Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

In this Korean name, the family name is Hong (홍/洪).

"You picked the wrong guy to mess with."
— Yun-seong

Hong Yun-Seong (ホン・ユンスン, Hon Yunsun; Hanja: 洪潤星, Hangul: 홍윤성) is a fictional character in the Soul series of fighting games. His debut was in the third installment of the series, Soulcalibur II, and he subsequently appeared in Soulcalibur III, Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny. He is a spunky and young warrior with a fighting style inspired by Hwang Seong-gyeong, his predecessor and the previous Chinese Sword wielder in the series.

He is nicknamed The Patriot of The Flashing Leg.

What lies in his soul is Pride.


As a child, Yun-seong had idolized Hwang Seong-gyeong. However, he was no longer a personal hero, but a goal to surpass. Yun-seong wished more than anything to challenge him to a duel. One day, news reached the Seong Dojang that Hwang was returning from his long journey. Yun-seong saw this as the perfect opportunity to force him to acknowledge his fighting skills, personally entertaining the idea of becoming stronger than his former hero all along. However, his challenge was rejected as Hwang was more occupied with attempting to rejoin the military to help defend Korea in the impending invasion by Japan. Seong Mi-na, daughter of the dojang's owner, saw this brooding student of her father bitterly angry on account of the rejection of his challenge and handed him a Seong family heirloom: the dao White Storm that, according to legend, possessed the ability to reflect the innermost thoughts of those who wielded the blade. That night, Yun-seong studied the image of himself in the dao and reflected, leading him to the self-realizations that it was foolish to challenge Hwang for personal reasons as Korea was in a state of peril and that if he could obtain the "Sword of Salvation" that Hwang had failed to find, Yun-seong would finally be recognized and his challenge would be accepted. He immediately packed his belongings, took the dao, and left the dojang in pursuit of the "Sword of Salvation", unaware that Seong Mi-na would soon embark on a journey to bring him back home.

During his journey, Yun-seong heard rumors that the "Sword of Salvation" was an evil sword. He arrived in a village inhabited by children who survived a war between neighboring nations over a fragment of Soul Edge that resulted in the destruction of a fortress city where they once lived. He announced that he was searching for Soul Edge, and was greeted happily by the children, except one --Talim, who told him about the dangers of the sword. The children's leader, a sick boy, was startled when the sword was mentioned. Thinking that he knew something, Yun-seong waited for an opportunity to question the boy.

But the opportunity never came, for the boy would always avoid him. Talim tried to treat the boy, but to no avail. Seeing her disheartened, Yun-seong would talk to Talim every chance he could get, and she started to lighten up towards him. As the boy's condition deteriorated, Talim announced she would try a drastic treatment, but the boy refused. Yun-seong stopped him from arguing with Talim and spoke to him alone.

The boy told Yun-seong that he was the son of the lord of the fortress city, who went insane when he obtained a fragment of Soul Edge. He performed terrible human experiments, using his own son as a test subject, resulting in the dark energy within the boy's body. The neighboring cities attacked and the lord was killed, while the boy rescued the children who were going to be used as test subjects. After hearing his story, Yun-seong handed the boy his dao, White Storm, telling him of its ability to show what lies inside the heart of whoever holds it. The boy looked into the blade and thanked Yun-seong.

After the ritual, Talim left the village, but Yun-seong went after her, still having a few unanswered questions. Before he left, the boy told Yun-seong that the wielder of Soul Edge, Nightmare, was in the lands of the west. Yun-seong set out to find out the truth about Soul Edge.

Eventually, Yun-seong caught up with Talim and the two of them continued their journey together. They came across an Egyptian temple that was destroyed, and Yun-seong became more convinced that Soul Edge does exist. Then Seong Mi-na found them, and she told him the Soul Edge will not protect their homeland. Yun-seong had a feeling that she will drag him back home, so he left her and Talim while they were asleep.

As he got nearer to Ostrheinsburg, he encountered Hwang, who also told him that Soul Edge was evil. However, Hwang did not stop Yun-seong from continuing with his quest, allowing the young warrior to find out for himself. As the two of them go their own ways, Yun-seong carried on with faith in his strength.


Yun-Seong is a typical hot headed and impatient young warrior. Although he certainly means well and very passionately wants to save his country and of course become a great warrior in the process, he has consistently ignored the advice of several people with first hand experience of just how truly evil the Soul Edge is.

He tends to come off as brash and head strong even when compared to someone similarly as immature as Seong Mi-Na.


