Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki
Fanon Article Ownership
This Fanon page was created and is owned by MJNSEIFER (talk), and as such is not part of the Soul series canon.
Unless the edit is constructive and/or minor (such as fixing a template), please do not edit this page unless given permission from the author.


This entry may require a rewrite, for when I have a better idea of how to go about this story. I am still unsure how to correctly explain the storyline here, and may acquire feedback for help. MJNSEIFER 21:41, January 19, 2011 (UTC)

SoulCalibur: The Soul of Arcturus is a Fanon game, created by User: MJNSEIFER. Please ask permition before editing although you are allowed to correct any spelling or grammar errors as soon as you see them. Please inform me if you spot any vilations, and explain what I can do to solve them. Also let me know if there are any inaccuracies with real characters. I would also welcome advice and opinions on what you see for my description, in either the discusion section or my profile if its allowed - questions about this "game" are also welcome.

This game (if it was real) would take place after Soul Calibur IV, and ignores all canon Soul Games created after it (including Broken Destiny)..


Run down of the plot needs better writing - but the jist of it is; Siegfried and Nightmare fought at the end of SCIV with there respective "Soul" swords, and Algol fought against Kilik and Xiangua (who's name I probably missspelled) elsewhere using the spiritual energy of the swords that he still had. The power of Soul Edge and Soulcalibur clashed once again, and as before released a lot of destructive energy - most of it from Soul Edge causing an explosion which temporarilly destroyed Nightmare as he is now, and would have killed Siegfried, but the sprit of Soul Calibur shielded him. Both Soul Edge and Soul Calbur shattered in to pieces, and were sent flying into the air, but one shard each held the majority of the respective sword's power, meaning they are far from destroyed. Algol sensed what was happening, just as he was about to kill Kilik, and tried to concerntrate the energy from both swords into one place, and during this Xiangua took Kilik to a safe location. The evil energy that existed within Nightmare (in a sense - Inferno) was once again without a host, and was on the verge of destroying everything around it, but Zassalamel who was nearby did the same ritual he did before to create another Nightmare, which at the time was too weak to move, but would unfortunately reach full strength with in a year, and Zassalamel hoped that he would have learned how to destroy the body without releasing the energy into the world again. However, not all of Inferno was sealed in the "new" Nightmare, but rather managed to locate a lost soul that had been possessed by Soul Edge before - the soul in question is Arcturus, who is restored to "life" in the way that Cervantes can be considered "alive", and begain reassembling Soul Edge for him. Arcturus is basically the new host for Soul Edge. All other characters have their own storylines.

I basically have parts of the game's story planned but some of it is hard to put in words, but that is the overall jist of it, and some of the character's bios on this page may change in time - if you are curious about anything feel free to ask. I also work better under feed back.


The controls for this game would be mostly the same as other games in the Soul franchise, with a few exceptions.

Controls Action

Moves character

Square Horizontal Attack
Triangle Vertical Attack
Circle Kick Attack
X Block(Combine with directions for Guard Inpact)
Start Pause
Select Switch to Back-up character (if applicable)
L1 Unleash Critical Finish #1 (if applicable)
L2 Unleash Critical Finish #2 (If applicable)
R1 Use Item/Abbility (If applicable)
R2 Soul Charge

Souls and Swords[]

Souls and Swords is a mode made for this fangame. It is for single players, and is basically a combination of Soul Blade's Edge Master, and Soul Calibur III's Tales of Souls. The player will choose a character and take part in his/her adventure and take part in battles, some which must be won under special conditions, and some battles will have a scene before them where the character is damaged, and a command needs to be entered, just like SCIII, but unlike SCIII it will be a different command depending on a character. The characters that attack them will some times depend on the characters chosen as well. Arcturus and Inferno will always attack, but the comands will be different.

The player will obtain different weapons for the character, and will be able to choose the path of the story at times, some characters will acquire anback up character, like in SCIV, but will lose the character in the fourth to last battle.

The last three battles will always be the characters Destined Battle, which will, of course be against a storyline based opponent, Arcturus, and then Inferno. On both Arcade and Souls and Swords, the Destined Battle will have a scene, but Arcturus and Inferno will only have a scene in Souls and Swords, furthermore, Inferno's death is more detailed in Souls and Swords as well.

