Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

Giant Buster (ジャイアントバスター?) is one of Nightmare's weapons in Soulcalibur II (where it was called Great Blade), Soulcalibur IV, Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny and in Soulcalibur VI.

Soulcalibur II[]

Great Blade (SCII)
General Information
Wielder Nightmare
Weapon Type Zweihänder
For sale in Chapter 2
Price 900 Gold
Special Effects • Drains health. (-3 HP per attack)
• Easier to Break Horizontal Attack with your Vertical Attacks.
• Better Soul Charge.
"Easy to SC, but requires energy to wield."
— In-game description

Weapon Gallery description: A huge sword that lives up to its name. Presumably added to assist in its task of bringing down giants, its hollows, spikes, and other features give it a very threatening appearance. A blow from this weapon is quite powerful, but it is incredibly heavy and can wear out its wielder in just a few swings.

Soulcalibur IV[]

Giant Buster (SCIV)
SCIV Giant Buster
Wielder Nightmare
Weapon type Zweihänder
Price 8,000 Gold
Attack 130
Defense 50
HP 30
Power 50
Impact 0
Boost 30
Gauge 30
Special 30
Native skill None

It can be bought in Character Creation for 8,000 Gold after completing Story Mode with Nightmare.

Soulcalibur Broken Destiny[]


Giant Buster, as it appeared in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny

Giant Buster is one of Nightmare's weapons in Soulcalibur Broken Destiny. It is already unlocked from the beginning of the game.

Soulcalibur VI[]

Description: A large sword whose name suggests it can fell giants. The asymmetrical indents on either side of the blade are designed to increase destructive potential, and inflict wounds that are tougher to heal. This unusual weapon takes practice to wield, but once mastered, perhaps it truly could be used to take down mythical beings.


