- "I won't give anything less than my all."
- — Talim
Talim (タリム, Tarimu) is a character in the Soul series of fighting games. She made her debut in Soulcalibur II and has since returned in all other main installments except for Soulcalibur V.
Talim is nicknamed The Last Priestess of the Winds, and true to that nickname, has the power to sway the wind and relies on earth's nature to guide her in her adventures, and most importantly in battle. She fights with dual Elbow Blades, and as said earlier, uses her advantage of wind control to give her an unpredictable edge during combat — being able to hop around and over the opponent at any moment. This unique tactic, and Talim's soft and innocent personality, have lead to her becoming a major fan favorite, thus receiving much praise from the Soulcalibur community.
Early Life[]
In the Village of the Wind Deity located in Southeast Asia (Philippines), there lived a small tribe of people who could control the winds. Talim was the granddaughter of the village's elder, Kalana, and daughter of its shaman, Sanput. Due to turmoil caused by the influences of the Spanish and Portuguese culture, she was reared to be its last priestess (Babaylan). The dark day that the Evil Seed pervaded through the sky, Talim felt the winds, and an evil aura that devoured everything in its path surged into her body, causing her to lose consciousness for days.
Soulcalibur II[]
Years later, when Talim was fifteen years old, a man from the west brought a strange metal fragment to her homeland, claiming it to be a "vitality charm". Talim, however, recognized the evil energy as the same force that had caused her to blackout years before, and resolved to return the metallic shard to where it belonged; wherever that was. Despite the elders' misgivings, Talim departed on a journey; concluding that when she delivered the demonic power to its rightful place, that peace would eventually be restored to the Earth.
Sensing the calamitous presence of the shard in other places of the world as well, Talim traveled to wherever the wind took her. She undoubtedly knew that the world would soon be consumed by illness and death if the evil force continued to spread. With that, Talim vowed to find all the fragments and return them to their proper forms, and even though she was young and far away from home, Talim bared no fear. She was aware of the wind surrounding her, guiding her, and blessing her — knowing that as long as the precious wind stayed with her, that she would be protected.
Soulcalibur III[]
Having collected several of the fragments, Talim soon learned that the source of the negative energy came from the legendary evil sword, Soul Edge. With the wind's guidance, Talim tracked the core of the corrupted life-force to a water mill, where a tiny group of children lived. It was here that Talim met a young boy. This boy radiated a familiar corruption from his own body, which had caused him to become very ill. Without much thought, Talim decided to treat the child and witness him to full health.
After growing accustomed to life in the watermill, a young man who went by the name of Yun-Seong paid the place a visit — proudly announcing that he was searching for clues regarding Soul Edge. Upon hearing this, Talim became apprehensive of his further plans and warned the gentleman about the dangers of the cursed blade. Yun-Seong was foolishly undaunted and chose to remain at the watermill with the hopes of retrieving information about the sword. Over time, Talim eventually grew to accept Yun-Seong and his upbeat attitude, deeming him to possess no evil.
As days passed, Talim became concerned of the boy's worsening conditions. Determined to cure him, she came up with the idea of passing the child's sustained, evil energy through her own body and out into the currents of the wind. Through days of treatment, the unhealthy power was released little by little, but the impurities that stayed behind in Talim's body slowly piled up, causing her ability to read the wind to gradually fade away. This was the utmost heartbreaking to Talim — she was losing something that had always been with her, something more important than words could express. Seeing her sink in sorrow, Yun-seong said to her, "There are some things you can't do anything about. When that happens, you just have to do what you can!" His words were largely meaningless, but hearing him say them somehow gave her courage.
Despite her best efforts to treat him, the boy's symptoms became even worse, and he was running out of time. Talim pondered the risky idea of releasing the evil from within his body all at once, but the boy refused. He did not wish to harm anyone else with his hopeless infection. However, Yun-Seong stepped in and used a comforting wit to eventually convince the child to agree and follow through with the cure. And when the long ritual ended, not a single remnant of demonic energy was left in either of their bodies. In the instant that Talim had opened up the boundaries of her heart, something had exorcised the cursed power. After watching over the boy to make sure he had recovered, Talim set out on a new quest. Something awaited her in the west...
