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Free Imperial City Center
287512 235074846535855 157579717618702 664532 3618437 o
Background music Sword of Resolution or Midnight Mystique
Home to Patroklos & Dampierre (SCV)
"If life is a battle, then a duel is the epitome of one's life."
— Announcer

Free Imperial City Center (帝国自由都市・新市街?) is a stage located in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. The sound of weapons clashing break the peace and people turn their heads in fear and curiosity. Special permission from the Holy Roman Emperor himself freed the city from obligations to its lord and military influence. While the city's inhabitants fear the approaching war, they still gather to watch any conflict which occurs on their streets. 

A statue of a goddess of justice can be seen in the city's center. The ring is enclosed by several fences of different heights, some of which are breakable. The king and queen can be seen watching behind a fence. Ring-outs are possible to three sides of the stage.


With special permissions from the Holy Roman Emperor, this city was freed from its obligations to its lord and any military influence. A statue of a goddess stands at the center of the city, representing justice for all. Though fearful of the sounds of war growing ever closer to their doorstep, this city's residents would still gather to watch any spectacle of violence that broke out in their streets.[1]

Designer's Comment[]

"This was the first stage we created, and the focus was on using a layout that was different from the stages we had seen in the series so far. The little alleyways and bits of clutter help to make this space feel like a city that is alive and actively inhabited by people."
— Yuko Mizoguchi[1]


  • The City Center stage is used in Story Mode to represent at least three different locations. One such location is the city of Klausenburg in Transylvania (later known as Cluj-Napoca in later times), the Czech city of Prague, and the Burgundian city of Dijon in Eastern France.
  • This is also Dampierre's home stage, as proven by when facing him in the Standard route on Arcade mode you face him on this stage with his music playing. He also appears here when facing Dampierre himself in Quick Battle, not a CaS using his style.
  • According to designer Yuko Mizoguchi, this was the first stage created for Soulcalibur V.[1]
  • When facing Blackout (Ezio Auditore) in Quick Battle mode, the battle can take place here.



  1. ^ a b c SoulCalibur: New Legends of Project Soul. Richmond Hill: UDON Entertainment Corp. February 2014. p. 126. ISBN 978-1-926778-95-2.
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur VUnlockablesThe Art of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur: New Legends of Project SoulThe Making of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur V Original SoundtrackStory ~1607 A.D.~
AeonAlgolAstarothCervantesDampierreEdge MasterElysiumEzio AuditoreHildeIvyKilikLeixiaMaxiMitsurugiNatsuNightmarePatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)RaphaelSiegfriedTiraViolaVoldoXibaYoshimitsuZ.W.E.I.
Ancient Citadel: PeacetimeAncient Citadel: Under SiegeAstral ChaosAstral Chaos: PathwayCavern of Light and DarknessConqueror's ColiseumConqueror's Coliseum: Underground FightDenevér Castle: AssaultDenevér Castle: Eye of ChaosFree Imperial City: Old QuarterFree Imperial City CenterFu-Ma No Sato: Mechanical SpiderHouse of Valentine's Prague ResidenceLast Rites on the BattlefieldLuoyang: Grand Festival of Guandi TempleMt. Fuji the Holy: Hidden DragonPenitentiary of DestinyShrine of the Snake God PalgeaSinking Merchant ShipThe AdrianTorture ChamberTower of Glory: Most Holy DichotomyTower of Glory: Spiral of Good and EvilTranquil Wasteland Unknown ForestUnknown Forest: Dark NightUtopia of the Blessed