Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

Wenli is a custom character that appears in Soulcalibur III and Soulcalibur IV.

Soulcalibur III[]

Wenli appears in Chronicles of the Sword. A Hellgenoss soldier led by Kierkess, she and Saizou aided Hyle in Chronicle 9 as backup. She wields tambourines.

Soulcalibur IV[]

Wenli appears in in Tower of Lost Souls Descend mode using Xianghua's fighting style.

Tower of Lost Souls[]

  • Fighting Style: Xianghua
  • Descend Mode: 11-further


  • Soul Gauge Recovery B
  • Nullify Ringout B


Soulcalibur III
Soulcalibur III (Arcade Edition)UnlockablesSoulcalibur III Original Soundtrack - Legend of SoundsTales of SoulsSoul ArenaChronicles of the Sword
AbeliaAbyssAmyArthurAstarothAureliaCassandraCervantesChesterDemuthGreedGirardotHualinHwangIvyKilikLi LongLizardmanLunaLynetteMaxiMiserMitsurugiNightmareOlcadanRaphaelRevenantRockSeong Mi-naSetsukaSiegfriedSophitiaStrife AstlarTakiTalimTiraValeriaVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsuYun-seongZasalamel
Battle in the StraitChaos - Spiritual RealmClock TowerEgyptian TempleEurydice Shrine - Gate of the GodsGrand LabyrinthIndian PortJyurakudai VillaKunpaetku Shrine RuinLakeside ColiseumLing Sheng-Su Temple RuinLost CathedralLost Cathedral - RuinLotus GardenOld Toledo - Burning GalleryOstrheinsburg Castle - BattlementPalgaea Shrine - RuinsPirate RaidProving GroundsRomanian Valley - Castle SiegeSacred Mt. Fuji - Lava BedSecret Money PitSilk Road RuinUnderground Buddhist SanctumValentine MansionWater Mill Valley
Soulcalibur IV
Soulcalibur IV (Broken Destiny)Soulcalibur MobileSoulcalibur IV (DC Comics)Exciting! Soulcalibur DojoThe Art of Soulcalibur: Broken DestinySoulcalibur IV UnlockablesSoulcalibur IV Original SoundtrackSoulcalibur Broken Destiny Best Of SoundtrackCritical FinishTower of Lost SoulsQuick MatchThe Gauntlet • Trials (Trial of Attack, Trial of Defence, Endless Trial) • Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Unlockables
AlgolAmyAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteAstarothCassandraCervantesDampierreDarth VaderHildeInfernoIvyKamikirimusiKilikKratosLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRaphaelRockSeong Mi-naSetsukaScheherazadeShuraSiegfriedSophitiaTakiTalimTiraVoldoXianghuaYodaYoshimitsuYun-seongZasalamel
Challenge of the GodsDistant Marsh (Sleeping Marsh) • Egyptian Temple - Sacred Flame (Egyptian Temple - Sand Cloud) • Grand Labyrinth - Corridor of Suspended TimeHall of the Warrior GodIce Coffin of the Sleeping AncientJyurakudai Villa - Virgin Snow (Jyurakudai Villa - Twill Damask and Brocade) • Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants (Grand Shrine of Palgaea - Sea of Decay) • Ostrheinsburg Castle Throne RoomOstrheinsburg Castle - Twilight (Dark Capital Ostrheinsburg) • Phantom PavilionSailor's Rest (Sailor's Rest - Twilight) • Star Destroyer Docking BayThesmophoros' Imperial Garden (Thesmophoros' Imperial Garden - Sunset) • Tower of Remembrance - Ancient GateTower of Remembrance - DegradationTower of Remembrance - Encounter (Tower of Remembrance - Omen) • Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of TimeVoiceless Volpe BridgeWolfkrone Monument
Soulcalibur III
Chronicles of the Sword Characters
Major Characters AbeliaLunaGirardotStrifeChesterDemuthAureliaAegeHeal-DoEluaLupiRoinKierkessHyleMooncalfEnde
Katana & Shuriken JinkaiKagamiShiunShiinaChikageKonomi
Kunai CassiusSaizouRyougaKimikaSyunnaTomoeTina
Katana MeigaAlastorShizumaAzumiYukinaOuka
Chinese Sword XiaoxinOruksAgarethJyuriShuyuMingyue
Chinese Blade VelesAetherIxionSiulanFenglinPhiline
Grieve Edge IgnisNotusAzraelMireilleAglaiaKanon
Staff JyuraiKurehaXunyuFengyuFengleiMinlian
Lance NoelRudigerAeneasAnnarettaIrisBrunhild
Steel Fan AsrafilZifengAeolosAmritaAzaleaYueliangYuilin
Sickle KanadeDomenthiMaridAmbroseAilianAika
Dagger LokiCelestisBelethKarenLilanAbigailLuca
Iron Sword BalduinAlocesAreonJunoEurydiceIshtar
Broad Sword & Small Shield RufusRaguelFeofanEuniceAcaciaHilda
Tambourine IblisAlbericLeshyMurielWenliIrene
Nunchaku YufengYakumoDufengMayuraMeilanRhea
Wave Sword HalphasGorusIlyushaEdithRieseAgave
Rapier HaystirLerajeRatzielKatinaErisSizuku
Other GrandallDalkiaBrigandMalettaRebelHalteese