Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

BlueTwinDragons BlueTwinDragons 1 January 2014


Okay, so you know how Sakurasyoaran124 made that blog post about my brother being dead, well apparently he's not dead, aha.

Okay, what happened was my evil brother Jace made my brother Devlin(User:DeimosCatZane) overdose on Insulin(he has diabetes) which sent him into a coma. The doctors said he prolly wouldn't wake up, but my mom didn't have the heart to have the plug pulled, so he's been sitting in a hospital for months doing nothing until yesterday he started moving around in his sleep and had brain functioning and today he woke up!!!


Yeah I'm sitting next to him right now writing this on my phone and it's taking forever to load, but I don't care cause I'm telling the whole world the great and wonderful news, whoop whoop!

I could…

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