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Conqueror's Coliseum
Sc5 pub stg arena 002
Background music A High-Spirited Tiger
Home to Xiba (SCV)
"The duelers carve their souls into their swords to fend for their lives."
— Announcer

Conqueror's Coliseum (制覇王闘技場?) is Xiba's stage in Soulcalibur V.


This stone coliseum is located in a remote region of the Mughal Empire. Massive stone conqueror statues stand at its four corners as if to decide the fates of the fighters. The spectators are all dressed in black robes and masks in order to conceal their identities from one another.[1]

Designer's Comment[]

"This is a coliseum where any fighter can come to test their mettle, so the spectators tend to watch with a cold detachment. I reckon there's been quite a few unkind comments passed around..."
— Natsuyo Nakayama[1]


  • Coincidentally, the men on the ranks are very similar in appearance to the zealots in Resident Evil 4, aside from their skin color.
  • A nighttime variation set in a different arena is the Conqueror's Coliseum: Underground Fight stage.


See Also[]


  1. ^ a b SoulCalibur: New Legends of Project Soul. Richmond Hill: UDON Entertainment Corp. February 2014. p. 132. ISBN 978-1-926778-95-2.
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur VUnlockablesThe Art of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur: New Legends of Project SoulThe Making of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur V Original SoundtrackStory ~1607 A.D.~
AeonAlgolAstarothCervantesDampierreEdge MasterElysiumEzio AuditoreHildeIvyKilikLeixiaMaxiMitsurugiNatsuNightmarePatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)RaphaelSiegfriedTiraViolaVoldoXibaYoshimitsuZ.W.E.I.
Ancient Citadel: PeacetimeAncient Citadel: Under SiegeAstral ChaosAstral Chaos: PathwayCavern of Light and DarknessConqueror's ColiseumConqueror's Coliseum: Underground FightDenevér Castle: AssaultDenevér Castle: Eye of ChaosFree Imperial City: Old QuarterFree Imperial City CenterFu-Ma No Sato: Mechanical SpiderHouse of Valentine's Prague ResidenceLast Rites on the BattlefieldLuoyang: Grand Festival of Guandi TempleMt. Fuji the Holy: Hidden DragonPenitentiary of DestinyShrine of the Snake God PalgeaSinking Merchant ShipThe AdrianTorture ChamberTower of Glory: Most Holy DichotomyTower of Glory: Spiral of Good and EvilTranquil Wasteland Unknown ForestUnknown Forest: Dark NightUtopia of the Blessed