On Souls and Swords only, the player will be allowed to view an alternative ending for the character, but the amount of times needed to enter the command will go up or down depending on the player's actions during the game.

Character Creation[]

Like Soul Calibur III and IV, this fangame allows players to create their own characters, to use in Arcade Mode using various items of clothing and accessories. It is possible to purchase more items, and some of which must be earned during Souls and Swords. The Character Creation screen will be set thusly;

Gender Type: Male, Female, or Supernatural (secret option to be earned by the player)

Fighting Style: Choose a fighting style based on existing character. Arcturus, Inferno and Algol are allowed.

Clothing: The clothing and accessories of the character is chosen her, and can be colored.

Details: Such as hair, and eyes. All of which can be colored, and the eyes can be done seperatly.

Alignment: Choose between Good, Evil and Neutral, this will have an effect on the next page.

Voice: Choose between various voices for the character, some of the voices will not be selectable if it "disagrees" with the character's alignment, e.g. an evil voice for a good character. The "Supernatural" characters have sound effects rather than speech.

Destined Battle: Choose from either "Random" (game chooses a random opponent) "Select" (allows the player to choose an opponent) or "Best Fit" (game will scan all details on the created character, and then choose an opponent which best suits him/her - changing details about the character may affect this). Arcturus and Inferno will never appear as Destined Battle opponents for Created Characters, but it is possible for other Created Characters to do so.

Stage Select: Choose one of the existing stages for the character.

Name: The name of the character. This may have an effect on the Destined Battle if "Best Fit" is chosen.

The Destined Battles for Created Characters take place on the stage of the opponent, but keep the Destined Battle music. The scene played before hand is similar to the scenes in the Dreamcast Soul Calibur (a short line said by both characters). Each voice has a specific line for both Destined Battles, and for completing Arcade Mode.

There are several endings that the player can view for completing the game with a Created Character, which may depend on the alignment, and other choices.

It is very easy to create Soul characters who aren't in this fangame.

Game play[]

This game would play like an updated version of Soul Calibur IV using new features, and characters. The two main modes of the game would be Arcade Mode and Souls and Swords; Arcade Mode would play in the manner already established in previous Soul games, with each character having his or her respective stage. Souls and Swords would be a combination of Soul Blade’s “Edge Master Mode” and Soul Calibur III’s “Tales Of Souls” - the player would go through a series of battles, while viewing the storyline of their chosen character. Every so often, a choice will be displayed (like in SCIII) and the player would have to decide their chosen path, many of the battles in this mode must be fought under special conditions, and new weapons are available after defeating an opponent. Because there are different paths, the player will not get all weapons on his/her first playthrough. In Souls and Swords characters are not limited to only appear in their own stage. Also like Soulcalibur III, certain battles will sometimes begin with the player's character blocking, or avoiding an attack by his/her opponent. However, unlike Soulcalibur III the command used will be different for each character, even if the opponent is the same person, previous choices made will make it either harder or easier to "counter" these attacks.

In both Arcade Mode and Souls and Swords, the final three battles will always be predetermined, regardless of what has happened before hand. The third-to-last battle would be against a specific character that in some way connects to the player’s character’s storyline (with Destined Battles, and their specific music making their return for the game), the penultimate battle would be against Arcturus, who is using Soul Edge to fight with. Finally the last battle will be against an updated version of Inferno, who has also returned for the game – albeit somewhat different.

Once Inferno is defeated the character’s ending will be displayed – once again, the player is given the opportunity to enter a command at a certain time, which will alter the finale of the ending. However, this can only be done in Souls and Swords mode, and the choices made by the player determine how many times the button needs to be pressed, in Arcade Mode the ending will always be the "Default" one, furthermore Mitsurugi's ending will end abruptly in Arcade Mode, stopping shortly before a fight scene (the result of which determines which of his two endings are displayed) It is also possible for some characters to acquire a "back up" character during Souls and Swords, just like in Soul Calibur IV's Story Mode. The back up character will be lost before the Destined Battle takes place, assuming s//he hasn't left already.

In Arcade Mode, the only scenes that will be displayed will be the Destined Battle scene, and the character's ending. In Souls and Swords the player will also be able to view an "introuction" for Arcturus and Inferno, as well as scenes involivng the regular cast, should the current character's storyline call for it. Inferno also has two "Death Animations" a shorter one for Arcade Mode, and a longer one for Souls and Swords.