Soulcalibur IV[]
During the treatment Talim had ensued to cure the small child, she had a vision. In this vision, Talim saw amongst the high flying winds an image of a beautiful, blue sword in a distant western land. Talim had only glimpsed this sword for a mere moment upon saving the youth who was being ravaged by Soul Edge, but this image had returned to her time and again during her sleep; she knew it had to be important.
As Talim journeyed on, she once again met up with Yun-seong. She had no doubt that he was still yearning for the sword of damnation in order to protect his homeland, and she was almost positive that he did not know the repercussions if he were to come in contact with the evil blade. Talim preached to him day in and day out about the dangers of Soul Edge, but she was uncertain if he had taken even one word seriously. Soon after, the two encountered Yun-seong's kinswoman, Seong-Mi-na. Mi-na shared the same views as Talim for she tried to convince Yun-seong to return home as well. But, no matter how hard the women tried, Yun-seong would not change his mind. And the following morning, they would wake only to find that the young man had fled.
"He's headstrong," Talim explained to Mi-na "but he's a good person. In the end, I'm sure he'll make the right decision." Talim believed her words, but kept the thought of him making the proper decision on his own to herself.
Talim and Mi-na soon parted ways, and the young priestess carried on alone.
One night, as she gazed upon the sky, Talim beheld countless lights shooting toward the west. It was an immaculate sight, but she could feel the evil behind it. She concluded that Soul Edge had grown in power, and that she did not have much time. From that night, the same, familiar vision visited her more frequently. The sword whose power at first seemed so pure grew more formidable before her, until finally it seemed capable of wiping all that existed around it. Talim grew anxious; power that great could only warp the balance of nature. As the winds circled the world, she could hear them screaming.
Soulcalibur II[]
Southeast Asia was thrust into an age of turmoil when Western Europe's influence began to encroach upon their lands. In one particular region of Southeast Asia lived a tribe of people who could control the winds.
Talim was the daughter of this village's shaman, and she was reared to be the last priestess. During an era where faith in the Wind Deity gradually waned, Talim possessed unparalleled potential to be a shaman.
One day, as Talim read the winds just as she had done many times, a violent evil aura that seemed to devour everything in its path surged into her body. Talim lost her consciousness and did not wake for days. The incident occurred the day the Evil Seed spread across the world.
When Talim was 15, a westerner brought a peculiar metallic fragment. The westerner touted the object as a "vitality charm", but Talim immediately recognized the evil within the piece of metal; it was the same malevolent energy that she felt on the day she collapsed.
"I must return the fragment to its rightful place!" Talim exclaimed.
The young priestess left on the journey, even though her elders were full of misgivings.
Soon after Talim left the village, she sensed the resonance of the same evil aura from other parts of the world. She knew that everything would soon be consumed by illness if the evil force continued to spread. Talim knew she had to find all of the fragments and seek their rightful place.
No matter how far she was from her home, Talim could feel the wind. She was not afraid--no matter how long the journey, she knew she would be fine as long as the winds were with her.
"Nature does nothing in vain... There are no Grotesques in Nature; not anything framed to fill up empty Cantons, and unnecessary spaces." -Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici
The moment Spain declared the Philippines as part of its empire, Southeast Asia was thrust into an age of turmoil. The westerners introduced their new culture without giving any regard to the indigenous culture or people. The foreigners stayed near the shoreline at first, but it was only a matter of time before their influence reached all the way to the mountains.
As if they felt the need to hide from the encroaching footsteps of the foreigners, a tribe of people secluded themselves in a small village nestled deep within the mountain valleys. The tribe honored the Wind Deity and lived as one with nature.
Talim was born during this era into a family of shamans. She was raised as the Last Priestess of the Wind during a time when western influences grew stronger, and faith in the Wind Deity gradually waned.
One day, Talim was reading the winds, just as she had done since she was a young child. That day, however, something about the winds felt odd. Unlike the normal, soft whispers of the winds mixed with murmurs of distant cities, the winds were tainted with an evil aura that seemed to devour everything in its path. The screams, hopelessness, and madness of faraway places carried by the evil aura surged into Talim before she realized what was happening.