Soulcalibur II

Yun-seong was well-known in the dojo for his swordsmanship, even by his seniors. Hwang Seong-gyeong, whom Yun-seong had idolized as a child, was no longer his hero, but a goal to surpass. Yun-seong wished to challenge Hwang to a duel.

One day, news reached the Seong Dojo that Hwang was returning form his long journey. Yun-seong saw his opportunity to force Hwang to acknowledge his fighting skills. He may even prove to be actually stronger than Hwang!

Hwang, hoever, did not take Yun-seong's challenge, for he had other priorities such as rejoining the military to help defend his country from the impending invasion by Japan.

Seong Mi-na, the master's daughter, saw the brooding young man and handed him a single-handed sword. The weapon she handed to Yun-seong was a Seong family heirloom. According to legend, it possessed the ability to reflect the deepest thoughts of those who held the blade.

That night, Yun-seong studied the image of himself in the sword and reflected. He eventually understood the foolishness of challenging someone for personal reasons when the country was in such peril. But what could Yun-seong do to make Hwang acknowledge him? He then realized that if he could obtain the Sword of Salvation that Hwang had failed to find, Hwang would be forced to recognize Yun-seong's talents and respect him. A challenge against Hwang would have to wait.

Once Yun-seong made his decision, he could not stay put for long. He immediately packed his belongings and left the dojo.

"If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you."
-Lewis Carrol, Through the Looking Glass

Around the time Japan became unified, tensions were mounting in the neighboring country of Joseon Dynasty Korea. When a country in disarray comes together as one, it often means one thing: The country is close to expanding overseas.

Because Korea was adjacent to Japan, they fortified their defenses in order to be ready for a Japanese invasion at any moment. The coastguard, under the command of Navy Admiral Lee Sun Shin, was a part of that defense. With a distinguished admiral at the helm, many promising youths joined the coastguard. The country had high expectations for its maritime defenses.

As a young boy, Yun Sung entered the Seung dojo where Hwang Sung Kyung, the renowned coastguardsman who served under Admiral Lee, learned his skills. Hwang-who was 14 years his senior-was a hero to Yun Sung.

Time passed, and Yun Sung matured into a hot-blooded, reckless young man. He became well known in the dojo, even by his seniors. Recognizing his potential, Master Seung Han Myong took him under his wing and taught him directly. By this time, Hwang, whom Yun Sung had idolized as a child, was no longer his hero. Rather, he was now a man who Yun Sung avowed to surpass. In order to prove his skills, the youthful and enthusiastic Yun Sung wished to fight Hwang-a man who had traveled the world twice in his search for the Sword of Salvation.

Even his seniors looked forward to Yun Sung's future. Although he was temperamental and emotional, they knew that his heart was pure.

One day, news reached the Seung Dojo that Hwang was returning from his long journey. Yun Sung saw this as an opportunity. He was in top condition, in both body and mind. Yun Sung was convinced that he could make Hwang acknowledge his fighting skills. Not only that, he might also prove that he was actually stronger than Hwang.

Wiser from his long journey around the world, Hwang ignored the challenge. Disappointed that his mission to find the Sword of Salvation had failed, Hwang rejoined the military to defend his country from the impending Japanese invasion.

Yun Sung was dissatisfied that Hwang ignored his challenge. Seung Mina, the master's daughter, saw the brooding Yun Sung and handed him a single-handed sword. "How long are you going to sulk like that?" she asked him. "You're still such a child. Take a good look at your reflection in this sword, and think things through."

The weapon she handed to Yun Sung was a Seung family heirloom. According to legend, it possessed the ability to reflect the deepest thoughts of those who held the blade.

That night, Yun Sung studied the image of himself in the sword, and thought about what he should do. An array of thoughts and feelings entered his mind.

He realized it was foolish to challenge someone for personal reasons when the country was in such peril. But what could Yun Sung do to make Hwang acknowledge him? Yun Sung mulled over his options. He then realized that if he could obtain the Sword of Salvation that Hwang had failed to find, Hwang would be forced to recognize Yun Sung's talents and respect him. A challenge against Hwang would have to wait until after Yun Sung saved the country.

Save his motherland and prove his strength-this allowed him to achieve two goals in one fell swoop. He was quite pleased with his plan.

Once Yun Sung made his decision, he could not stay put for long. He immediately packed his belongings, wrote a letter to his master, and left the dojo. Upon hearing rumors that a pirate from Ryukyu (present day Okinawa)-whom Hwang fought to a draw four years earlier-took the southern route to Europe, Yun Sung decided to take that same path without a moment's hesitation.

