash; but that passed in a moment since she was soon greeted by the sight of the besieging army fleeing for safety. The allied army had lost. Meanwhile, the citizens continued their indiscriminate rampage, as if possessed. From one of the defeated soldiers, Cassandra learned they had a leader: a swordsman.
As she hurried through the night, a man appeared before her. His eyes were stained red, and their gaze fixed on Cassandra as if focusing all the malice she had felt in the city on her. The weapon she held became hot, alerting her to the fact that this man belonged to the darkness. She had found the city’s leader, no question.
“You have a piece of Soul Edge, don’t you? I can feel it,” he said. Cassandra flinched. How could he know that? From within his overcoat, the man produced a rapier and Cassandra only barely managed to sidestep the thrust that came an instant later. After a fierce flurry of blows—all dealt by her opponent—Cassandra finally succeeded in returning the favor. The man’s eyes briefly widened with indignation, and then a sneer crossed his face. He parried her next blow, then leapt back. His coat floated a moment, occluding the moonlight, and then she was alone.
The man’s voice rang out. “So, woman, you can ward off evil, though not as strong as the Holy Stone. Interesting. I'll let you live for now.”
“You're going to run?! You coward!”
A laugh echoed around her. “I already have what I came for.” The meaning of his words sunk in and, panicked, Cassandra searched her tunic, but the fragment of Soul Edge was gone.
The man had toyed with her, and for a moment Cassandra lost her composure, but she pushed those unhelpful feelings down and hurried to the city. As she crept about, doing her best to elude the mad citizens, she made an unexpected discovery: not all of the people had gone mad. A few sane citizens were trying to escape. She came to their defense, and together they put the cursed city behind them.
On the road, the rescued citizens explained that they, too, had been taken by madness, but two travelers, a man and a woman, had released them from the spell with a shining blue crystal they had in their possession. Cassandra recalled that the swordsman had mentioned a “Holy Stone.” Certainly with a treasure like that, she could stand against any evil; perhaps she could even use it to destroy Soul Edge.
Cassandra left the citizens in a safe location and set out to learn more about the Holy Stone. First she tried to locate the man and woman who had cured the citizens, but was unsuccessful. It was as though the clues she needed had seen her coming and decided to erase themselves just to vex her. But when she was at her wits’ end, she heard a rumor about a man who carried a mass of crystal as tall as himself. The man and his crystal which, lo and behold, shone blue had been spotted on the road to Ostrheinsburg.
Cassandra had a passing knowledge of those baleful castle ruins, but why would the man head there? If the crystal he bore had the power to smite evil, then that could only mean some evil presence lurked in the castle. Could it possibly be Soul Edge?
Cassandra decided to follow the man to Ostrheinsburg. She wanted to rescue her sister from the clutches of destiny; she had joined the battle for Soul Edge with that one wish in mind. But now another emotion was kindled within her, and with every step she took toward Ostrheinsburg, it burned more and more fiercely: rage at the cursed sword, for all the ills it had wrought.[6]Physical Appearance[]
Cassandra has short blond hair with bangs either tied up or worn down, pale skin, and bright green eyes. She has a slender frame, allowing her to perform moves, like somersaults and kicks, with ease. In Soulcalibur III, in her 2P costume, she has silver hair and grey eyes.
In Soulcalibur VI, Cassandra's appearance has drastically changed after an unknown amount of time in Astral Chaos. While still wearing her Soulcalibur IV costume, Cassandra's hair turned nearly pure white and her skin became an unnatural, ashen-brown tone. Her eyes have also become bright red like a Malfested and her voice is distorted.
Cassandra is a free-spirited and determined young woman. She will not hold back on her words nor her faith in herself in order to protect the family name and honor. Cassandra's true strength lies in her belief in herself, as opposed to otherwordly deities, in which to secure her choices and destiny. This gives her a unique toughness and single-minded perspective that doesn't lack in compassion. Her brash and confrontational manner are at odds with her apologetic and quieter sister, but she is a warm-hearted girl that cares very much for her family, especially Sophitia. Cassandra has a determined and confident personality, as does her nephew Patroklos, although he seems to be more cocky and aggressive than her.