This occurred on the day the Evil Seed spread across the world.
Talim crumpled to the ground and lost consciousness for days. The people of her village were on the verge of losing all hope when she finally awoke. Talim's eyes were filled with deep sorrow, and she cried without knowing why.
By Talim's fifteenth year, it was common to see western merchants and explorers in her once secluded village. One day, a westerner brought a "vitality charm" to the village. The elders expressed concern when they saw the unusual metal fragment. They sensed that it did not belong in their village; it belonged somewhere else. They also felt that its presence would have an evil influence on those who came near it.
Talim immediately recognized the evil in the piece of metal; it was the same malevolent energy that she felt on the day she collapsed. "I must return the fragment to its rightful place!" Talim exclaimed.
The elders tried to prevent Talim from leaving the village with the metal shard. They feared that the purity of the Last Priestess would be tainted if she were exposed to the outside world. Her parents disagreed. On the contrary, they felt that by experiencing the world, Talim's purity and love of nature would grow. The young Sibyl left on her journey with her parents' blessing.
As her village slowly disappeared behind the mountain range, Talim sensed the resonance of the same evil aura from other parts of the world. She could feel it in the winds that traveled across the seas and continents, circulating throughout the world. She knew that everything would soon be consumed by illness if the evil force continued to spread with the wind.
Talim reasoned that there were more of these metal fragments. And like the one she possessed, unwitting people carried the pieces to all corners of the world. Talim knew she had to find all of the fragments and seek their rightful place.
Although Talim had never set foot outside of her village before, she was not afraid-no matter how long the journey, she knew she would be fine as long as the winds were with her.[5]Soulcalibur III[]
In-game Profile
After leaving the village of the wind and pursuing the evil metal fragments, Talim learned that the source of the evil was Soul Edge.
Led by the whispers of the wind, Talim traced the root of the evil energy to a mountain range and arrived at a watermill in which lived only children. There, she met a boy who radiated evil energy from his own body and lay sick in bed. Talim made up her mind to treat the boy.
One day, a young man by the name of Yun-seong came to visit the watermill in search of Soul Edge. Talim explained its danger to him, but he was undaunted and chose to stay there in hopes of obtaining information. Eventually, Yun-seong's cheeriness led Talim to accept him.
Concerned at the boy's worsening condition, Talim came up with the idea of passing all of the evil energy in his body through hers and into the wind. It would be dangerous for her as well, but she was determined to cure him.
The boy refused her at first, but Yun-seong convinced him to agree to the treatment.
The treatment was a miraculous success.
During the treatment, Talim saw amongst the high flying winds the image of a beautiful sword in a distant western land. Without understanding why, she felt her heart grow hot.
After watching over the boy's recovery, Talim left on a new journey with the children's thanks echoing in her ears.
Something was waiting in the west...Her heart fluttered quietly with that premonition.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Amidst a blue light that brought to mind shimmering waters, a single blade shone brilliantly. Talim had only glimpsed the sword for one hallucinatory moment upon saving the youth who was being ravaged by Soul Edge, but it came back to her time and again in her sleep.
She had been passing her days with Yun-seong, a young man who was searching for Soul Edge. Despite countless efforts to preach the cursed sword's dangers to him, she could not be sure he had taken a single word seriously. Then, almost immediately after they crossed paths with Yun-seong's kinswoman, Mi-na, he vanished. He must have sensed that Mi-na would try to take him back to their homeland, and fled. "He's headstrong," Talim explained to Mi-na, "but he's a good person. In the end, I'm sure he'll make the right decision." And he'll want to make it himself, she added to herself.
She parted ways with Mi-na and went on alone. Then, one night, she beheld countless lights shooting into the west. It was a beautiful sight, but Talim sensed the evil behind it. Soul Edge had grown in power, and time was running short.
From that day, the vision visited her more frequently. The sword whose power at first seemed so pure grew more formidable before her, until finally it seemed capable of wiping away all that existed around it. Talim grew anxious; power that great could only warp the balance of nature. As the winds circled the world, she could hear them screaming.
It was the same dream that visited her.