During his journey, Yun Sung learned of the true abominable nature of the Sword of Salvation, and became tormented as to what to do. Nevertheless, he continued his search, which brought him ever closer to the evil blade. But the message that Japan invaded Korea was what solidified his resolve.

Yun Sung did not care if Soul Edge was evil…as long as he could make Hwang respect his skills and defeat the Japanese invaders. [1]

Soulcalibur III

While searching for the Sword of Salvation--Soul Edge--Yun-seong heard rumors that it was in fact a cursed sword. In his travels, he learned of a city which had been destroyed in a conflict over a fragment of Soul Edge. Children who survived the fighting were said to be living together outside the city.

Visiting where the children lived, he found a girl named Talim and a boy sick in bed, both of whom seemed to know of Soul Edge. He took up residence there in order to gather information.

One day, Talim, who had been treating the boy, announced that she would perform a more drastic treatment. The boy refused her, and Yun-seong attempted to persuade him.

When the two of them were alone, the boy began to talk of his past. He was the son of the lord who had obtained the fragment of the cursed sword. His father had experimented upon him and filled his body with evil energy. His father went insane, war broke out, and the boy rescued the other children and fled.

Yun-seong placed his sword, with its blade that is said to reflect the heart of its wielder, into the boy's hand. "You can see that you are not a demon..." The boy, encouraged, agreed to the treatment.

The boy experienced a miraculous full recovery. Shortly thereafter, Talim suddenly left.

"I didn't even get to ask her anything!" Yun-seong hurriedly prepared to leave. As he bid farewell, the boy told him of the cursed sword and stated his wish that Yun-seong be sure to confirm the truth.

The knight with the great sword rampaging in lands to the west is the one who wields Soul Edge.

His next objective set, Yun-seong set off for the west.

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
-Walter Bagehot
Several months had passed since Yun-seong had left his home country in search of Soul Edge, known as the Sword of Salvation. However, he had also heard rumors that Soul Edge was an evil weapon. Mixed emotions ran through him.
One day, he heard the story of a fortress city overlooking a river that had warred with neighboring nations over a fragment of Soul Edge and had eventually been destroyed. He followed rumors of children who had survived the wars and were living in a city up the river. Tracing the riverbank and its line of giant waterwheels, he soon found the watermill he sought. He announced that he was looking for Soul Edge, and the children greeted him happily and innocently--all except one.
A girl named Talim who was living with the children looked at him with a stern gaze and warned him of the dangers of Soul Edge. Yun-seong was taken aback by being admonished by a young girl, but he quickly recovered his spirits. He then noticed the boy, the children's leader. The boy, who was lying sick in bed, gave a brief startled look upon hearing the name "Soul Edge."
"He knows something..." Yun-seong mused. He decided to stay in the watermill for a while and wait for an opportunity to question the boy.
While the children quickly grew fond of Yun-seong, the boy avoided him. This situation continued for a while. Talim had devoted herself to treating the boy, but the results were not promising. Seeing the look of sorrow that appeared on her face, Yun-seong felt that he had to do something, too. He spoke to her every chance he had, and the disheartened Talim recovered a little of her smile.
Seeing the boy's condition worsen, Talim announced that she would begin a drastic treatment. She said that she was willing to accept the risk, but the boy refused.
"It hurts too much...My body, and the burden I'm placing on you all, too. I just want it to end." The boy vented his anguish.
Yun-seong stopped the boy from arguing with Talim and the other children and stepped forward to convince him.
Once they were alone together, the boy looked sadly at Yun-seong and began to tell the story of his past. Yun-seong listened silently.
"I want to tell you everything." the boy said. The boy was the son of the lord of the fortress city. His father had obtained a fragment of the cursed sword and, possessed by the fragment's power, soiled his hands with terrible human experiments in an effort to draw out that power. He had even used his own son as a test subject. The result of the twisted experiment was the thick, dark energy now dwelling within the boy's body.
The neighboring countries had attacked, sensing the danger of the fortress city's activities. The lord of the city had eventually gone mad and begun an indiscriminate slaughter. Eventually, someone killed the lord, and everything had come to an end.
"These kids here with me were also going to be used in the experiments. I'm glad I was able to rescue them. But in order to do so, I..." The boy clenched his fists tightly and hid his face.
After the boy had finished speaking, Yun-seong stood up wordlessly, drew his sword, and placed the hilt in the boy's hand.
"This sword is a treasure passed down through my teacher's family. It is said that the blade shows what lies in the depths of the heart of the one who holds it."
The boy gazed at his own reflection in the blade.
"What do you see? The figure of a demon filled with twisted power? Somehow, I don't think so. Don't give up before the end. You made the right decision."
The boy was silent for a while after hearing Yun-seong's words, then, in a voice barely above a whisper, said,
"Thank you."
After the long ritual, the boy recovered his health. Yun-seong rejoiced at their recovery, but Talim, who had performed the ritual, appeared to be pondering a new puzzle. One day, she suddenly left on a journey.
"I still had things I wanted to ask her!" Yun-seong hurriedly made preparations to leave. As he bid his farewells, the boy said to him,
"I'll tell you everything I know about that evil sword. But I want you to promise me that you'll make sure with your own eyes that the sword is really what you think you seek. I trust in you." Yun-seong nodded fervently at the boy's words.

