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Soulcalibur Wiki
The Colosseum
Background music Gathering: Fatal Gravity
Home to Rock (SC)

The Colosseum is Rock's home stage in Soulcalibur.


The Colosseum is what remains of an ancient coliseum built around the canals. It appears to have served as a stadium for competition and a theater as well. The seating capacity of this place is approximately 20,000, which ranks in size with the Megalopolis in Greece.

The players entered the Colosseum on boats adorned with gold and silver. Winners were praised atop the altar of sacred fire in the center of the Colosseum.


  • In overseas Dreamcast versions of the game, the name of the background music that plays was renamed "Gathering: Destiny Beckons".
  • Some of the patterns and carvings seen on some of the walls resemble Achaemenian art, such as those found at Persepolis.


See Also[]

SoulcaliburLegend of SoulcaliburSoulcalibur: Spirit SwordSoulcalibur (Chinese Manhua)Soulcalibur Original SoundtrackArt Gallery
ArthurAstarothCervantesEdge MasterHwangInfernoIvyKilikLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRockSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsu
The ColosseumChaosCity of WaterEmperor's GardenHarbor of SoulsHoko TempleKunpaetku ShrineMaze of the DeadMoney PitOstrheinsburg CastlePalgaea ShrineProving GroundsShrine of EurydiceSilk Road RuinTakamatsu CastleThe Adrian and The FortressValentine MansionWater Labyrinth