Amidst a blue light that brought to mind shimmering waters, a single blade shone brilliantly. The evil on the wind smothered and died when touched by the waves emanating from it. The sword dazzled her, and when she held up ber hand to shade her eyes...
She woke. She had only glimpsed the sword for one hallucinatory moment upon saving the boy being ravaged by Soul Edge, but it came back to Talim time and again in her sleep.
“Hey, you awake?” The voice belonged to Hong Yun-seong, a young man she had passed her days with while helping the boy. He, too, had been on a journey in search of Soul Edge, and asked to travel with Talim. At first she had been put off by his forcefulness, but she saw no downside to working together with someone who shared her goals. Besides, Talim had sized up Yun-seong at a glance. He had seemed so eager to attain Soul Edge’s power, and despite her best efforts to preach the cursed sword’s dangers to him, she could not be sure he had taken a single word seriously. How could she rest easy if she left him to his own devices? So she had agreed to continue the journey together.
Soon Talim and Yun-seong entered Istanbul, gateway to Europe. While gathering information from the merchants and sailors whose business took them from land to land, they heard stories of an ancient shrine that had been destroyed in Egypt, which lay beyond the sea. According to the rumors, this temple made of solid stone had been felled by blows from a sword. Absurd, it seemed...unless the sword in question was Soul Edge. Talim suggested to Yun-seong that they head to Egypt, and so it was that the two boarded a vessel.
Lingering within the ruined shrine was the same evil energy that she had felt countless times in the past; this was indeed Soul Edge’s work. Talim, upon seeing Yun-seong’s fascinated reaction to the carnage, gave him an even sterner lecture than ever about the sword’s dangers, but as usual her companion showed no sign of caring. Despite her repeated warnings, she had been sidestepped again.
Upon returning to Europe, they found Yun-seong ’s kinswoman, Seong Mi-na, waiting. All the rowdiness Talim had grown accustomed to had faded at once before this new visitor. So, Talim thought, he does listen to someone. Watching Mi-na push him around like a child amused her so much, she could no longer contain her laughter. A pleasant wind blew between the two; Talim could tell they were like siblings.
But the next day, Yun-seong vanished. He must have sensed Mi-na would try to take him back to their homeland, and fled in the night. While Talim was a bit soured by his decision to leave her without so much as a goodbye, the dumbfounded look on Mi-na’s face worried her more. Clearly Mi-na never imagined Yun-seong would run from her, which only went to show how serious he was about finding Soul Edge and seeing for himself whether it was good or evil. Some people never learn. Still...
“He’s headstrong,” Talim said, “but he’s a good person. In the end, I’m sure he’ll make the right decision.” She knew his single-mindedness was also his greatest virtue.
And so the two parted ways: Mi-na left in search of Yun-seong, while Talim went on alone. She knew following Yun-seong would lead her to Soul Edge, but she needed to look into something first. The sword that shone blue—her vision—what did it mean? She had little luck finding the answer. Even the most knowledgeable sailors and oldest keepers of lore had never heard of any such sword. But Talim believed in the power within her as a Babaylan priestess. The scene she kept seeing in her heart must have some meaning, some vital truth it was trying to impart.
One night, a restlessness woke her, and she beheld a wondrous sight. Countless lights shot into the west, like a meteor shower; it was beautiful, but Talim sensed an outpouring of evil in the skies. Something evil had summoned forth its kindred from the darkness. Talim remembered the fragment of Soul Edge she carried. No sooner had she taken it out then it emitted a powerful wave and hurtled away, disappearing into the void of the sky. The winds blew too strong; an ill omen. She sensed Soul Edge had grown in power; time was running short. She must go and find it, now.
From that day, the vision visited her daily. The shining blue sword whose power at first seemed so pure grew more formidable before her, until finally it seemed capable of wiping away all existence around it. Was it responding to the evil blade? Talim grew anxious; if this was a vision of the near future then it was more than just a revelation. It was a warning; for power too great would only warp nature. The most important thing in this world was balance. Even if a great power were to enforce harmony, if that power itself were to fall out of balance, it would bring untold calamity.
