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Soulcalibur Wiki
Ostrheinsburg Castle (SC)
Ostrenhiensburg Castle
Background music In the Name of Father
Home to Nightmare (SC)

Ostrheinsburg Castle is a key location in the Soul series, notably occupied by the likes of Nightmare, Siegfried Schtauffen and Tira.


Profile: Ostrheinsburg Castle rises high with the deep forests of Mittelberg in Germany behind it. Constructed by a renowned, independent knight named Sir Stefan, this castle's defenses consisted of quadruple castle walls considered as impregnable.

However, after Sir Stefan was killed in a war, the remaining soldiers loyal to him were summarily executed and women and children were taken away as slaves. After thieves plundered it thoroughly, this castle became a tragic ruin that reeked of death. It became a place where none dared to visit.


  • "Ostrheinsburg" is German for "East Rhine Castle", indicating that the castle is located in the Rhine River Valley in Germany in the series, likely along the eastern bank.
    • The name "Ostrheinsburg Castle" is actually a redundancy, as the translation is "East Rhine Castle Castle" in English.
  • In the Arcade and Japanese versions of Soulcalibur, the stage is called Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle.
  • In overseas Dreamcast versions of Soulcalibur, the background music gets renamed to "In Father's Name".


See Also[]

SoulcaliburLegend of SoulcaliburSoulcalibur: Spirit SwordSoulcalibur (Chinese Manhua)Soulcalibur Original SoundtrackArt Gallery
ArthurAstarothCervantesEdge MasterHwangInfernoIvyKilikLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRockSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsu
The ColosseumChaosCity of WaterEmperor's GardenHarbor of SoulsHoko TempleKunpaetku ShrineMaze of the DeadMoney PitOstrheinsburg CastlePalgaea ShrineProving GroundsShrine of EurydiceSilk Road RuinTakamatsu CastleThe Adrian and The FortressValentine MansionWater Labyrinth