Each character can equip a variety of Weapons, each one having its own effect (not including the first) all of which can be found by winning certain battles in Souls and Swords. For each character the final three weapons on his or her list are all of the same ilk; a Joke Weapon, a Soul Weapon, and an Ultimate Weapon. Joke Weapons are the same as they have been since Soul Calibur II, and are mostly for comic relief, a Soul Weapon is either the Soul Edge, Soul Calibur, or Soul Embrace (explained later) version of the characters weapon (which one the player gets depends on the character), and the Ultimate Weapon is a powerful weapon for the character. Joke Weapons and Ultimate Weapons have their own unuique methods of being obtained by each character, but Soul Weapons are all obtained the same way, regardless of the character – the player must defeat Algol when he appears in Souls and Swords and will then be rewarded with the Soul Weapon. This includes Nightmare and Xiangua, who have "replicas" of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur as their respective standard weapon, and updated versions of them for their respective Ultimate Weapons (I'm not sure what Siegfried will have for his Ultimate Weapon...) Soul Embrace is a combination of the other two swords, reserved for characters who are either not fully focused on either sword, or just not completely good/evil.

Players are also once again able to create their own fighters, by use of a "Create a Soul" system. These characters will also have a "Destined Battle" of soughts - the third to last battle in Arcade Mode will be against the same opponent. This can be chosen by the player, at random, or by selecting the "best fit" option; this means that the game will analyze all data on the character and select a character for them as their Destined Battle, it is even possible for it to be another created character. The Destined Battles for created characters are reminiscent of the Dreamcast "Soul Calibur" Destined Battles rather than a detailed scene - however it still plays the Destined Battle music. These characters will release a series of (non alterable) endings depending on what data has been given during the creation of them.


The cast who were present in Soul Calibur IV have returned with some new additions to the character roster. The bonus characters (e.g. Angol Fear) are not involved, as they are probably supposed to remain bonus characters for that game only. Previous characters have acquired new attacks, each character now has two Critical Finishes(if the character was in Soul Calibur IV only one of the Critical Finishes will be brand new) which will be selected based on various situations during battle, and will be used in a manner similar to Soul Calibur IV. Each Character has three costumes (the third to be earned), each of which can be recolered by the player, and items of clothing and accessories will be available too (like Soul Calibur IV), all of these can also be recolored by the player.

There are eight new characters in this fan game. However only four of them, Daiken, Saikyu, Gandaris, and Fateus are completely new (and created by me), the rest are official characters in the Soul Series, that have never really been included in the game’s storyline depsite the fact that two of them are playable via secret meens in their respective games, they have never had a full story of their own or an ending. Both Seong Han Meyong and Auguste were extra characters in Soul Blade and Soul Calibur IV respectively, who never had their own storyline, but were used in the storylines of others, Bangoo was mentioned several times in all of Rock’s storylines, but never actually appeared, and Artcurus, who is an antagonist for this game is Algol’s son. Squall is neither a user created character nor an Soul Series character.

The following is a short guide to what happened to actaual Soulcalibur characters during Soulcalibur IV according to my fanon. PLEASE NOTE: that more detailed descritions may be available elsewhere,

Siegfired: Fought Nightmare using Soul Calibur resulting in the temporary destruction of the two swords. Siegfried was found by bystanders and taken for recovery.

Nightmare: Fought Siegfried using Soul Edge resulting in the temporary destruction of the two swords. The flourish of evil energy from Soul Edge caused Nightmare to become unstable and return to a non-physical state, This was eventually confronted by Zasalamel who was forced to create another body for Nightmare to prevent the evil energy from causing damage, however some of the energy was sent to the recovered Soul Edge, resulting in recreation of Inferno. Anyone with influence of Soul Edge was also affected

Kilik: Defeated by Algol while attempting to purify the energy, and restore order to the world. Survived due to the fact that Algol sensed the battle between Nightmare and Siegfried.

Xianghua: Aided Kilik in battle against Algol/Helped him recover from injuries.

Sophitia: Prevented from carrying out Soul Edge's will by Cassandra. Joined forces with her to attack Nightmare's forces, but fought Tira alone.