Uneasy, Talim glanced up at the skies. As the winds circled the world, she could hear them screaming.[6]Physical Appearance[]
Talim's young frame and tribal accessories has produced a unique, pure fullness to the Soul character roster — which was fully intended. The youthful priestess was initially created to add variety to the current selection of fighters, a selfless, young girl — something that the creators felt that the series lacked. Her signature Elbow Blades, and the features listed above, are Talim's most iconic traits in the means of character design and have stayed with her throughout the entire series.
Talim is strikingly meek, innocent, kind, moderate, and nice in contrast to the rest of the Soul series cast, often attempting to dissuade opponents from fighting, and constantly showing mercy to her defeated enemies. Her comments often reveal self-doubt and worry. She often does not blame others for their actions, as shown in her Soulcalibur IV ending where she forgives Algol for his actions, and sometimes will resurrect dead characters who were close to certain other characters, as shown in the same ending where she resurrects Algol's son, Arcturus. She has an ability to read the wind, often taking advice from it, as well as asking the wind to guide her in her journey. Overall, she is a kind-hearted character, and thus is aligned with good characters.
Soulcalibur II[]
In Soulcalibur II, Talim's earliest game, she first appeared with dark braided hair that hinted a tint of blue, wore a green, shoulder-less top that revealed her abdominal, and carried a reoccurring design of red stripes throughout her outfit. She sported a pair of knee length, white shorts and displayed uneven, green leg warmers. She notably wears a golden medallion depicting a crescent moon and the sun — most likely representing her love for not only nature, but for the Earth as a whole. This pendant is one of Talim's most recognizable clothing items, as she has donned it in the chapters following Soulcalibur II as well. Her alternate outfits for this installment utilize her title as a priestess, for they feature headdresses, elegant cloth, and religious accessories.
Soulcalibur III[]
For Soulcalibur III, Talim appears to have more of a tanned skin tone and returns in a light blue, one-piece body gown. Though sleeveless, it is one of Talim's more conservative outfits as it covers her navel and upper chest, only exposing her outer stomach. The patch of clothing that connects the top of her outfit to her pants is colored of a darker blue and features a gold outline of a butterfly, as well as her outer leg. Light red ribbons are attached to numerous parts of her costume and her hair has been tied into four thin braids. Talim's secondary outfit has a similar layout to her primary garment from Soulcalibur II, and even shares a familiar palette. The few noticeable differences are shown in the length of her trousers, in which was reduced to a shorter size and became supported by a skirt-like cloth.
Moreover, she is also wearing a white headdress that is reminiscent of the crown she wears in Soulcalibur IV.
Soulcalibur IV/Broken Destiny[]
In Soulcalibur IV, Talim is dressed with a white top accompanied by a green vest, once again revealing her slender paunch. While still in a shade of blue, her hair appears to be lighter and has once more been banded in two thick braids. Her pants are oddly transparent — supposedly inspired from the Philippines National Costume of Abacca Silk, it's the same with the national dress of the Philippines — "Barong Tagalog", made of woven abacca or banana silk. Talim's collateral apparel is based off the appearance of a cat.
Soulcalibur II[]
Soul Calibur 2 - Talim Ending HQ
Talim's ending from Soulcalibur II

In order to restore the world to its original state, Talim returned the sword to its rightful place.
The hellfire lost its sustenance. In the blink of an eye, it changed its form and scattered into the winds.

The spiritual energies led astray righted their course and flowed toward this place.
Talim must have sensed the change in the winds, for she looked to the sky and smiled.
Soulcalibur III[]
Talim is seen standing in a small field, holding Soul Edge in her hands. She then raises the demonic blade high above her head in an attempt to purify it, asking for the wind to lend her its strength. Suddenly, a tornado appears and begins to spin around the young girl's frame.
Soul Calibur 3 - Talim - Ending A
Talim's No Input ending from Soulcalibur III
No Input Ending
Soul Edge gives Talim a small shock as it flies from her grasp and is destroyed by the wind. Rather exhausted from the ordeal, Talim then falls to her knees, panting weakly.
Soon after, she rises and looks to sky. There, she sees a small group of birds flying past a windmill and smiles.