Nightmare's Weapons
Soulcalibur Soul Edge (1P)Soul Edge (2P) • Edge Master's Zweihänder
Soulcalibur II Soul Edge (1P)Soul Edge (2P)FlambergeGreat BladeSteel PaddleGlamRequiemFaustSoul Edge (Growth)Soul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburGalley Oar
Soulcalibur III Soul Edge (Phantom) (1P)Soul Edge (Phantom) (2P)Steel PaddleSoul Edge (Larvae)Soul Edge (Cocoon)Soul EdgeGiant SquidThe Ancient
Soulcalibur IV Soul Edge (1P)Soul Edge (2P)ClaymoreSoul Edge (Nauplius)Giant BusterSteel PaddleSoul Edge (Final Form)Giant Squid
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Soul Edge (1P)Soul Edge (2P)Soul Edge (Nauplius)Giant BusterSteel PaddleSoul Edge (Final Form)Giant SquidClaymore
Soulcalibur V Soul EdgeSoul Edge (Cleaver)BalmungSteel PaddleSoul Edge (Veiled)Chrome BladeThe MasterGiant Squid
Soulcalibur VI Soul EdgeBalmungSteel PaddleChrome BladeGiant BusterGiga ClaymoreIgneous BladeBlade of Torment
Soulcalibur II Weapons
Mitsurugi Shishi-OhKorefujiTwo-Handed SwordShamshirBasilardGassanTulwarMasamuneSoul Edge (Complete)Damascus SwordSouvenir Gift
Seong Mi-na Scarlet ThunderDefenderHyup DoNaginataCouseBardicheHalberdAmbassadorSoul Edge (Complete)HraesvelgrFeather Broom
Taki Rekki-Maru & Mekki-MaruKunaiSlicerKagekiriYoroitoshiFumakugiSilent EdgeKamizoroeSoul Edge (Complete)Kris NagaTobacco Pipes
Maxi SoryujuTetsuryuChained KozukaFatibalRaimeiFuzoroiModified FlailFalconSoul Edge (Complete)VajraTermite Snack
Voldo Manas & AyusCat ClawsTofana ScissorsShame & BlameIron RamHeavy JurKarma & MaraFull MoonSoul Edge (Complete)GuillotineTambourines
Sophitia Omega Sword & Elk ShieldSwordbreakerXi Sword & Game Shield Owl ShieldBlue Crystal Rod & Blue Line ShieldFire BladeGladiusSynvalSoul Edge (Complete)OrichalcumMemento
Ivy Valentine (Ivy Blade)Mirage BladeWiseman MaceDream BladeChained FlailViper EdgeAlrauneDemon TailSoul Edge (Complete)KaleidoscopePrototype Ivy Blade
Kilik Kali-YugaQuarterstaffLing-Sheng Su BoIron StaffKunlun BambooRokushakuboAmudDuel RodSoul Edge (Complete)Jingu StaffBamboo Staff
Xianghua No NameKardNorthern StarSoul Calibur (Evil)KopisQi Xing SwordKrita-YugaBlue StormSoul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburCalligraphy Brush
Yoshimitsu YoshimitsuShiranuiKastaneZantetsukenDhaKagekiyoPakayunMonohoshizaoSoul Edge (Complete)HihiirokaneShepherd's Crook
Nightmare Soul EdgeFlambergeGreat BladeSteel PaddleGlamRequiemFaustSoul Edge (Growth)Soul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburGalley Oar
Astaroth KulutuesWar HammerTerror MoonBattle AxGreat MaulTabarNanbanfuBulovaSoul Edge (Complete)ThanatosRock
Cervantes Soul Edge & NirvanaFalchionFirangiErlang's BladeAcheronPhlegethonCocytusStyxSoul Edge (Complete)LetheImitation Sword
Raphael FlambertEpeeStilettoReiterpallaschWo DaoSchweizerHoly AntlerEstocSoul Edge (Complete)Queen's GuardCane
Talim Syi Sarika & Loka LuhaWind GuideTonfaSide HarpeDouble Crescent BladeChaquCao AnkanaMaila KariSoul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburWeight
Cassandra Omega Sword & Nemea ShieldSpiked ShieldDark BladeMetesashiSpine BladeKatzbalgerRed Crystal Rod & Red Line ShieldIvan the TerribleSoul Edge (Complete)ValkyrieKeepsake
Necrid MaleficusLemuresMorphosOrcus ClawIgnis FatuusLambent ViperHex LuminaeInfernal EdgeSoul Edge (Complete)ChaosEthereal Edge
Yun-seong White StormMacheteKhanjarXiao LianGiant Butcher KnifeCheng YingRamdaoBlue ThunderSoul Edge (Complete)Han GuangChild's Sword
Lizardman Gyulkus Weapon
Assassin Assassin Blade
Berserker Great Ax
Link Master Sword and Hylian ShieldRazor SwordArmos SeriesMegaton HammerCane of ByrnaMirror ShieldMagic Sword and Magic ShieldBiggoron's SwordSoul Edge (Complete)Great Fairy's SwordBug-Catching Net
Heihachi Mishima KiaiissenGojouHakuraimononofuKenkoudaiichiTenkamusouHibitanrenHadakaikkanDohatsutenSoul Edge (Complete)TekkenNeshougatsu
