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Soulcalibur Wiki
City of Water
Background music Worth Dying For
Home to Siegfried (SC)

City of Water is Siegfried's stage in Soulcalibur. It is heavily based on the real life city of Venice.


Venice, the City of Water, is a maze-like city on water composed of countless islands in a lagoon interconnected by a patchwork network of bridges. In its halcyon years during the Renaissance era, Venice monopolized all trade and brought northeastern Italy under its political control.

This city is full of magnificent architecture, art and wealth. People are drawn to this city as if it were some kind of beautiful mirage.

Some come here with dreams of riches, while others come to meet their destiny...


  • As seen in the museum gallery in Soulcalibur VI, the name of the stage is Venice, the stage it is heavily based on.


SoulcaliburLegend of SoulcaliburSoulcalibur: Spirit SwordSoulcalibur (Chinese Manhua)Soulcalibur Original SoundtrackArt Gallery
ArthurAstarothCervantesEdge MasterHwangInfernoIvyKilikLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRockSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsu
The ColosseumChaosCity of WaterEmperor's GardenHarbor of SoulsHoko TempleKunpaetku ShrineMaze of the DeadMoney PitOstrheinsburg CastlePalgaea ShrineProving GroundsShrine of EurydiceSilk Road RuinTakamatsu CastleThe Adrian and The FortressValentine MansionWater Labyrinth