Soul Calibur 3 - Talim - Ending B
Talim's Input ending from Soulcalibur III
Input Ending
Soul Edge harmlessly rises from Talim's grip and is easily destroyed by the force of the wind. Yun-seong then approaches Talim from behind and asks her if it is over. "Yes...Now, finally" she replies weakly.
Afterwards, Talim loses her balance, for she had been weakened by the ordeal. But before she falls, Yun-Seong catches her and wonders if she is alright. Talim reassures him of her good health only to find that Yun-Seong is now complaining. "Aww man... so Soul Edge is really gone?" He laments. "You still haven't given up?" Talim says faintfully.
Now concerned, Talim starts yelling at Yun-Seong and tells him that it's not okay. Yun-Seong will then change the subject and tell Talim that it's late, and that they should begin to head back, running off before she can respond. Talim will then shout "Hey, I'm still not done talking to you!" as she chases after him.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Soul Calibur IV Talim's Ending(JP)
Talim's ending from Soulcalibur IV
The two spirit swords fall from Algol's hands as he drops to the ground. Talim then informs the Hero King that she does not blame him for his past actions, and will not even question what the two swords are. "However," she continues "they threaten the very fabric of nature. So I'll return them to their true forms."
Talim then looks to Algol's troubled posture, stating that she will restore him as well. As Algol raises his head to meet with Talim, he becomes stunned, finding that she has resurrected his son, Arcturus. As the father & son join hands the screen fades to white and Talim's voice is heard. "Oh wind, I beg of you, bring peace and tranquility to all."
The text-only epilogue states: The world will now return to its natural form and the cries of the winds have disappeared.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Tower of Lost Souls[]
Talim appears in the Ascend mode on the floor challenges "Unfailing Tower," "Avaricious Life," and "Envoy Of Destruction."
- TOLS Floor Appearances
- Unfailing Tower (Fl.30)
- Avaricious Life (Fl.43)
- Envoy Of Destruction (Fl.57)
- Partners
- Skills On Unfailing Tower
- HP Recovery B
- Auto Grapple Break C
- Nullify Ring Out B
- Skills On Avaricious Life
- HP Burst S
- Soul Gauge Boost C
- Nullify Ring Out A
- Skills On Envoy Of Destruction
- Soul Gauge Damage B
- Soul Gauge Boost A
- Nullify Ring Out A
- Default Skills
- Soul Repel
- Impact Heal
- HP Drain C
Fighting Style[]
Talim is a close-range character who fights with her trademark wind dancing attacks. Her battle style heavily relies on seemingly quick and random strikes all around the opponent. She uses Eskrima, an indigenous Filipino martial art later standardized in the mid 2000s as Arnis. Talim uses the armed variant of Eskrima and is particularly speedy with her execution of the style. Her special stances place her in wild acrobatics to overwhelm the opponent. She has good mind games and mix-ups in the game, due to her small stature and the deception of fast attacks. Also, she has a good combo game. However, her body tends to jut out before her weapons, making most of her attacks interruptible. In addition, she has perhaps one of the smallest ranges of any character but her sheer speed is somewhat of a compensation.For the attacks that do land on the opponent, they deal a relatively low amount of damage, although, like , they can be strung together in order to deal a decent amount of damage. Also, plenty of her attacks ironically often put her at a disadvantage even on impact and therefore, open for heavy punishment. Her repertoire lacks any Auto-Guard Impact option, so a Talim player is hard-pressed to find opportunities to gain the advantage. Because of these shortcomings, even experienced Talim players often list her as a low-tier character. Overall, most of her attacks are risky and provide little potential rewards. Like any other low-tier character, Talim is seldom used in tournaments, so a Talim player may take advantage of the opponent's unfamiliarity with Talim's fighting style and come out on top.
Soulcalibur IV[]
Wind Dance[]
Southeast Asia, encroached upon by Western powers. Even in this time of upheaval, the people who worshipped the wind would not give up their faith. Those who traveled the world using the power of the wind, they protected the legend and they had a sword dance, which was a dedication to the Wind. But sometimes the violent winds blow. That sword dance contained the power of the wind itself.