After becoming Malfested, Cassandra has lost her sanity, with the only thought in her mind being her desire to save Sophitia. She becomes immediately hostile to her alternate self, acting like a wild beast. But when she is beaten in battle, Cassandra regains a small portion of her sanity back, as well as her memories of Sophitia's death. She immediately becomes saddened with her failure to protect her sister, and in her final moments, she urges her alternate self to save Sophitia.
In Soulcalibur II, Cassandra wears a white and blue dress with no sleeves and a very short skirt . She also has long, white gloves, pauldrons, brown tights, and short, white boots.
In Soulcalibur III, Cassandra still has her tights and white boots, but she now wears an indigo jacket with a white shirt underneath, a pink ribbon held down by a silver pendant loosely around her neck, and a pauldron on her right shoulder. She also wears a short white skirt with blue linings.
In Soulcalibur IV, Cassandra's 1P costume is based on her 2P costume design from the previous games, lacking the brown tights she wore in the previous two games. She's wearing what appears to be the top of a blue, with straps on the top part and a tied pink ribbon. She also has pauldrons, long white gloves, long white boots, maroon panties and a maroon ribbon that's holding her hair in a ponytail.
In Soulcalibur VI, the original Cassandra's outfit is relatively the same but of a darker palette. Her skin has turned dark, her hair a gray-ish white and her eyes red from the influence of the Astral Chaos, signifying Malfestation. She also wears a silver eye mask that partially covers her identity.
Soulcalibur II[]
Soul Calibur 2 - Cassandra's Ending
Soulcalibur II Cassandra's Ending

Wielding weapons once dedicated to Hephaestus, Cassandra vanquished the evil.
Her sister's precious sword and shield bore the scars from countless battles.

So great was Cassandra's concern about the weapons, she forgot that she destroyed the demonic blade.
She need not worry, for surely her sister would be overjoyed with her safe return.
Soulcalibur III[]
Cassandra leaps into the air, sword in hand, towards Soul Edge. She destroys the cursed sword, but is thrown back by the force released by the cursed sword. Cassandra groans and looks at the spot where Soul Edge was, seeing a rather large, long piece of pointed metal spinning in one place before falling down. Cassandra looks at her sword and gasps, seeing that its blade has broken in half. She crawls up to her broken sword, wondering what to do.
Later, Cassandra returns to the Temple of Hephaestus with her sword, apparently in one piece, sneaking towards its shrine to put it back.
Soul Calibur 3 - Cassandra - Ending B
Soul Calibur III Cassandra's Ending B
Input Ending
Sophitia calls out to Cassandra from behind. Cassandra is unable to place the sword back when she turns around, startled, to Sophitia, hiding the sword behind her back. As, Sophitia expresses how relieved that she's okay, Cassandra leaps from the shrine and cautiously approaches Sophitia, telling her that she's fine. A clank is heard on the ground. Cassandra and Sophitia look down to see the broken piece of the sword, which Cassandra had dropped. Sophitia faces Cassandra, looking most displeased.
Later Cassandra works in a forge (possibly Rothion's), sobbing and hitting the broken sword with a hammer. She holds up the sword, with the broken piece seemingly fixed but then it falls back off. She slumps back and cries, "I don't know how to fix it..."