Spawn AgonyDespairMaliceTormentMiseryReaperVengeanceRedeemerSoul Edge (Complete)AbominationSorrow
Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Weapons
Mitsurugi Shishi-Oh (1P)Shishi-Oh (2P)MasamuneTwo-Handed SwordKokuenraDamascus SwordOniyukiyasuHard Practice
Seong Mi-na Scarlet ThunderHyup DoAmbassadorHalberdHraesvelgrSoul CaliburOpen-Handed Slap
Taki Rekki-Maru & Mekki-MaruAssassin DaggerKagenuiKagekiriFu-Ma KugiKris NagaBattledore
Maxi SoryujuTetsuryuHuoshenChained KozukaVajraSoul EdgeMaracas
Voldo Manas & AyusJamadharCat ClawsTofana ScissorsGuillotineSoul EdgePasticcere
Sophitia Omega Sword & Elk ShieldSword BreakerFire BladeBlue Crystal RodOrichalcumSoul EdgeLove
Siegfried Soul CaliburRequiemSoul Calibur (Final Form)Take Off
Soulcalibur IV only: Great SwordFaustGram
Broken Destiny only: Gram (Zweihänder)Broken DestinyGreat Sword (ōdachi)
Rock OnslaughtMorning StarGiant MaceRopalonJuggernautWayakinIron Fist
Ivy ValentineViper EdgeDream BladeAlrauneKaleidoscopeSoul CaliburMagical Sausage
Kilik Kali-YugaIron RodLing-Sheng Su StaffAmudJingu StaffEmbrace of SoulsHaneman
Xianghua No NameStraight SwordKardNorthern StarKopisSoul CaliburFoxtail
Lizardman Grudge Ax & Aya ShieldHand AxeTabarzinLunaticKoraSoul EdgeMeat on the Bone
Yoshimitsu YoshimitsuManji SwordKastaneKagekiyoHihiirokaneSoul CaliburOmikuji
Nightmare Soul EdgeClaymoreSoul Edge (Nauplius)Giant BusterSteel PaddleSoul Edge (Final Form)Giant Squid
Astaroth KulutuesBulovaTerror MoonGreat MaulNanbanfuSoul EdgePow Hammer
Cervantes Acheron & NirvanaFirangiStyxErlang's BladePhlegethonSoul EdgeGurgitator
Raphael FlambertEpeeHoly AntlerEstocQueen's GuardAmy (Albion)My Beloved
Talim Syi Salika & Loka LuhaElbow BladeTonfaSide HarpeDouble Crescent BladeSoul Edge & Soul CaliburOcarina
Cassandra Digamma Sword & Nemea ShieldKatzbalgerSpine Blade & Ivan the TerribleDark BladeValkyrieSoul CaliburBaker's Daughter
Yun-seong White StormQing LongGiant Butcher KnifeDragon SwordRamdaoSoul EdgeSorghum
Setsuka Ugetsu KageuchiSword UmbrellaSuitouYakouUgetsu ShinuchiSoul CaliburLizard Umbrella
Tira Eiserne DrosselCircular SwordBifrostIxionVimanaSoul EdgeHula Hoop
Zasalamel KafzielDeath ScytheAnkouBalorMrtyuIrkallaBeak
Hilde Glänzende Nova & Frischer HimmelCorsesca & BroadswordScorpionZhang Ba ShemaoGa-Derg & Ga-BoiEighteenth Hole
Soulcalibur IV only: Eisonowaki & Kandachi
Broken Destiny only: Cross Pike & Dagger
Amy AlbionRapierSchweitzerStilettoUnicornSoul EdgeMagic Wand
Ashlotte KrnielkKrnielk HeavenKrnielk SouthKrnielk EastKrnielk NorthKrnielk WestKrnielk Earth
Darth Vader LightsaberLightsaber SenthLightsaber DornLightsaber UskLightsaber NernLightsaber BeshLightsaber Forn
Scheherazade Alf Layla Wa LaylaAlf Layla Wa Layla Saba'aAlf Layla Wa Layla IthininAlf Layla Wa Layla ThalathaAlf Layla Wa Layla Arba'aAlf Layla Wa Layla KhamsaAlf Layla Wa Layla Sita
Algol Soul Edge & Soul CaliburSoul Edge & Soul Calibur (Violet Vortex)Soul Edge & Soul Calibur (Green Vortex)Soul Edge & Soul Calibur (Yellow Vortex)Soul Edge & Soul Calibur (Red Vortex)Soul Edge & Soul Calibur (White Vortex)Soul Edge & Soul Calibur (Pink Vortex)
Yoda LightsaberLightsaber SenthLightsaber DornLightsaber UskLightsaber NernLightsaber YirtLightsaber Forn
The Apprentice LightsaberLightsaber SenthLightsaber DornLightsaber UskLightsaber NernLightsaber AurekLightsaber Forn
Angol Fear Lucifer Spear BlackLucifer Spear Black NullaLucifer Spear Black IILucifer Spear Black IIILucifer Spear Black IVLucifer Spear Black VLucifer Spear Black VI
Kamikirimusi Denryu BakuhaDenryu Bakuha CedarDenryu Bakuha FirDenryu Bakuha CypressDenryu Bakuha HemlockDenryu Bakuha PineDenryu Bakuha Red Pine
Shura Raijin-Maru & Fujin-MaruRaijin-Maru & Fujin-Maru TaishakutenRaijin-Maru & Fujin-Maru ZochotenRaijin-Maru & Fujin-Maru JikokutenRaijin-Maru & Fujin-Maru TamotenRaijin-Maru & Fujin-Maru KomokutenRaijin-Maru & Fujin-Maru Asura