To the average person, it may seem no more than a dance, but the priestess Talim actually controls the winds and is protected by them.[6]
Critical Finish[]
Wind of Bliss: Slashes the opponent vertically several times and lets a powerful wind sweep them up and fall back dead seconds later. At the end of critical finish, she would say "Thank you."
- "Don't worry Talim, believe in yourself."
- "Calm down, Talim... okay."
- "I won't back down!"
- "Do you really want to do this?"
- "I'm not going to run! I must fight!"
- "Wind, guide me."
- "I am one with the wind."
- "Prepare yourself!"
- "Well, let's begin."
- "I won't hold back!"
- "I won't run away!"
- "Please, let me through."
- "Believe in yourself, Talim."
- "I can do this!"
- "There's a reason why I cannot yield."
- "You're full of nothing."
- "What sorrowful eyes."
- "Why do you fight?"
- "I will be like the wind!"
- "I've made up my mind."
- "There's a reason why I must win"
- "I can't let you go on. This sword is evil."
- "Please..."
- "I'm sorry! Please try to understand!"
- "There is no other way, correct?"
- "Who's responsible for this?"
- "What's going on?"
- "Go. Return to that from which you came!"
- "You will not leave this place!"
- "My heart is still pounding."
- "I've got to go on."
- "Okay! I won! Hah, ahaha!"
- "I must fight. It's not over yet."
- "Don't worry, you'll be okay."
- "This isn't over yet."
- "You did your best. I respect that."
- "You're full of nothing."
- "I was just lucky."
- "Won't you please give up?"
- "Conflict lies within you."
- "I don't want regrets."
- "My hands are still burning."
- "I will follow my own path."
- "Am I okay? My heart is still pounding."
- "I must keep going!"
- "Please take care."
- "I must hurry on!"
- "Phew. That was dangerous."
- "Come on... hit!"
- "Go... away!"
- "Wind!"
- "Now!"
- "Go!"
- "I see you!"
- "Forgive me!"
- "More!"
- "Strike!"
- "Here I come!"
- "I must..."
- "Don't get up!"
- "There!"
- "Payback!"
- "You want more?"
- "How's this?"
- "Are you okay?"
- "Oh, no!"
- "Please... hit!"
- "Please... stay down!"
- "Wind!"
- "I can do this!"
- "I'm sorry!"
- "Here's more!"
- "Hit!"
- "Please... don't get up!"
- "Don't!"
- "My turn!"
- "Want more?"
- "What?!"
- "Why?"
- "How?"
- "UGH..."
- "No!"
- "How could this be?"
- Has a destined battle with Necrid in the home console ports of Soulcalibur II.
- Travel companion and friend of Yun-seong from Soulcalibur III to Soulcalibur IV. Shares a Destined battle with him in Soulcalibur II.
- Travel companion and Friend of Seong Mi-na in Soulcalibur IV.
- Shares a Destined Battle with Raphael in Soulcalibur III.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Character Profiles, Soulcalibur II.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Character Profiles, Soulcalibur III.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Chain of Souls, Soulcalibur IV.
- ^ http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/characters/Soul-Calibur/Talim/
- ^ "Soul Calibur 2 - History - Talim". Soulcalibur. Namco Limited. Archived from the original on February 4, 2005. Retrieved May 10, 2024.
- ^ a b Deats, Adam; Epstein, Joe (July 17, 2008). SOULCALIBUR IV Signature Series Fighter's Guide. BradyGames. pp. 137-138. ISBN 978-0-7440-1006-0.
Original Timeline Main Characters |
Aeon (Lizardman) • Algol • Amy • Astaroth (Mass Produced) • Cassandra • Cervantes • Charade • Edge Master • Hilde • Hwang • Ivy • Kilik • Leixia • Li Long • Maxi • Mitsurugi • Natsu • Olcadan • Patroklos (α Patroklos) • Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω) • Raphael • Rock • Seong Mi-na • Setsuka • Siegfried • Sophitia • Soul Calibur (Elysium) • Soul Edge (Inferno, Nightmare, Night Terror) • Taki • Talim • Tira • Viola • Voldo • Xianghua • Xiba • Yoshimitsu • Yun-seong • Zasalamel (Abyss) • Z.W.E.I. |