Soul Calibur 3 - Cassandra - Ending A
Soul Calibur III Cassandra's Ending A
No Input Ending
Cassandra lets out a sigh of relief as she places the sword back when her sister Sophitia calls out to her, startling her. After Sophitia expresses how relieved that she's okay, Cassandra replies that she's fine, but the sword isn't in the best shape. As Sophitia starts to show concern for the sword, Cassandra quickly says that there's no use for them hanging around. Cassandra leaps from the shrine and hastily leads Sophitia away, telling her they should go home,
As they leave, the sword falls down in two pieces behind them.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Soul Calibur IV Cassandra's Ending(JP)
Soul Calibur IV Cassandra's Ending
Algol stumbles back and collapses, defeated, and Soul Edge and Soul Calibur fall to the ground. Cassandra charges towards Soul Calibur, picks it up and runs over to Soul Edge, holding the spirit sword over it. As Algol looks on, Cassandra thrusts Soul Calibur into Soul Edge's eye; a burst of evil energy emanates from the demonic sword, then dies away. Soul Calibur begins to speak to Cassandra, saying, "With this, the evil presence will cease to exist. The perfect world will now be born." Cassandra replies, "The evil presence? Well, there's still one left...right here!" Cassandra grabs Soul Calibur by the hilt and attempts to break it with her bare hands, while everything around them begins to shake. Soul Calibur exclaims, "Foolish girl! Wh-what do you think you are doing? You dare to extinguish the light of humanity just to suit yourself?!" Cassandra answers, "After what you've done to Sophitia, you call yourself the light of humanity? Get serious!" Cassandra inexplicably snaps Soul Calibur in half with her bare hands, and the screen fades to white. Cassandra's voice can be heard, softly saying "Let's go home, Sophitia."
A line of text appears which reads: "She carried out her conviction and protected the bonds of family. There will be peace, as long as that belief remains."
Fighting Style[]
Cassandra is known for her overall well-balanced, yet aggressive fighting style. Like her sister, many of her moves involve using her butt to attack foes. However, unlike her sister, she doesn't have any throws that utilize her butt. With a versatile move list, she has a mixture of short-range and long-range attacks. Cassandra can place a lot of pressure through her rush-down capabilities, combos, stuns and throws. Combining speed with strength, both of these attributes are considered best among other characters, However, her short range may put off some new players who aren't familiar with her style. In the tournaments, she is usually regarded as a high to top-tier character.
Natural Movements (Athenian Style)[]
The ancient Greek goddess of civilization was also a goddess of war. Those who received her divine protection were able to master the Athenian style of combat. But now the Greek gods are forgotten, and no one is left to teach the art. Well, almost no one...
The Olympian god of fire and forge, Hephaestus, despised Soul Edge, for it had been made by the hand of man. He gave several devout believers, warriors all, holy weapons to fight and destroy the cursed sword. These holy warriors learned the ancient sword fighting arts thanks to the divine protection with which their weapons were infused.
Though Cassandra was no devout believer, perhaps the gods felt something for the purity and clarity of her soul.[6]
Critical Finish[]
Final Crush: In Cassandra's Critical Finish, she slashes her opponent then playfully knocks them over with her butt. She ridicules her opponent by asking, "You like this kind of stuff?" as she jumps towards & sits on the opponent's face with clouds of pink hearts appearing. For the fatal hit, she places her shield & sword over her butt before smashing down once more with a pink heart covering part of the screen. She then stands up and exclaims "Ow!"; in the Japanese version, she further ridicules the opponent by playfully showing disappointment.
Weapon Arts[]
Weapon Arts are special moves in Soulcalibur: Lost Swords which act very similar to the Critical Edge system from Soulcalibur V.
- Holy Retribution: This is her Shield Slaps and some hard to identify horizontal attack, but after it her movement strongly resembles a finishing hit of Lust of Babylon, a move of Pyrrha Ω.
- Heaven's Guardian: This is her unblockable attack.
- Angel Judex: That's her second hit of Guardian Wings, which sends the enemy in the air even if he's lying on the ground. Cassandra lands, crouches and then jumps again, performing the second hit of Guardian Wings once again, but now with the rest of the attack (two more horizontal hits) in slow motion.
- Rushing Shield Strikes: This combination begins with Cassandra's second hit of Shield Buster, then goes the first hit of the same attack Shield Buster repeated five times and the finishing blow of the Weapon Art is the second attack of Elfin Thrust which has an additional hit in case the enemy's hit while standing.
