Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki
Wielder Luna
Weapon type Chinese Blade
Price Free
Special Effect #1 Automatically Guard Impact some attacks.
Special Effect #2 Guard Impacts become easier to perform.
Special Effect #3 Guard Impacts will damage your opponent.
Special Effect #4 Health decreases while guarding enemy attacks.

Dystopia (ディストピア?) is a Chinese blade used by Luna in her battles. It was her only company before her assignment to the Klessirpemdo. Dystopia also appears to be a sharp, lightweight blade so Guard Impacts are easier to perform and they also injure the opponent. The only drawback is guarding. Because Dystopia is a bit flat, Luna puts herself in small danger when it comes to guarding, which can be dangerous for her if she has a small amount of health. As a result, this weapon is best suited to players that are skilled with using Guard Impacts.

SC3-File3-File7-12 Automatically Guard Impact some attacks. (10%)
SC3-File3-File7-13 Guard Impacts become easier to perform.
SC3-File3-File7-14 Guard Impacts will damage your opponent. (40%)
SC3-File3-File7-26 Health decreases while guarding enemy attacks. (-20%)

Dystopia is obtained by defeating Luna in Chronicle 11 of Chronicles of the Sword.

Luna's Weapons
Soulcalibur III Heisheng JianHuan LuoJiaotu JianRune BladeDujiao GuiDystopiaSoul CaliburMidnight
Soulcalibur III Weapons
Mitsurugi Shishi-OhTwo-Handed SwordMasamuneDamascus SwordSoul EdgeSouvenir GiftThe Ancient
Seong Mi-na Scarlet ThunderDefenderHyup DoHalberdHraesvelgrFeather BroomThe Ancient
Taki Rekki-Maru & Mekki-MaruKagenuiKagekiriFumakugiKris NagaTobacco PipesThe Ancient
Maxi SoryujuTetsuryuChained KozukaRaimeiVajraTermite SnackThe Ancient
Voldo Manas & AyusCat ClawsTofana ScissorsIron RamGuillotineTambourinesThe Ancient
Sophitia Omega Sword & Elk ShieldFire BladeBlue Crystal RodOrichalcumSoul CaliburMementoThe Ancient
Siegfried RequiemFlambergeGlamFaustSoul CaliburGalley OarThe Ancient
Rock OnslaughtGiant MaceRopalonJuggernautWayakinIron FistsThe Ancient
Hwang Qing LongPo ShanFalchionLei YanBonebreaker SwordBlue ThunderDragon Sword
Ivy ValentineViper EdgeDream BladeAlrauneKaleidoscopePrototype Ivy BladeThe Ancient
Kilik Kali-YugaLing-Sheng Su BoAmudJingu StaffSoul CaliburBamboo StaffThe Ancient
Xianghua No NameKardNorthern StarKopisSoul CaliburCalligraphy BrushThe Ancient
Lizardman Grudge Ax & Aya ShieldTabarzinLunaticKoraSoul EdgeBoned MeatThe Ancient
Yoshimitsu YoshimitsuKastanePakayunKagekiyoHihiirokaneShepherd's CrookThe Ancient
Nightmare Soul Edge (Phantom)Steel PaddleSoul Edge (Larvae)Soul Edge (Cocoon)Soul EdgeGiant SquidThe Ancient
Astaroth KulutuesTerror MoonGreat MaulNanbanfuSoul EdgeStone SlabThe Ancient
Inferno Soul Edge
Cervantes Soul Edge & NirvanaStyxErlang's BladePhlegethonSoul EdgeImitation SwordThe Ancient
Raphael FlambertEpeeHoly AntlerEstocQueen's GuardCaneThe Ancient
Talim Syi Salika & Loka LuhaTonfaSide HarpeDouble Crescent BladeSoul CaliburWeightThe Ancient
Cassandra Digamma Sword & Nemea ShieldIvan the TerribleSpine BladeDark BladeValkyrieBroken SwordThe Ancient
Yun-seong White StormGiant Butcher KnifeCheng YingRamdaoHan GuangChild's SwordThe Ancient
Li Long NunchakuGemini RodZhongkuiHuoshenShuang LeiFalcon
Setsuka Ugetsu KageuchiRidiculeShiranamigasumiMoonlightUgetsu ShinuchiBroken Bamboo SwordThe Ancient
Tira Aiselne DrosselBifrostIxionVimanaSoul EdgeCogwheelThe Ancient
Zasalamel KafzielAnkouBalorMrtyuIrkallaBeakThe Ancient
Olcadan The SilentThe MuteThe PerceptiveThe FierceThe SavageThe HiddenThe TeaseThe Ancient
Abyss Irkalla
Night Terror Soul Edge (Complete)
Amy SchweitzerRapierFallen AntlerTuckUnicornAlbion
Colossus Olympus Punisher
Miser Onimaro & TobikageTsubanari & RyuseiSuigetsutou & UkifuneGenma & KokuenTotsuka & YatsugashiraRed Crow & Rusty Wing
Greed KunaiKaikenKazekirimaruNakinueShutensouAustere & VoidGaleforce
Arthur ZantetsukenWo DaoMonohoshizaoShiranuiMurasameGassanKokuenra
Luna Heisheng JianHuan LuoJiaotu JianRune BladeDujiao GuiDystopiaSoul CaliburMidnight
Valeria Kick EdgeGrieve EdgeSenjinsokuCailleach BheurSvadilfariCepheus SealHell's Design
Hualin MushakubohQuarterstaffIron StaffDuel RodKunlun BambooCepheus Seal
Girardot Heavy LancePilum MuralisBourdonasseAhlspiessDreadnoughtAbsolutionBlazecleaverSacrifice
Demuth Steel FanKamaitachiFujin FanZephyrusBasho FanBaindigart
Aurelia SickleKogarashiMizuchiYaesumujiChains of HadesBlack Widow
Chester JambiyaAssassin DaggerKrisMisericordeTongue of TonatiuhKingslayer
Strife Great SwordClaymoreDemon KnifeHercules SwordAlonditeAmbitionSoul EdgeBrutal Terra
Abelia GladiusIce BladeKatzbalgerExcaliburValkyrieEternal RestLilia
Lynette Melody RingMazurkaTarantellaMenardTerpsichoreCepheus Seal
Revenant Wave SwordMantis BladeDouble FangAya & HongyaAtroposGatekeeperLeviathan