Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

Killing Bite in Soulcalibur VI.

Killing Bite (キリングバイト?) is an attack that Aeon Calcos has had since Soulcalibur III, replacing his Mezentius Style Dead Masher attack.

In Soulcalibur V, its attack throw would be replaced with Sand Rage Myrmex.


Input Commands Symbols
Image tag cmd A: Press the horizontal attack button.

Image tag cmd Ah: Hold the horizontal attack button.
Image tag cmd B: Press the vertical attack button.
Image tag cmd Bh: Hold the vertical attack button.
Image tag cmd K: Press the kick button.
Image tag cmd Kh: Hold the kick button.
Image tag cmd 6: Input a direction.
Image tag cmd 6h: Hold in a direction.
Image tag cmd AsImage tag cmd B: Slide from one input to the next.
Image tag cmd N: Neutral.

Image tag attr H: High attack.

Image tag attr M: Middle attack.
Image tag attr L: Low attack.
Image tag attr SM: Special middle attack.
Image tag attr SL: Special low attack.
Image tag effect TH: Throw
Image tag effect UA: Unblockable attack.
Image tag effect BA: Break Attack.
Image tag effect GI: Guard Impact.
Image tag effect SS: Special Stance.
Image tag effect LH: Lethal Hit.
Image tag effect SC: Soul Charge.
Image tag effect SGF: Soul Gauge.
Image tag effect RE: Reversal Edge.
Special Movement: Special Movement.
Attack Throw: Attack Throw.
Brave Edge: Brave Edge.

Game Japanese Name English Name Input Properties Notes
Soulcalibur III キリングバイト Killing Bite 4(4)K Middle Attack
キリングバイト(打撃投げ) Killing Bite (Attack Throw) Against downed opponent (head first) 4(4)K Attack Throw
キリングバイト Killing Bite (4)K Middle Attack
キリングバイト(打撃投げ) Killing Bite (Attack Throw) Against downed opponent (head first) (4)K Attack Throw
Soulcalibur IV キリングバイト Killing Bite (4) or (1) or (7)K Middle Attack
キリングバイト(打撃投げ) Killing Bite (Attack Throw) Against Downed Opponent (Head Side) (4) or (1) or (7)K Attack Throw
キリングバイト~クリーピング Killing Bite ~Crawling (4) or (1) or (7)(K) Middle Attack
Special Stance
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny キリングバイト Killing Bite (4) or (1) or (7)K Middle Attack
キリングバイト(打撃投げ) Killing Bite (Attack Throw) Against Downed Opponent (Head Side) (4) or (1) or (7)K Attack Throw
キリングバイト~クリーピング Killing Bite ~ Crawling (4) or (1) or (7)(K) Middle Attack
Special Stance
Soulcalibur V キリングバイト Killing Bite 4(4)K Middle Attack
Soulcalibur VI 4(4)K Special Low