- Divine Victory: This Weapon Art begins with her Critical Finish animation as she says "Let's do it!" and then launches Stardust Strike, Shield Nova, Holy Smash and her Seraphim Cyclone grab. At the end Cassandra adds "Did that hurt?".
Soulcalibur IV[]
Tower of Lost Souls[]
Cassandra appears in Tower of Lost Souls Ascend mode as boss under the floor "Uber Airhead" and also appears in "Unfailing Tower" & "Envoy Of Destruction".
TOLS Ascend Mode Boss
- Uber Airhead (Floor 23)
- Beleth & Helios (Uber Airhead Floor 23)
- Ivy & Talim (Unfailing Tower Floor 30)
- Sophitia & Talim (Envoy Of Destruction Floor 57)
- Rock (Story Mode Stages 2 & 3 Only)
Skills On "Uber Airhead"
- Evil Sword Berserk
- Double Edged Sword
- Hyper Mode
- Shave Damage S
Skills On "Unfailing Tower"
- Auto Impact C
- Soul Gauge Boost C
- HP Recovery C
- Nullify Ringout S
Skills On "Envoy Of Destruction"
- Soul Gauge Damage A
- Shave Damage B
Default Skills
- Charge Cancel
- Knock Down
- Nullify Counter C
Descend Mode Skills
- Shave Damage C
- Venom Fang C
- Ω Sword & Nemea Shield
- Digamma Sword & Nemea Shield
- Spiked Shield
- Dark Blade
- Metesashi
- Spine Blade
- Katzbalger
- Red Crystal Rod & Red Line Shield
- Ivan the Terrible
- Soul Edge (Complete)
- Valkyrie
- Keepsake
- Broken Sword
- Spine Blade & Ivan the Terrible
- Soul Calibur
- Baker's Daughter
- The Ancient
- The Master
- Eurydice Shrine Gallery (SCII) (Note: Cassandra shares this stage with Sophitia.)
- Old Toledo - Burning Gallery (SCIII)
- Thesmophoros' Imperial Garden (SCIV/SC:BD)
Theme Music[]
- "I'm going all out!"
- "It's time for your punishment!"
- "Well, let's begin."
- "You might die!"
- "What a waste of time."
- "Come and get me!"
- "Sophitia..."
- "I'll do the best I can!"
- "Ugh!!! You're definitely not my type."
- "Here I come!"
- "You look weak."
- "What are you?!"
- "I don't understand this at all!"
- "I'm sorry Sis, but I have to see things through to the end."
- "There's no such thing... there never was!"
- "What!!"Fine, let's go!"
- "Over already? Oh well."
- "That was all too easy. You make me laugh!"
- "This is your fault. Remember that!"
- "Over already?"
- "All style, no substance."
- "Hm, hm, hmmm! Can't you get up?"
- "Too bad!"
- "Winning is all that matters."
- "See? All that for nothing."
- "That was great!"
- "It's all about skill."
- "How boring."
- "That's the lesson for today."
- "That's it? That was boring."
- "You tried your best, I guess."
- "That was too easy. All style, no substance."
- "Did I bully you too much?"
- "That's it? So what do you want?"
- "I can do this too!"
- "Heh, heh! Sorry!"
- "Too bad for you!"
- "That was a good work out!"
- "That's it? How boring."
- "Aren't you embarrassed?"
- "Maybe you lack talent?"
- "Forgive... me!"
- "It's over!"
- "Smart!"
- "Watch out!"
- "Come on!"
- "Hey!"
- "Gotcha!"
- "Now!"
- "Payback!"
- "Oh? Uh-oh!"
- "Did that hurt?"
- "That's it?"
- "Ok! Hah, ha, ha!"
- "This way!"
- "Don't... take me lightly!"
- "This is... the end!"
- "There!"
