- "Strength of The Heart Will Carry you to The Hardest of Trials"
- ā Louie
Louie As he Appears in Soulcalibur Broken Destiny.
Past Life[]
He Spent His Life in being a High-ranked Knight In Ottoman Empire.He later leaved the Empire for Joining Master Eraqus's Class of pupils.
- Soulcalibur IV
- Soulcalibur V
- Soulcalibur : Broken Destiny
Soulcalibur IV[]
Training with Joy,Clarrisse,Nathan,Cyan,& Sheila in Thesemphoros ' Imperial Garden Before Their Master Eraqus tell their mission that night he read the stars and he felt that "there will have wars just to obtain the Evil Sword Soul Edge....
The next day..Master Eraqus ordered his pupils to deafeat the Servants of The Soul Edge and Gather Information about The Two Swords.Louie,Cyan,Nathan continiued their journey to the Jyukadai Villa to look for Siegfried;but their attempt fails instead they were forced to deafeat Lady Xianghua.
Soulcalibur : Broken Destiny[]
Coming Soon
Soulcalibur V[]
Coming Soon
Soulcalibur IV[]
Thesmophoros' Imperial Garden[]

Louie's Stage in Soulcalibur IV/Broken Destiny
After His Training in Greece he Received his Mission with his friends they continue their journey in the whole world....gathering infos in about the Two Swords
Soulcalibur V[]
Coming Soon...
Mitsurugi -Damascus Sword
While At His Time at Japan he wanted to learn how to wield the Sword that Mitsurugi gave to him.then after the lessons. He manage to wore his armor.and to finish his quest...
This is His One of His Preferred styles in his Times in the Ottoman Empire.
One of the preferred styles in his time as a fighter in the arena in Ottoman Empire.