Cassandra: Saved Sophita from Soul Edge, aided her in battle against Nightmare's servants.

Setsuka: Managed to track down Mitsurugi and chalaged him to a fight to death, Setsuka was defeated, but was not killed. She still seeks Mitsurugi,

Talim: Ambushed by Raphael at one point, (details following need editing, due to change in storyline). She was saved by Yun Seong.

Raphael: Fought various characters but failed to find Siegfried. Eventually lost in battle to Cervantes, but survived, Raphael realized that Cervantes had made his "own" Soul Edge somehow, and wondered if the same could be done with Soul Calibur. Raphael also attacked his own servants when it was revealed that they had failed to stop Siegfried, only Auguste survives.

Tira: "Collected" souls for Nightmare and later had to fend of (with aid from other servants) Sophitia, Cassandra, and Taki when they invaded Osthrinesburg. Fought one-on-one with Sophitia, but the fight was unfinished as what happened to Nightmare caused an affect on her, so she had to escape.

Yun Seong: Forced himself to abandon his journey to find Soul Edge in order to take Talim to a safe location.

Mitsurugi: Battled against many opponents, including Setsuka. Unfortunatley he was unable to reach SOul Edge,

Taki: Arrived at Osthriensburg in time to aid the Alexandria sisters in their battle against Nightmare's servants, but later sensed the presence of Cervantes and left to finish him off. They fought with all they had, but then the "Clash of the Swords" cauaed Cervantes to temporarily lose control of his power, and he had to escape. Taki then recalled her objectives and tried to locate Soul Edge and Soul Calibur, however the fact that Siegfired and Nightmare were in one location, and Algol was in another location made it difficult to judge the correct direction.

Maxi: Defeated several enemies, including a group of Lizardmen (one of which, was of course The Lizardman) during his search for Soul Edge and Astaroth. However, he was then forced to fight against Kilik and was defeated. When he recovered, the battefield had cleared, and Maxi lost all traces of both Astaroth and Soul Edge. In the time between SCIV and this Fan Game, Maxi visits the place where his crew were killed, and begins to think things over; he realizes that he was wrong to seek the evil sword for his own personal gain, even if it is for revenge. He also becomes more aware of the fact that he has Soul Edge within him, and decides to seek out a way to "cure" himself of Soul Edge. He also begins to train himself with dual nunchaku, hoping it will give him the advantage he needs, both in his journey, and his desire to finally kill Astaroth.

Lizardman: He and several generic Lizardmen surrounded Maxi, sensing the faint presence of Soul Edge within him. However, Maxi managed to be more than a challenge for them. The battle ended with just Maxi and Lizardman fighting one-on-one, and it was Maxi who emerged victorious. Once Lizardman's injuries had healed, he attempted to rejoin the other Lizardmen, but unexpectidly, they turned on him, and attacked him - Lizardman was forced to hide from his "own kind" (even though, they aren't really) and recover alone. In the time between SCVI and this fan game, Lizardman thinks over his previous efforts to use Soul Edge to restore his human soul - is he really after the right sword? Lizardman hopes to find this out on his next journey.

Hilde: Attempted to help Siegfried in his journey against Nightmare, but he kept avoiding her. Eventually he was forced to tell her, that he was once Nightmare, and they fought each other. Siegfried managed to subdue Hilde to keep her from following him. In this fangame, she still seeks Nightmare, but also wants to learn the truth about Siegfried.

Destined Battles[]

