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Last Rites on the Battlefield
Background music Daybreaker
Home to Hilde (SCV)
"The flames of war burn the wills of warriors."
— Announcer

Last Rites on the Battlefield (葬送の決戦場?) is Hilde's stage in Soulcalibur V. Located on the plains of Hungary, a battle wages between the mercenaries of Schwarzwind and the malfested forces of Nightmare

It is similar to Tranquil Wasteland in that it is an infinite stage. However, the background of the stage is littered by dark, thick smoke from the flames of an ongoing war.


A battle unfolding on the plains of Hungary. Denevér Castle, the stronghold of Graf Dumas, looms ominously among the mountains in the background. The mercenaries of Schwarzwind have honed their skills in numerous battles against the Malfested, but even they are struggling to resist the overwhelming might of Graf Dumas's forces, who have been strengthened with state-of-the-art cannons and elephant cavalry supplied to them by a Venetian merchant.[1]

Designer's Comment[]

"You can see Denevér Castle in the background. We actually had a golem in there at first, and the backstory (among the designers, anyway) was about rescuing the golem being held prisoner of the castle. Unfortunately, it was decided that the golem would be too overpowered and was removed."
— Yuko Mizoguchi[1]


  • The battlefield is located near Denevér Castle, which can be seen looming in the distance. 
  • It is possibly the same location as Tranquil Wasteland.
  • The elephant cavalry and cannons used by Dumas' forces were provided by Dampierre.[source?]
  • In the original stage concept, a golem was originally said to be imprisoned within the castle, with the large battle being waged in order to rescue the golem.[1]



  1. ^ a b c SoulCalibur: New Legends of Project Soul. Richmond Hill: UDON Entertainment Corp. February 2014. p. 138. ISBN 978-1-926778-95-2.
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur VUnlockablesThe Art of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur: New Legends of Project SoulThe Making of Soulcalibur VSoulcalibur V Original SoundtrackStory ~1607 A.D.~
AeonAlgolAstarothCervantesDampierreEdge MasterElysiumEzio AuditoreHildeIvyKilikLeixiaMaxiMitsurugiNatsuNightmarePatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)RaphaelSiegfriedTiraViolaVoldoXibaYoshimitsuZ.W.E.I.
Ancient Citadel: PeacetimeAncient Citadel: Under SiegeAstral ChaosAstral Chaos: PathwayCavern of Light and DarknessConqueror's ColiseumConqueror's Coliseum: Underground FightDenevér Castle: AssaultDenevér Castle: Eye of ChaosFree Imperial City: Old QuarterFree Imperial City CenterFu-Ma No Sato: Mechanical SpiderHouse of Valentine's Prague ResidenceLast Rites on the BattlefieldLuoyang: Grand Festival of Guandi TempleMt. Fuji the Holy: Hidden DragonPenitentiary of DestinyShrine of the Snake God PalgeaSinking Merchant ShipThe AdrianTorture ChamberTower of Glory: Most Holy DichotomyTower of Glory: Spiral of Good and EvilTranquil Wasteland Unknown ForestUnknown Forest: Dark NightUtopia of the Blessed