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Soulcalibur Wiki

"Curse the ill-fortune that led you to me."
— Ivy

Isabella "Ivy" Valentine (Japanese: イザベラ・バレンタイン - アイヴィー, Izabera Barentain - Aivī) is a character in the Soul series of fighting games. She appeared in the game Soulcalibur VI, which marks her debut appearance in the new, rebooted Soulcalibur timeline.

Her nickname is Coiling Contempt.


Soulcalibur VI[]

Daughter of the English aristocratic family the Valentines, Ivy was raised in a loving environment. Unfortunately, it was not to last. Her father’s insanity and excessive spending drove him to an early grave, followed shortly afterwards by her mother. While mourning, Ivy discovered her father was an alchemist obsessed with finding Soul Edge, which he believed was the key to immortality. She understood why Soul Edge was referred to as the cursed sword, and vowed to destroy the blade that had driven her father to madness. In order to do so, however, she would first require a stronger weapon… She threw herself into alchemy in the hope of discovering one.[2]

The fruit of Ivy’s research was a magic sword she called “Ivy Blade.” It was a unique weapon capable of shapeshifting according to her will, at times acting like a sword to slice her enemy to pieces, and at others like a whip to grab or lash them. However, none of this would mean anything without the cooperation of one particular individual…

Ivy went to meet Nightmare, and for a short while assisted him in his activities. To outsiders looking in, she was as a member of Nightmare’s Covenant Shield, and appeared to be a close advisor to the oppressive ruler. Once the Azure Knight was defeated, however, information on Ivy’s whereabouts became scarce. Some said she had been deceived by Nightmare. Others maintained that she had abandoned her position as subordinate to the Azure Knight in order to destroy Soul Edge. One rumor even said she had discovered her true identity...

Soul Chronicle[]

At the start of her journey, Ivy encountered Seong Mi-na and easily defeated her, warning her later that she was too weak.

After killing many innocent lives to feed Soul Edge, Ivy started to doubt Nightmare's goal of resurrecting her father. As she tried to leave Ostrheinsburg, she was confronted by Astaroth, who bluntly told her that the Soul Edge she sought to destroy was in front of her all along. After Ivy won their fight, she was called a "spare vessel" by Astaroth before he departed to deal with other intruders. When Ivy decided to confront Nightmare about the truth, she was stopped by Taki, who showed the alchemist her connections to Soul Edge. After their fight, Ivy was forced to face the truth that she was the daughter of the previous wielder of Soul Edge, Cervantes, and that she was indeed a spare vessel for Soul Edge.

Main Story[]

While Kilik and Maxi were confronting a swarm of Lizardmen, Ivy attacked Xianghua but their battle ended when her opponent's companions quickly returned. Stating that she had fulfilled her duty. Ivy allowed the trio to continue to Ostrheinsburg.

Other Soul Chronicles[]

In 1584, Ivy helped a group of warriors to invade the Money Pit in order to find the notes of the late weapons dealer, Vercci. While she was successful in obtaining the notes, Ivy was pursued by Voldo, Vercci's right hand man and the guardian of the Money Pit. When he finally caught up to her, Ivy gave the notes back, stating that she had obtained the information she needed.

When Cervantes arrived at Ostrheinsburg, Ivy confronted her father to kill him. But he proved to be too powerful and Ivy was soundly defeated. She was only spared because Cervantes determined her soul to be too weak for the moment, and wanted her to become stronger to reap her soul later.

Libra of Soul[]

Ivy encountered the Conduit after they were hired by the army of Wolfkrone to hunt down the remnants of the Covenant Shield. She lost to them, but the Ivy Blade acted on its own to protect its master from the Conduit. Ivy then decided to try and live once the Wolfkrone army arrived to confront her.

Physical Appearance[]

Ivy retains her original timeline appearance, possessing a tall and curvaceous build, pale skin, short white hair, blue eyes, and a large bust.


After losing her adopted father to his obsession, Ivy swore to destroy Soul Edge and avenge her father. When she became a member of Schwarzstrom, she was the only member of the group that disliked taking lives to aid Nightmare in his goal of resurrecting his father. When confonted with the truth of her real father by Taki, Ivy was unable to acknowledge the truth at first, but later accepted her fate and vowed to find a way to rid of her cursed blood. When confronting Seong Mi-na, Ivy displayed haughtiness when she insulted the younger warrior for her naivety. When she fights Seong Mi-na or other younger female warriors, Ivy displays a dominating personality as she taunts them for their inferiority.