Nightmare - Siegfried

Mitsurugi - Taki

Raphael - Cervantes

Maxi - Astaroth

Gandaris - Kilik

Sophitia - Tira

Auguste - Raphael

Taki - Mitsurugi

Daiken - Saikyu

Cassandra - Xianghua

Kilik - Gandaris

Hilde - Nightmare

Ivy - Cervantes

Siegfried - Nightmare

Talim - Amy

Cervantes - Nightmare

Yun-Seong - Hwang

Xianghua - Cassandra

Voldo - Gandaris

Zasalamel - Nightmare

Lizardman - Bangoo

Amy - Talim

Tira - Sophitia

Setsuka - Mitsurugi

Hwang - Yun-Seong

Astaroth - Maxi

Fateus - Taki

Bangoo - Lizardman

Seong Mina - Seong Han-myeong

Yoshimitsu - Saikyu

Rock -Astaroth

Seong Han-myeong - Seong Mina

Saikyu - Daiken

Squall - Cervantes

Algol - Kilik

Arcturus - Algol

Inferno - Xianghua


Regular Unlockable Characters: Added after defeating them in Souls and Swords, this does not include Destined Battles.
Ultimate Weapons: Achieve a unique goal in Souls and Swords, based on the character selected, after all other main weapons are found.
Joke Weapons: Achieve a unique goal n Souls and Swords, based on the character selected, after all other main weapons are found.
Soul Weapons: Keep fighting with selected character in Souls and Swords until the message; "[Character] sensed a formidable soul!" appears and choose the option to fight. The player will now be fighting against Algol, who must be defeated via "unknown conditions" (different each time). Defeat him, and the play will receive the Soul Weaon for that character. This can be done at any time.
Algol: Acquire all Soul Weapons for each character, excluding Arcturus, and Inferno.
Arcturus: Complete "Souls and Swords" successfully using Algol.
Inferno: Complete "Souls and Swords" successfully using Arcturus.
"Supernatural" Character Creation and Items, plus "Monster Voice" for all creations: Complete Arcade Mode using 20 character creation characters (doesn't have to be one after the other) making sure not to use the same discipline in a row, but it can be used more than once (e.g. the player can use the disciplines; "Maxi, Siegfried, Maxi" but can not use "Maxi, Maxi, Siegfried").