- "You're mine!"
- "Here I come!"
- "Hit!"
- "Go!"
- "Mine!"
- "Now!"
- "Whoops!"
- "Does that hurt?"
- "Is that it?"
- "Okay!"
- "How?!"
- "Why?"
- "Damn!"
- "This must be some kind of mistake!"
- "No..."
- "What is that?"
- "It has to be some sort of mistake!"
Cassandra's name means "Shining upon men". Her last name, Alexandra, means "Protector of Mankind". She is most likely inspired by Cassandra, the prophetess from Homer's The Illiad who was cursed by Apollo for defying him and not returning his love for her.
- Daughter of Achelous and Nike.
- Younger sister of Sophitia, whom she was desperately trying to aid in her fight against Soul Edge.
- Older sister of Lucius.
- Aunt of Pyrrha and Patroklos.
- Sister-in-law of Rothion.
- Revealed to be the reincarnation of Aphrodite in the Soul Edge Handbook ~Chronicle~. (apparently no longer canon)
- Witnessed Taki bringing back an unconscious Sophitia before the events of Soulcalibur.
- Shares a Destined Battle with Charade in Soulcalibur II.
- Defeated by Sophitia in the events after Soulcalibur IV.
- Defeated Raphael in the events prior to Soulcalibur IV.
- Followed Siegfried to Ostrheinsburg in Soulcalibur IV, mistaking Soul Calibur for the Holy Stone.
- Travels with Rock in both of their Story Modes in Soulcalibur IV.
- Can possibly travel alongside a created character in Soulcalibur IV, during his or her story mode.
- Travels with Hilde, Dampierre, and the player in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny.
- Ally of Edge Master in Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul.
- Travels with the player in Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul.
- Warned her new timeline counterpart about the Alexandra family's grim future in Soulcalibur VI.
Series' Appearances[]
- Soul Edge (Appears in Sophitia's Arcade/Edge Master mode ending)
- Soulcalibur II
- Soulcalibur III
- Exciting! Soulcalibur Dojo
- Soulcalibur IV
- Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny
- Soulcalibur: Lost Swords
- Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul
- Soulcalibur VI (NPC in Libra of Soul and Cassandra's Soul Chronicle under the name "Masked Swordswoman")
External links[]
- Soulcalibur 4 Omake (archive) (Japanese), English translation (English)
- ^ https://voice123.com/profiles/suenelson/
- ^ https://twitter.com/heatherhalley/status/384051188565434368
- ^ ソウルエッジ オフィシャルファンブック/年代記 [Soul Edge Official Fan Book ~Chronicle~] (in Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: ASCII. March 31, 1997. p. 20. ISBN 4-89366-699-1.
- ^ "Soul Calibur 2 - History - Cassandra". Soulcalibur. Namco Limited. Archived from the original on February 4, 2005. Retrieved on May 4, 2024.
- ^ "SOULCALIBUR III". Soul Archive. NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Archived from the original on March 20, 2020. Retrieved May 4, 2024.
- ^ a b Deats, Adam; Epstein, Joe (July 17, 2008). SOULCALIBUR IV Signature Series Fighter's Guide. BradyGames. p. 39. ISBN 978-0-7440-1006-0.
Original Timeline Main Characters |
Aeon (Lizardman) • Algol • Amy • Astaroth (Mass Produced) • Cassandra • Cervantes • Charade • Edge Master • Hilde • Hwang • Ivy • Kilik • Leixia • Li Long • Maxi • Mitsurugi • Natsu • Olcadan • Patroklos (α Patroklos) • Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω) • Raphael • Rock • Seong Mi-na • Setsuka • Siegfried • Sophitia • Soul Calibur (Elysium) • Soul Edge (Inferno, Nightmare, Night Terror) • Taki • Talim • Tira • Viola • Voldo • Xianghua • Xiba • Yoshimitsu • Yun-seong • Zasalamel (Abyss) • Z.W.E.I. |