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Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova
Wielder Hilde
Weapon type Spear and Short Sword

Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova (フルフトバーレエルデ、グレンツェンノヴァ?) is Hilde's primary weapon in Soulcalibur V, consisting of the same short sword (Glänzende Nova) Hilde carried in Soulcalibur IV, and a new polearm (Fruchtbare Erde) that appears to be a partisan or a trident.


The symbols of Wolfkrone Kingdom are Glänzende Nova and Frischer Himmel, the set of weapons said to be modeled after the legendary sword Soul Calibur, once held by the first king of Wolfkrone. When Hilde made the decision to return to the field of battle, she entrusted Frischer Himmel to her two children.
Her upcoming battle against Nightmare would no doubt be a difficult one, and one she did not believe she would survive. Though giving up half of her nation's traditional set of weapons was not an easy decision to make, Hilde knew it was her duty to ensure that at least some part of Wolfkrone's pride and tradition lived on in the next generation in case she did not return.
What used to be the glorious region of Wolfkrone was now reduced to a poisonous wasteland, void of all life. Intent on cleansing her home of the cursed blade's wicked influence, Hilde selected a new spear for herself and named it Fruchtbare Erde (Fertile Soil).


  • "Fruchtbare Erde" translates to "fertile soil" while "Glänzende Nova" translates to "shining novelties" in German.
  • 'Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova' (2P) is white.
Hilde's Weapons
Soulcalibur IV Glänzende Nova & Frischer Himmel (1P)Glänzende Nova & Frischer Himmel (2P)Corsesca & BroadswordScorpionEisonowaki & KandachiZhang Ba ShemaoGa-Derg & Ga-BoiEighteenth Hole
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Glänzende Nova & Frischer Himmel (1P)Glänzende Nova & Frischer Himmel (2P)ScorpionCross Pike & DaggerZhang Ba ShemaoGa-Derg & Ga-BoiEighteenth HoleCorsesca & Broadsword
Soulcalibur V Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova (1P)Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova (2P)Lance & Ring DaggerTrident & BaselardGlänzende Nova & Frischer HimmelFake AshigaruScorpionThe Master
Soulcalibur VI Glänzende Nova & Frischer HimmelCorsesca & BroadswordLancier & PerpetuityEisonowaki & KandachiZhang Ba ShemaoScorpionGáe Dearg & Móralltach
Soulcalibur V Weapons
Mitsurugi MuichimonjiFake MasamuneDamascus SwordTyrfingHide in ShadowHard PracticeShishi-OhThe Master
Maxi Soryuju (1P)Soryuju (2P)VajraChained SicklesRocCorns on the CobFoundationThe Master
Voldo Manas & Ayus (1P)Manas & Ayus (2P)Cat ClawsTofana ScissorsGuillotineKitty PawsIkhtiraqThe Master
Siegfried Requiem (1P)Requiem (2P)Soul Calibur (Hidden)Great SwordFlambergeOgreCaladbolgThe Master
Soul Calibur (CPU only)
Ivy Valentine (1P)Valentine (2P)Dream BladeAlrauneKaleidoscopeFish BonesViper EdgeThe Master
Edge Master The Master
Nightmare Soul EdgeSoul Edge (Cleaver)BalmungSteel PaddleSoul Edge (Veiled)Chrome BladeThe MasterGiant Squid
Soul Edge (SCIV) (CPU only)
Astaroth KulutuesBlessed AcolyteGreat MaulCurse of the PharaohMonster HuntFist PunchHeavy AxThe Master
Cervantes Acheron & Nirvana (1P)Acheron & Nirvana (2P)StyxAvengerSeaxGurgitatorFirangiThe Master
Raphael Flambert (1P)Flambert (2P)EstocRoyal RapierAmyMy BelovedCup Hilt RapierThe Master
Tira Eiserne Drossel (1P)Eiserne Drossel (2P)BifrostAzi DahakaBuerKing of the SeaSteel on SteelThe Master
Hilde Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova (1P)Fruchtbare Erde & Glänzende Nova (2P)Lance & Ring DaggerTrident & BaselardGlänzende Nova & Frischer HimmelFake AshigaruScorpionThe Master
Algol Stream of Power (1P)Stream of Power (2P)Stream of Power (Thought)Stream of Power (Crave)Stream of Power (Eternity)Stream of Power (Hopeless)Stream of Power (Awakening)
Dampierre Useful rumors and counterfeit currency
Z.W.E.I. E.I.N. (1P)E.I.N. (2P)E.I.N. (Wind)E.I.N. (Lightning)E.I.N. (Water)E.I.N. (Love)E.I.N. (Darkness)The Master
Viola Quattuor Orbis (1P)Quattuor Orbis (2P)CyclopsCrystal SkullIgnis FatuusFish BowlVeritasThe Master
Pyrrha Ω Sword & Elk Shield (1P)Ω Sword & Elk Shield (2P)GladiatrixAeneasSoul EdgeBaker's DaughterBrave OneThe Master
Pyrrha Ω Soul EdgeSoul Edge & Elk ShieldGladiatrixAeneasΩ Sword & Elk ShieldBaker's DaughterBrave OneThe Master
Patroklos Stigma Sword & Arcadia ShieldStigma Sword & Dunamis ShieldSpatha & ScutumSoul CaliburSkull's HornGift from the SeaIcicleThe MasterSoul Calibur & Arcadia Shield (Story Mode only)
α Patroklos Soul CaliburEntelechiaHidden BambooAsherahDainslefHidden FangHidden SwordThe Master
Natsu Kuzukiri & AwayuukiKoringo & HimeringoKagekiriHunting KnifeKuzukiri & Mekki-MaruCarrotsKagenuiThe Master
Xiba Three KarmasGuanyin RodHalberdRhombus RodKali-YugaGod's Lost ArticleJingu StaffThe Master
Leixia Ten Feet of BlueBlue QilinSaparaQing LongMakhairaCalligraphy BrushNo NameThe Master
Aeon Ktinos & AnthroposEnstikto & LogikiAfterglow of ObsessionBandit's AxEgardbixalioMeat on the BoneHand AxThe Master
Yoshimitsu Yoshimitsu & Fu-Ma Blade (1P)Yoshimitsu & Fu-Ma Blade (2P)KagekiyoPhantom MacheteChevalierOmikujiWooden SwordsThe Master
Elysium Soul Calibur
Kilik "Ancient weaponry" (The Master) • Kali-Yuga
Ezio Auditore Hidden Blade