Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

E4envygirl906 E4envygirl906 25 March 2016

Why do I think they look alike?

So I saw this picture of this VOCALOID and I kinda thought that she looked like Leixia. Check it out you guys!

What do you think? Yes or no?

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E4envygirl906 E4envygirl906 22 December 2015

I think I'm gonna stay away for a little while

Hi guys it's me. By the title you already know what I'm talking about.If not then what I'm saying is that I think I wanna stay away from the wiki for a little bit. So if you have any comments, comment now because I'm gonna be on the wiki on the first of January.I'll come by on christmas to tell you guys merry christmas.

So yeah...I am really sorry that this has to come. But I'll still be online right now. So plz comment before I leave. Bye.


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E4envygirl906 E4envygirl906 22 November 2015


Not much is known about her. She is Tira's older sister that later died because of her sisters rampage. Tira says that she was always her favorite sister but something told her that she must be dead. It was soul edge that brought this evil curse to Tira.

She was 24 years old when she knew Tira was her sister. Then she died at the age of 32. Due to the fact that not much is known except for her name and age,her height,weight,and birth place and birth date are unknown. It was such a mystery.

Tira was sorry because she had to kill her. Everything was turning upsidedown for her. She still couldn't forget about her sisters death,everything was just bloody and red and all the things she could see was turning black. Blacking out she wakes up to fin…

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