The Critical Gauge (クリティカルゲージ?) is a new mechanic that was added in Soulcalibur V, essentially functioning as a super meter, a common mechanic seen in other fighting games. It can hold a maximum of 200% and drains upon the use of several gameplay mechanics such as Critical Edge (requiring 100% of gauge), Brave Edge (requiring 50% of gauge) and Guard Impact (requiring 25% of gauge). The gauge will gradually refill while performing attacks or while blocking attacks. The player that is one round away from losing the match will be given an additional 100% of gauge (but this only happens once per fighter per match).
- While Soulcalibur VI doesn't feature the Critical Gauge, the Soul Gauge acts exactly like it. In Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, the Soul Gauge functioned more as a visible Stamina Gauge.