  • In both Arcade Mode, and Souls and Swords mode, the final three battles are always the same; Destined Battle, Arcturus, Inferno.
  • Nightmare (with his Ultimate Weapon) will appear in Arcturus' place if Arcturus is selected, and Algol will appear in Inferno's place if Inferno is selected.
  • All returning characters have learned at least one new attack.
  • The returning characters who's movesets have undergone the most changes are; Maxi, who now uses two nunchaku rather than one (a throw back to his kata display in Soulcalibur), Seong Han-myeong, who can now use several attacks which Hwang can not (although he still closely follows Hwang's moveset), Auguste, who has been given a new moveset, to keep him from being an out and out "copy" of Yun-seong (although his standard weapon is the same), and Inferno who, rather than being a "mimic" character attacks using a combination of other character's attack and some original skills, using a Soul Edge which can "shift" during attacks (a bit like Necrid). If Arcturus' "fake" appearance in Soulcalibur IV (really an "image" that Zassalamel made) counts, he too has been given a brand new moveset, which is mostly unique, but a few of his attacks are also used by Algol.
  • Inferno's new moveset can incorporate all characters, regardless of whether they use Soul Edge or not.
  • The Ramdao can no longer be equipped by Yun-seong, as it is now fixed as Auguste's standard sword.
  • Fateus(character created for this fangame) is initially only able to mimic characters who are available from the start (even though "he" is not a standard character). New disciplines for Fateus to copy takes the place of weapons in "his" Souls and Swords mode.
  • Although Squall is the only guest character in this game (he is a character in Final Fantasy VIII) it is easy to add in other FF characters via Character Creation.
  • It is also easy to add in Soul characters who haven't returned using Character Creation.
  • All characters now have two Critical Finishes. However, returning characters from Soulcalibur IV only have one new one. Daiken (character created for this fangame) has a third that can only be used in one battle).
  • Arcturus is the only character who does not, ever appear on his own stage during Arcade Mode or Souls and Swords. Instead he appears on Inferno's stage, and his stage is reserved for the Destined Battles.
  • There are no "Ring Outs" in Arcturus' and Inferno's stages.
  • Many aspects that were dropped in Soulcalibur IV (such as, Character Profiles with Voice Tests, Stage information, and Katas for each character) have returned.
  • Created Characters have "fixed" lines to be said before and after their "Destined Battles" and for just before their ending. This will differ on their alignment, and what voice has been given to them.
  • There are a few different endings that a Created Character can experience, and their alignment will sometimes affect this. However, none of these can not be altered as Created Characters only appear in Arcade Mode.
  • Choosing the "Best Fit" option for a Created Character's Destined Battle means that the game will study all the details of the created character and select another character as the Character's Destined Battle based on them - certain details move the probability of it being a particular character higher or lower. It will of course never be Arcturus or Inferno.
  • In default settings all battles will end with the Soulcalibur line "This victory strengthened the soul of (character)" it is possible for players to alter this to say "Victory belongs to the last one standing" like in Soulcalibur IV, to say "The groovy battle ended with the victory of (character)" like in Soul Blade, or even turn the naration of entirely.
  • Character Creation names will be said out loud by the narration, using a phonetical system.
  • Destined Battles for True Characters will take place is Arcturus' stage, and will have a fully detailed scene before hand in a similar vain to the Destined Battles of Soulcalibur II and III, and will be a companied by the Destined Battle music used in all the SCIII Destined Battles, and some of SCII's, and there is no way to deviate from this. For Custom Characters, the Destined Battle will take place in the stage belonging to whoever the battle is against (it is never Arcturus or Inferno), but will still use the Destined Battle music rather than the usual stage music. The scene that plays before Custom Character's Destined Battles are reminiscent of Soulcalibur.
  • In Souls and Swords, certain characters can be joined by other characters the same way this happens in Soulcalibur IV depending on the choices made. After a certain choice is later made, the "support" character may leave the player, with a given explanation (also like in SCIV), but may stay longer depending on choices. All support characters will "leave" once the battle preceding the chosen character's Destined Battle has taken place, as the final three battles must be fought alone.
  • Like Soulcalibur III's "Tales of Souls", Souls and Swords will have battles which will require the player to enter a command in order to avoid or defend against an injury, however, unlike Tales of Souls the command needed, changes depending on what character the player uses, and some characters will have unique scenes of this ilk, that match their storylines.
  • Each character has two endings, which are "chosen" by entering a command at the correct moment, as seen before in Soul Blade, and Soulcalibur III, however this can only be done in Souls and Swords. The amount of times needed to enter the given command will depened on how the player has acted during Souls and Swords; choosing certain choices will determine whether the amount will go up or down (choosing a full succession of "good" choices, without any mistakes will mean the player only needs to enter the command once for the alternative ending). If the player fails to enter commands that appear before battles (and allow their character to be injured) the amount of times will increase, and constant defeats will also harm the system. However, in Arcade Mode, the player will always view the character's default ending, and will be unable to change it, furthermore, Mitsurugi's ending in Arcade Mode will end abruptly before the commands take place, because his ending depends on the outcome of a battle (which is fought by entering a series of commands at the right moment).
  • The first scene in Lizardman's ending is reminciscent of Soulcalibur IV's ending for all Custom Characters, in the Default Ending it is Soul Edge that gets caught, and in the Alternative Ending, it is Soul Calibur. The sword that is not caught, is "automatically" destroyed by the energey released by the chosen sword, and then the rest of the ending takes place, and shows what affect the chosen sword had...
  • If the player completes Souls and Swords Mode with Squall using his Ultimate Weapon, and views his Altertative Ending, one section of the end credits music will be different, however, it will still flow with the rest of the tune.
  • A familiar (if you've played the Final Fantasy games) fanfare will be played at the end of Squall's Destined Battle.
  • "Soul Embrace" is re-used in this fan game as an actual weapon. It is the "Soul Weapon" for various characters, while others use either Soul Edge or Soul Calibur.
  • In addition to the actual "Soul Weapons" other variations exist in the fan game; Cervantes still has his own "version" of Soul Edge created by pieces of the real sword, Nightmare begins with the "Phantom" version of Soul Edge. and his Ultimate Weapon is a more powerful version of Soul Edge itself, Xianghua's standard weapon is her previously unnamed sword which has be exposed to a fragment of Soul Calibur and become a weaker "copy" of it, and she gains a more powerful version of Soul Calibur for her Ultimate Weapon, so does Siegfried.
  • Unlike Soulcalibur IV you can change your character's weapon on the selection screen.
  • Created characters can be given their own stage by choosing one of them. This come into affect if a created character has been selected (either by the game or by the player) to appear as a Destined Battle for another created character. Furthermore, it is possible to view a created characters "kata" or Weapon Demonstration while doing this.
  • As this fan game is set a year after SoulCalibur IV, and therefore ignores Soul Calibur V, SoulEdge and SoulCalibur have similar appearances to their SCIV versions, when in their most powerful forms, Xiangua's standard weapon looks like the "classic" Soul Calibur.
