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Denevér Castle: Assault
Background music Pavor Nocturnus
Home to Nightmare (SCV)
"Creatures storm out of the castle, and reveal its true nature."
— Announcer

Denevér Castle: Assault (デネヴィエル城・攻城戦?) is Nightmare's stage in Soulcalibur V. A stage with a half-circle ledge surrounded by broken walls, but with only one area to ring out opponents. The stage takes place in a remote region of Hungary, the country Nightmare rules (with the Holy Roman Emperor's authority) under the alias of Graf Dumas.

Large Malfested birds patrol the skies surrounding the castle, which is being attacked by the forces of Schwarzwind.


Denevér Castle is an impressive stronghold built atop a sheer cliff in a remote region of Hungary, and is patrolled by Malfested birds. Denevér means "bat" in the language of the Mughal Empire. The creature restrained by Schwarzwind is an Astaroth unit that was captured by Graf Dumas and transformed into a Malfested.[1]

Designer's Comment[]

"Unlike the Ancient Citadel, the situation here was designed to put the human forces in an advantageous position. While working on this stage, I was told that the captured golem was going to be the twin of the golem who was bashing the door down at the Ancient Citadel"
— Yuko Mizoguchi[1]


  • "Denevér" (pronounced Den-eh-VEER) means "bat" (as in the flying mammal) in Hungarian. Thus, the castle appears to be named "Bat Castle".
  • Another version of the stage, set after Pyrrha opened a portal to Astral Chaos, is the Denevér Castle: Eye of Chaos stage.
  • According to the stage designer, Yuko Mizoguchi, the mutated Astaroth is the 'twin' of the golem in the Ancient Citadel: Under Siege stage.[1]
  • The stage was designed as the opposite of the scenario in the Ancient Citadel: Under Siege stage. Here, Schwarzwind holds the advantage by attacking the enemy's stronghold.



  1. ^ a b c SoulCalibur: New Legends of Project Soul. Richmond Hill: UDON Entertainment Corp. February 2014. p. 139. ISBN 978-1-926778-95-2.
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur VUnlockablesThe Art of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur: New Legends of Project SoulThe Making of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur V Original SoundtrackStory ~1607 A.D.~
AeonAlgolAstarothCervantesDampierreEdge MasterElysiumEzio AuditoreHildeIvyKilikLeixiaMaxiMitsurugiNatsuNightmarePatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)RaphaelSiegfriedTiraViolaVoldoXibaYoshimitsuZ.W.E.I.
Ancient Citadel: PeacetimeAncient Citadel: Under SiegeAstral ChaosAstral Chaos: PathwayCavern of Light and DarknessConqueror's ColiseumConqueror's Coliseum: Underground FightDenevér Castle: AssaultDenevér Castle: Eye of ChaosFree Imperial City: Old QuarterFree Imperial City CenterFu-Ma No Sato: Mechanical SpiderHouse of Valentine's Prague ResidenceLast Rites on the BattlefieldLuoyang: Grand Festival of Guandi TempleMt. Fuji the Holy: Hidden DragonPenitentiary of DestinyShrine of the Snake God PalgeaSinking Merchant ShipThe AdrianTorture ChamberTower of Glory: Most Holy DichotomyTower of Glory: Spiral of Good and EvilTranquil Wasteland Unknown ForestUnknown Forest: Dark NightUtopia of the Blessed