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Great Fairy's Sword
Great Fairy's Sword
The Great Fairy's Sword as it appears in Soulcalibur II
General Information
Wielder Link
Weapon Type Sword and Shield
For sale in Extra Chapter 2
Price 9,800 Gold
Special Effects • Longer reach than normal. (+30%)
• Higher attack power than normal. (+20%)
• Recovers health. (+5 per second)
• Take damage even when guarding. (20%)
• CPU gets stronger.
"The ultimate sword! Wield it to discover its true power!"
— Weapon Gallery description.

Great Fairy's Sword (大妖精の剣?) is Link's Ultimate Weapon in Soulcalibur II.

Soulcalibur II[]

Serving as Link's Ultimate Weapon, the Great Fairy's Sword gains a few new powers not found in its game of origin. Aside from increased 120% offense and is able to cause blocking damage to opponents, the sword grants Link healing powers, gradually regenerating lost health over time. However, because the weapon itself no longer has the magical ability it once possessed, its defensive capabilities are negatively affected, and Link takes 20% chip damage when guarding attacks, which is a worse result than the Razor Sword, Armos Series, and Magic Sword and Magic Shield. Also note that the Biggoron's Sword and Megaton Hammer surpasses the Great Fairy's Sword in raw power and is especially true with Soul Edge (Complete).

Like the Biggoron's Sword, the Great Fairy's Sword outclasses the Master Sword in both power and range, but is slightly shorter than its Ocarina of Time equivalent.

Weapon Gallery Profile[]

"A sword blessed by the Great Fairy, rumored to be able to reflect any and all dark magic. Merely holding it fills the wielder with strength, but unfortunately, its protective power did not survive intact in this world, and it is no longer able to resist enemy attacks."

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask[]


The Great Fairy's Sword as it appears in 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘡𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘢: 𝘔𝘢𝘫𝘰𝘳𝘢'𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘬.

The Great Fairy's Sword debuted in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. This powerful weapon would be bequeathed to Link by the Great Fairy of Ikana Canyon upon restoring her shattered form to normal, as she, like the other Great Fairies, had been attacked by the Skull Kid wearing the evil and fearsome Majora's Mask. In-game, it was originally a two-handed sword due to Link being a child, very similar to the Biggoron's Sword, the ultimate weapon found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and thus, it could not be used in conjunction with the shield. To compensate for this, it deals four times the damage of the Kokiri Sword, making it the strongest weapon in Majora's Mask (equal in attack power as Fierce Deity Link's Helix Sword), and coincidentally as powerful as the Biggoron's Sword. The Great Fairy Sword, unlike many other Swords in the Zelda franchise, has the unique ability to be selected in the "C" item buttons rather than the standard "B" button.

See Also[]

Link's Weapons
Soulcalibur II Master Sword & Hylian Shield (1P)Master Sword & Hylian Shield (2P)Razor SwordArmos SeriesMegaton HammerCane of ByrnaMirror ShieldMagic Sword and Magic ShieldBiggoron's SwordSoul Edge (Complete)Great Fairy's SwordBug-Catching Net
Soulcalibur II Weapons
Mitsurugi Shishi-OhKorefujiTwo-Handed SwordShamshirBasilardGassanTulwarMasamuneSoul Edge (Complete)Damascus SwordSouvenir Gift
Seong Mi-na Scarlet ThunderDefenderHyup DoNaginataCouseBardicheHalberdAmbassadorSoul Edge (Complete)HraesvelgrFeather Broom
Taki Rekki-Maru & Mekki-MaruKunaiSlicerKagekiriYoroitoshiFumakugiSilent EdgeKamizoroeSoul Edge (Complete)Kris NagaTobacco Pipes
Maxi SoryujuTetsuryuChained KozukaFatibalRaimeiFuzoroiModified FlailFalconSoul Edge (Complete)VajraTermite Snack
Voldo Manas & AyusCat ClawsTofana ScissorsShame & BlameIron RamHeavy JurKarma & MaraFull MoonSoul Edge (Complete)GuillotineTambourines
Sophitia Omega Sword & Elk ShieldSwordbreakerXi Sword & Game Shield Owl ShieldBlue Crystal Rod & Blue Line ShieldFire BladeGladiusSynvalSoul Edge (Complete)OrichalcumMemento
Ivy Valentine (Ivy Blade)Mirage BladeWiseman MaceDream BladeChained FlailViper EdgeAlrauneDemon TailSoul Edge (Complete)KaleidoscopePrototype Ivy Blade
Kilik Kali-YugaQuarterstaffLing-Sheng Su BoIron StaffKunlun BambooRokushakuboAmudDuel RodSoul Edge (Complete)Jingu StaffBamboo Staff
Xianghua No NameKardNorthern StarSoul Calibur (Evil)KopisQi Xing SwordKrita-YugaBlue StormSoul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburCalligraphy Brush
Yoshimitsu YoshimitsuShiranuiKastaneZantetsukenDhaKagekiyoPakayunMonohoshizaoSoul Edge (Complete)HihiirokaneShepherd's Crook
Nightmare Soul EdgeFlambergeGreat BladeSteel PaddleGlamRequiemFaustSoul Edge (Growth)Soul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburGalley Oar
Astaroth KulutuesWar HammerTerror MoonBattle AxGreat MaulTabarNanbanfuBulovaSoul Edge (Complete)ThanatosRock
Cervantes Soul Edge & NirvanaFalchionFirangiErlang's BladeAcheronPhlegethonCocytusStyxSoul Edge (Complete)LetheImitation Sword
Raphael FlambertEpeeStilettoReiterpallaschWo DaoSchweizerHoly AntlerEstocSoul Edge (Complete)Queen's GuardCane
Talim Syi Sarika & Loka LuhaWind GuideTonfaSide HarpeDouble Crescent BladeChaquCao AnkanaMaila KariSoul Edge (Complete)Soul CaliburWeight
Cassandra Omega Sword & Nemea ShieldSpiked ShieldDark BladeMetesashiSpine BladeKatzbalgerRed Crystal Rod & Red Line ShieldIvan the TerribleSoul Edge (Complete)ValkyrieKeepsake
Necrid MaleficusLemuresMorphosOrcus ClawIgnis FatuusLambent ViperHex LuminaeInfernal EdgeSoul Edge (Complete)ChaosEthereal Edge
Yun-seong White StormMacheteKhanjarXiao LianGiant Butcher KnifeCheng YingRamdaoBlue ThunderSoul Edge (Complete)Han GuangChild's Sword
Lizardman Gyulkus Weapon
Assassin Assassin Blade
Berserker Great Ax
Link Master Sword and Hylian ShieldRazor SwordArmos SeriesMegaton HammerCane of ByrnaMirror ShieldMagic Sword and Magic ShieldBiggoron's SwordSoul Edge (Complete)Great Fairy's SwordBug-Catching Net
Heihachi Mishima KiaiissenGojouHakuraimononofuKenkoudaiichiTenkamusouHibitanrenHadakaikkanDohatsutenSoul Edge (Complete)TekkenNeshougatsu
Spawn AgonyDespairMaliceTormentMiseryReaperVengeanceRedeemerSoul Edge (Complete)AbominationSorrow