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Soulcalibur Wiki
Tiger Fang
General Information
Wielder Seong Mi-na
Weapon Type Halberd
Power 7/10
Defense 3/10
Strength 5/10
Durability 5/10
Weight 8/10
Innate Abilities Health decreases for every attack
"Strong weapon, but consumes energy."
— In-game description.

Tiger Fang (虎牙刀, Mandarin Chinese: Hǔyá Dāo, Japanese: Kogatō) is one of Seong Mi-na's weapons in Soul Edge.

It is unlocked by completing Episode 2 of Seong Mi-na's Edge Master mode. A shrine on Ōmi Province was said to hold a weapon that was capable of manipulating the human spirit. Upon arrival, she was attacked by Rock, who had gotten possessed by a demon. Although he kept getting up again and again, Seong Mi-na was able to finally subdue the man and retrieved the rumoured weapon from the shrine, Tiger Fang.


Seong Mi-na's Weapons
Soul Edge ZanbatouTiger FangLong Handled SwordNagamakiHalbardMorning StarSickled SpearSpiked Mace
Soulcalibur Scarlet Thunder (1P)Scarlet Thunder (2P) • Edge Master's Zanbatō
Soulcalibur II Scarlet Thunder (1P)Scarlet Thunder (2P)DefenderHyup DoNaginataCouseBardicheHalberdAmbassadorSoul Edge (Complete)HraesvelgrFeather Broom
Soulcalibur III Scarlet Thunder (1P)Scarlet Thunder (2P)DefenderHyup DoHalberdHraesvelgrFeather BroomThe Ancient
Soulcalibur IV Scarlet Thunder (1P)Scarlet Thunder (2P)Hyup DoAmbassadorHalberdHraesvelgrSoul CaliburOpen-Handed Slap
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Scarlet Thunder (1P)Scarlet Thunder (2P)AmbassadorHalberdHraesvelgrSoul CaliburOpen-Handed SlapHyup Do
Soulcalibur VI Scarlet ThunderEmerald NimbusAmbassadorHalberdHraesvelgrHyup DoPrimitive Spear
Soul Edge Weapons
Mitsurugi SE-Weapons-01 KorefujiOnimaruIron SlasherKojiro's SwordWater MoonTwo Handed SwordFalxMurasame
Seong Mi-na SE-Weapons-02 ZanbatouTiger FangLong Handled SwordNagamakiHalbardMorning StarSickled SpearSpiked Mace
Taki SE-Weapons-03 Rekki-MaruIron FanMekki-MaruJutteGaea SwordKunaiTantoSpirit Blade
Li Long SE-Weapons-04 FalconSnake WindTitanPhoenixSteel DragonWhite TigerAsuraTwin Thunder
Voldo SE-Weapons-05 KatarFull MoonIron ClawGuillotinePoison ArrowBuffalo HornPataSoul Edge
Sophitia SE-Weapons-06 Omega SwordGaea SwordSword BreakerFire BladeBlue Crystal RodRapierApollo SwordValkyrie
Siegfried SE-Weapons-07 FaustGrimbladeAtlas SwordFlamberge7 Branch BladeHard Steel BladeClaymoreSoul Edge
Rock SE-Weapons-08 Battle AxStone ClubCrescent AxWar HammerTwin AxCross AxDouble TomahawkGreat Ax
Hwang SE-Weapons-09 Blue StormNippon BladeMountain BreakerThunderous FireFalchionSword of DawnMidas BladePhantom
Cervantes SE-Weapons-10 Soul EdgeMain GaucheDefenderJirotohKatana3 Bladed EdgeHeavy LanceSerpent's Tongue