Iris is a custom character that appears in Soulcalibur III and Soulcalibur IV.
Soulcalibur III[]
Iris is a Dalkian soldier that appeared in Chronicles of the Sword. She fought under Queen Aurelia Dichalla Dolce's command during Chronicle 12, "The Final Act of War".
Soulcalibur IV[]
Iris appears in Tower of Lost Souls in both Ascend and Descend mode. In Ascend mode, she is under the floor "Solitary Princess" where she uses Raphael's moveset.
Tower of Lost Souls[]
- Floor Appearances: Ascend mode & Descend mode floor 4-further.
- Floor: 51 (Solitary Princess)
- Partners: Jeanne & Apheta
- Fighting Style: Raphael
- Weapon: Estoc
- Voice: Female Voice 1
- HP Recovery A