I'd like to know if it's true that Nightmare and Zasalamel wielded Soul Calibur at some point? It doesn't really make sense imo but I don't know their stories enough. Suuusuuu 00:34, January 5, 2012 (UTC)
- Glad you caught this. I'm no expert on their stories either, but I think these two didn't actually wield the swords. Nightmare wielding Soul Calibur could very likely be impossible since he is basically just Soul Edge. Someone may have gotten this mixed up since Siegfried's story is intertwined with Nightmare's.
As far Zasalamel is concerned, he made attempt to steal Soul Calibur, but it don't think he ever got the sword. Of course anyone can correct this if I'm missing something, but I'm going to remove them from the category for now... EnemyLove 02:11, January 5, 2012 (UTC)
Canon vs. noncanon[]
I would like to bring up the question of how much we should differentiate between what is canon and not. Edge Master being wielder of Soul Calibur is something that only appears to be canon to the manga (as far as I know) and of course, the Legends characters aren't canon. Should this category focus on canon wielders of Soul Calibur or should the non canon wielders be removed? Or should there be simply be a note that mentions that those specific characters only wielded SC in noncanon sources? Mintia43 (talk) 17:25, January 30, 2013 (UTC)