Ivy's costume was designed with the word "dominatrix" in mind. Her Color 1 is a purple revealing outfit with indigo "cups" with matching purple boots and gold armor plates.

Her Color 2 recolors her outfit red with pale gold "cups".

Her Color 3 gives her an all white outfit while her hair becomes red.

Her Color 4 gives her an all cyan outfit with blue boots while her hair becomes blonde.

Weapon & Style[]

Armed with a snake sword whose shape can be changed at will, users can deftly avoid close quarters combat with techniques that keep foes at bay. Equipped with powerful moves that can only be activated at a certain distance, this style is made to deal out major damage from far away. [3]

Ivy Blade[]

A one-handed magic sword that can transform into a whip. It is loyal to its owner and will cut down all who stand in her way. Seeing the way it attacks its opponent, you would think it was... alive.

Ive created the sword through alchemy after vowing to defeat Soul Edge. However, its essence was borrowed from none other than the owner of the cursed sword himself—Nightmare. Ivy doesn't know the truth, and even works with Nightmare, albeit unenthusiastically. The day will come, however, when his secret will be revealed. What then will she do...?

Unrelated Link[]

Crafted through Ivy’s alchemy, this magic sword is like no other. As one might expect from its unique properties, standard sword techniques do not work with this weapon, and even its creator Ivy struggled to master the use of this idiosyncratic sword. Wielding it in one hand, she uses a combination of Western European sword techniques and Eastern whip techniques. Her blade obeys her and transforms at her will, giving her great control over an otherwise difficult weapon.

Despite her link with the sword, Ivy has yet to realize that the connection between the cursed blood running through her veins and the Ivy Blade—perfected with the power of the cursed sword—grows stronger day by day...

Critical Edge[]

Guilty Throne: When Ivy's Critical Edge is engaged, she spins her snake sword around her body, hitting her opponent (Mid) 8 times before launching them into the air. If even a single hit makes unblocked contact with the opponent, they will be launched. Once in the air the Critical Edge is in cutscene mode and cannot be stopped. Ivy sends her blade pieces at the airborne target before binding them and pulling them into the ground at her feet. She finishes the move by stomping the opponent on the head, pinning them to the ground.



Soulcalibur VI[]