Kratos Blades of Chaos: God of WarBlades of Chaos: OlympianBlades of Chaos: Spartan GeneralBlades of Chaos: MortalBlades of Chaos: TitanBlades of Chaos: UltimateBlades of Chaos: SpartanBlades of Chaos: Ghost of Sparta
Dampierre Tricks & LiesMysteries of the OrientGlorious TorturerSlaughter of MillionBipolar Hidden Sword (Imitation)Best Dinner TableHidden Edge
Soulcalibur VI Weapons
Mitsurugi UI Weapon Icon 001 Shishi-OhDamascus SwordTyrfingHide in ShadowTwo-Handed SwordKokuenraMasamune
Seong Mi-na UI Weapon Icon 002 Scarlet ThunderEmerald NimbusAmbassadorHalberdHraesvelgrHyup DoPrimitive Spear
Taki UI Weapon Icon 003 Rekki-Maru & Mekki-MaruKagekiriHunting KnifeKagenuiFu-Ma KugiKris NagaAssassin DaggerOfficial's Flags (Short)
Maxi UI Weapon Icon 004 FatibalVajraChained SicklesRocHuoshenChained KozukaTetsuryu
Voldo UI Weapon Icon 005 Manas & AyusCerberusCat ClawsTofana ScissorsDecapitatorIkhtiraqJewel Hunter
Sophitia UI Weapon Icon 006 Omega Sword & Elk ShieldGladiatrixAeneasBrave OneSword BreakerKatzbalgerBlue Crystal Rod
Siegfried UI Weapon Icon 007 RequiemLarge TachiFlambergeOctagonal RodCaladbolgGramClockwork
Hwang UI Weapon Icon 009 Dark ThunderButcher's CleaverRam-daoWodaoQuo VadisJi-oh SwordDragon's Tongue
Ivy UI Weapon Icon 00B Ivy BladeProxyDream BladeAlrauneKaleidoscopeViper EdgePhoenix Talon
Kilik UI Weapon Icon 00C Kali-YugaGuanyin RodRhombus RodGod's Lost ArticleJingu StaffLing-Sheng Su StaffAmud
Xianghua UI Weapon Icon 00D Krita-YugaSaparaQing LongMakhairaKardNorthern StarStraight SwordSoul Calibur
Yoshimitsu UI Weapon Icon 00F Manji Sword & Fu-Ma BladeBodhiKagekiyoPhantom MacheteChevalierWooden SwordsHihiirokane
Nightmare UI Weapon Icon 011 Soul EdgeBalmungSteel PaddleChrome BladeGiant BusterGiga ClaymoreIgneous BladeBlade of Torment
Astaroth UI Weapon Icon 012 KulutuesBlessed AcolyteGreat MaulCurse of the PharaohMonster HuntHeavy AxTerror Moon
Inferno UI Weapon Icon 013 Soul Edge
Cervantes UI Weapon Icon 014 Acheron & NirvanaStyxAvengerSeaxFirangiErlang's BladePhlegethonOfficial's Flags (Long)
Raphael UI Weapon Icon 015 FlambertEstocRoyal RapierCup Hilt RapierEpeeHoly AntlerQueen's Guard
Talim UI Weapon Icon 016 Syi Sarika & Loka LuhaMabilisTonfaSide HarpeDouble Crescent BladeMegalodonSavage
Cassandra UI Weapon Icon 017 Original Omega Sword & Owl ShieldFire BladeSpine BladeDark BladeBaker's DaughterIcicleValkyrieModified Digamma Sword & Nemea Shield
Setsuka UI Weapon Icon 022 Ugetsu KageuchiMimoroPeach of ImmortalityNight GlimmerSeñoraLizard ParasolFaithful Devotee
Tira UI Weapon Icon 023 Eiserne DrosselShriekerBifrostAzi DahakaBuerSteel on SteelVimana
Zasalamel UI Weapon Icon 024 KafzielAmmitAnkouBalorMrtyuIrkallaHarvester
Hilde UI Weapon Icon 028 Glänzende Nova & Frischer HimmelCorsesca & BroadswordLancier & PerpetuityEisonowaki & KandachiZhang Ba ShemaoScorpionGáe Dearg & Móralltach
Amy UI Weapon Icon 030 AlbionSchweitzerCinquedeaUnicornLa NeigeIshnigarrabMagic Wand
2B UI Weapon Icon 060 Virtuous Treaty & Virtuous ContractBeastbane & BeastlordPhoenix Dagger & Phoenix SwordType-4O Sword & Type-4O BladeType-3 Sword & Type-3 BladeMachine Sword & Machine AxeIron Pipe & Iron Will
Haohmaru UI Weapon Icon 061 FugudokuFugudoku (East)Fugudoku (West)Fugudoku (South)Fugudoku (North)Fugudoku (Heaven)Fugudoku (Earth)
Grøh UI Weapon Icon 062 Arondight ReplicaIthnan ScimitarsBlade of EquilibriumTwin Dragon TonguesScharfrichterEksorcismePrimitive Cudgel
Azwel UI Weapon Icon 064 Chaos & OrderMotion & StillnessJoy & DespairImprecation & ExaltationBias & EquityAspiration & TribulationEternity & Ephemerality
Geralt UI Weapon Icon 065 Witcher's Steel Sword & Silver SwordWolven Steel Sword & Silver SwordWild Hunt Sword & MoonbladeCarabella & AnathemaVitis & TorlunnWinter's Blade & the StrigaBlack Unicorn & Aerondight