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- A Lesson in Massacre
- Abject Terror
- Abyssal Punishment
- Acausal Paradox
- Achilles Strike
- Acidic Modulation
- Advanced Wood Art: Raging Heavens
- Air Assassination
- Air Tale
- Al Qamar Qahhar
- Al Shams Qahhar
- Alert Siesta
- Aloadae's Bind
- Aloft Knife
- Aléa Blanc
- Aléa Rouge
- Angel Fall
- Angel of Death
- Angel Step
- Angel’s Embrace
- Angler Stance
- Angler: Revolving Support
- Angler: Support Blade
- Angler: Support Casting
- Angler: Support Gatling
- Annihilation Bringer
- Annihilation Gorefang
- Anu's Justice
- Apocalypse Destroyer
- Apocalypse Drop
- Apocalypse Pound
- Apollo Slice
- Apparition Reaver
- Apparition Ripper
- Aquila Furioso
- Arcanum Azrael
- Archenemy Riding
- Ares Slash
- Ares Slice
- Arma Segreta di Leo
- Asian Art of Karate
- Asura Sweeper
- Asylum of Fire
- Ataru Combo Aurek
- Ataru Combo Besh
- Ataru Combo Cresh
- Ataru Strike
- Athena Slash
- Athena's Wrath
- Atlas Quake
- Atlas Slam
- Atlas Stomp
- Atomic Drop Maximum
- Autumn Moon
- Autumn Requiem
- Avenger Sobat
- Ax Shot
- Ax Swinger
- Ax Volcano (Rock)
- Axle Head Upper
- Axle Low Kick
- Backflip Kick
- Bad Stomach
- Ballerina Spin
- Baroque Storm
- Base Hold
- Base Razor Ax
- Bear Fang (Astaroth)
- Bear Fang (Rock)
- Beast Killer
- Beat Down
- Bile Lunges
- Biting Eagle
- Black Tortoise Embers
- Blade Catch
- Blade Strike
- Blades of Vanquish
- Blazing Moon Eve
- Blazing Steel
- Bleak Concerto
- Blind Caliostro Rush
- Bloody Funeral
- Bludgeoning Crush
- Blue Thunder's Punishment
- Blunt Divide
- Blunt Flames
- Bottoms Up
- Bow Stance
- Brave Heat
- Brazen Splitter
- Breakthrough Kick
- Broken Promise
- Brutal Grasp
- Brutal Rage
- Brutus’ Smite
- Bullet (Mitsurugi)
- Bullet (Yoshimitsu)
- Bullet Cutter
- Burial
- Burial Slice
- Burning Cradle
- Calamity Fall
- Calamity Symphony
- Caliostro Rush
- Cannon Clutch
- Cannon Divide
- Cannonball Split
- Canyon Dive
- Casa de Leviathan
- Castle Toppler
- Cestemus Doctrine
- Chain Kick
- Chaos Rush
- Chaos Slash
- Chaos Slice
- Chaos Storm
- Charge Slash Aurek
- Charge Slash Besh
- Chasing Victims
- Chattering Tear
- Cherub Cyclone
- Chevalier Mal Fet
- Chief Hold
- Chopstick Slam
- Circular Heaven Crush
- Circular Heaven Cutter
- Circular Heaven Fangs
- Circular Heaven Kick
- Circular Heaven Spin Kick
- Claw Dive
- Cleansing Rod
- Cleaver
- Climing Flame
- Closing Fang
- Cockaigne, the Land of Plenty
- Cold Stitch
- Colossus (move)
- Command of the Blade
- Conquering Spirit
- Cosmic Embryo
- Counter Bomb
- Crab's Claw
- Crack Driver
- Cranial Scraper
- Crawling Flame
- Crescent Sweep (α Patroklos)
- Crest Cannon
- Crimson Danseuse
- Cross Sword Seal
- Cross the Styx
- Crossbow Beat
- Crouch Spin Kick
- Crouch Straight
- Cry of the Blue Jay
- Crying Spirit Sword
- Crying Spirit Sword to Death
- Crystal Cyclone
- Curse of the Ancient Mariner
- Cursed Altar
- Cursed Earth
- Cursed Roman Fire
- Cursed Wrath
- Cyclone Attack
- Cyclone Ax
- Cyclone Kick
- Cyclone of Chaos
- Cyclops Carnage