  • "Punishment time." — spoken if selected on the character selection screen, 1P.
  • "I'll end this in no time." — spoken if selected on the character selection screen, 2P.
  • "This place shall be your grave!"
  • "I swear, I will tear you apart!"
  • "Well aren't we cheeky? All right, then."
  • "Your punishment will be quite severe!"
  • "I will give you a true death, father!" — spoken when engaging a battle with Cervantes.
  • "Heh heh... I'm going to have fun with you." — spoken when engaging a battle with Xianghua, Seong Mi-na or Amy
  • "I've had enough of your petty jokes!" — spoken when engaging a battle with Nightmare or Astaroth
  • "Escape is futile." - spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "It's over for you."
  • "Blade, show me your power!" — spoken during Soul Charge activation.
  • "I'll... tame you!" — spoken during Soul Charge activation on low health.
  • "Predictable!" — spoken when deflecting a hit by charging Reversal Edge.
  • "Mediocre!" — spoken when deflecting a hit by charging Reversal Edge.
  • "That's it?!" — spoken when deflecting a hit by charging Reversal Edge.
  • "Beg for mercy!" — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated.
  • "Stay still!" — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated on low health.
  • "I'll allure you." — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated.
  • "I will be the one to destroy you!" — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated in a battle against Cervantes
  • "I still owe you for before." — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated in a battle against Voldo
  • "That haircut isn't bad." — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated in a battle against Maxi
  • "Now let's enjoy this!" — spoken when Reversal Edge is activated in a battle against Xianghua, Seong Mi-Na or Amy
  • "How adorable!" — spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "Know your place!" — spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "Take this!" — spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "Irritating!" — spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "You're a tough one!" — spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "Here's your reward!" — spoken during Reversal Edge.
  • "Since when are we friends?!" — spoken when blocking fully charged Reversal Edge against Astaroth and Nightmare.
  • "Time to sever this blood curse!" — spoken when blocking fully charged Reversal Edge against Cervantes.
  • "Stop misbehaving!" — spoken when blocking fully charged Reversal Edge against Xianghua, Seong-Mina or Amy.
  • "Time for you to pay!" — spoken when initiating Reversal Edge against Astaroth and Nightmare.
  • "A shallow attempt!" — spoken during Reversal Edge against Astaroth and Nightmare.
  • "I've had enough of you." — spoken during Reversal Edge against Astaroth and Nightmare.
  • "Now, suffer!" — spoken during Reversal Edge against Cervantes.
  • "Enslave!"
  • "No one... escapes me!" — spoken while performing long reach Vile Condemnation.
  • "Another prisoner... to the thorns!" — spoken while performing short reach Vile Condemnation.
  • "These thorns... will judge you!" — spoken while performing Vile Condemnation on Cervantes.
  • "Hah! So careless!" — spoken while performing Vile Condemnation on Seong Mi-na.
  • "Blade... Come to my hand!" — spoken while performing Summon Suffering.
  • "Blade... Shred apart!" — spoken while performing Summon Suffering (Just Input).
  • "Now sing... for these sinners!" — spoken while performing Calamity Symphony.
  • "Hahahaha... Lay still now!" — spoken while performing Calamity Symphony (Just Input).
  • "Begone!"
  • "Squirm!"
  • "Shut up!"
  • "Silence!"
  • "How revolting!"
  • "Would you like some more?"
  • "Submit."
  • "You filth!"
  • "Unappealing!" — spoken while performing stomp on Voldo.
  • "Damn!"
  • "Pointless."
  • "Is that it?"
  • "Know your... place!"
  • "Stand down!"
  • "Dance!"
  • "Behave!"
  • "Come on now."
  • "How's this?"
  • "Painful?"
  • "There!"
  • "Extend!"
  • "Pierce!"
  • "Ensnare!"
  • "Not over yet!"
  • "Destroy...everything!"
  • "Scream for me!"
  • "Does it not hurt? ...Having fun?" — spoken while performing Sweet Dominance on Voldo.
  • "Squirm... you wretch!" — spoken while performing Sweet Dominance on Cervantes.
  • "I've lost!" — spoken during Guard Crush.
  • "I couldn't—!" — spoken during Guard Crush.
  • "I'll make you submit." — spoken when engaging Critical Edge
  • "Enjoy... your treat!" — spoken during Critical Edge
  • "Give it up already!" — spoken at the end of Critical Edge
  • "You missed your chance for mercy." — spoken at the end of K.O. Critical Edge.
  • "Don't think you've won!" — spoken after losing by ring out.
  • "What a stupid trick!" — spoken after losing by ring out.
  • "Playtime is over!!" — spoken at the start of the battle after losing in previous rounds.
  • "I've had enough of this!" — spoken at the start of the battle after losing in previous rounds.
  • "You're in need of some discipline!" — spoken at the start of the battle after losing in previous rounds.
  • "My old life is dead to me."
  • "Curse the ill-fortune that led you to me."
  • "There's no room for fear in my soul!"
  • "For better or worse, this sword is my fate."
  • "Your corpse is proof enough of my victory!" — Spoken after being victorious against Cervantes.
  • "And now, your punishment for deceiving me!" — Spoken after being victorious against Nightmare or Astaroth.
  • "Come now... I need a bit more fun than that." — Spoken after being victorious against Xianghua, Seong Mi-na or Amy
  • "What a... killjoy!" — Taunt.
  • "Hmph! Pathetic!" — Taunt after winning a battle.
  • "But... how?" — Spoken when lost to a Time Out
  • "How could I lose to you?" — Spoken when lost to a Time Out against Nightmare or Astaroth
  • "Is this... fate?" — Spoken when lost to a Time Out against Cervantes


  • Adoptive daughter of the Earl and Countess Valentine.
  • Lately noticed and realized that she is the estranged daughter of Cervantes, for which Taki refers to her as being the "Daughter of the Cursed Sword."
  • Worked for Nightmare, and later turned on him.
  • At odds with Astaroth when they both served Soul Edge.
  • Defeated Seong Mi-na and stopped her from finding Soul Edge.
  • Angered Voldo by pilfering Vercci's notes.
  • Fought Xianghua to a draw.




SOULCALIBUR VI - PS4 XB1 PC - Ivy (Character announcement trailer)

New Timeline Characters
Playable Characters AmyAstarothAzwelCassandraCervantesGrøhHildeHwangInfernoIvyKilikMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRaphaelSeong Mi-naSetsukaSiegfriedSophitiaTakiTalimTiraVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsuZasalamel
Other Notable Characters BoltaCurtisDanielDionGeorge von KroneGerhilde von EgilmarGorozaemon YamabukiGyobu KokonoeIska AchtJohan DürerKunpaetkuKyamLingyuLuciusLylaNatalieOrzalPlataRothionSeong Han-myeongSakan InobeShugen KokonoeValtroVercci de BurgWilhelm von KroneWon GabokXiangfeiXianglianXiuqiang