Rename/Redesign or Deletion?[]
Evil is simply the word used in the Japanese version to refer to those infected by Soul Edge's energy in some way. The English version came up with the word 'Malfested' as obviously, Evils would sound silly when used in English (same with Evil Seed over Evil Sperm). For some reason, the English version of Legends went with the literal translation Evil.
So I think this page should either be renamed 'Malfested' and have it's text and content completly rewritten and/or transferred from the description on the category 'malfested'. Alternatively, the page should be deleted as it's misleading, implying Evils and malfested are two different things and using SCL's non-canon information as it's basis. Any thoughts? Mintia43 (talk) 03:41, October 24, 2012 (UTC)