It was said that the knight with the giant sword ravaging the lands to the west was the wielder of Soul Edge. Having accomplished his goals here, Yun-seong set out for the west. When he reached his journey's end, his true strength would be tested--with this premonition building in his heart, he turned his eyes to the path before him.[2]

Soulcalibur IV

Yun-seong was traveling with Talim, a girl he had met in Asia Minor. When they saw a temple in Egypt that had been demolished, he knew the power of Soul Edge was real. When he crossed paths with his kinswoman Mi-na, however, she was of a different opinion, "Soul Edge is an evil power that brings only disaster. There's no way that thing will save our country!" It was just a matter of time before she would drag him back home with her, and so he slipped away once Mi-na and Talim were asleep.

Yun-seong headed west, and soon neared Ostrheinsburg, the stronghold of the Azure Knight. There he sought out the solitary warrior who had gone into the ruined castle and managed to return alive, Incredibly, the warrior turned out to be Hwang, a swordsman whom he had idolized growing up. Unable to mask his surprise, Yun-seong listened to Hwang's story.

Hwang had been tasked three times with finding Soul Edge, and tried to destroy it. Now even Hwang, who Yun-seong respected more than any other man, believed the sword was evil. The knowledge shook Yun-seong to the core, but his own opinion would not be swayed. When Hwang saw that Yun-seong remained as determined as ever, he said, "Go, and find your own answer."

With courage and conviction he had never before known, Yun-seong turned toward Ostrheinsburg. He would have faith in his own strength, and seek his destiny!

In a ruined village on the edge of a steep-walled gorge in central Asia Minor, Hong Yun-seong met Talim. She, too, was searching for Soul Edge, and Yun-seong decided that it would be batter for both if they traveled together. He chased after her as she hurried away. She could think of no reason to refuse him, and so they became traveling companions.

From Asia Minor they traveled to Europe. Here they heard of a calamity that had occurred across the sea in Egypt that was said to have been caused by Soul Edge. They sailed there and found the site of the temple that had been destroyed by sword strikes, and the vivid scars that remained.

So, the power of Soul Edge was no lie. Yun-seong had seen the evidence for himself. That power could protect his country!

Talim could see the eager glint in his eyes, and again she tried to warn him, telling him that Soul Edge was an artifact of a twisted world, one that should not exist. It was the same warning she had given countless times on her journey, and in the face of Yun-seong's repeated dismissal of her concerns, it had half become a matter of pride for her. Yun-seong felt keenly the strength of her conviction and earnestness, but he was determined to find out for himself if the sword could be used for good.

On their way back to Eastern Europe, they encountered Seong Mi-na, the daughter of Yun-seong's Dojang master back home.

"Soul Edge is an evil power that brings only disaster. There's no way that thing will save our country!"

It was the first thing she said to him, and the same message that Talim had given him. Mi-na was determined to stop him from finding the sword. She unleashed a rapid stream of scolding, which annoyed Yun-seong, but she was the daughter of his master and his superior in the Dojang. She had always been like an older sister to him, and he could do nothing but stand with his head bowed before her. It would be just a matter of time before she would drag him back home with her since she was the better fighter.

Yun-seong's solution was quite simple. He waited for night to fall, and when he knew the two were fast asleep, he took off like a rabbit. He had no choice. He knew this was his last chance to find Soul Edge. His only regret was that he could not bid farewell to Talim before he left.

Fortunately, he already knew where to go. Talim had always sensed the sword's presence to the west, and it was in this direction that Yun-seong traveled. As he did so, he began to hear more and more stories about the sword; soon, he would be able to see it with his very own eyes.

But as he drew closer, he saw the ruin and destruction that the Azure Knight, who carried the sword, was unleashing upon the land. Was it true then? Was Soul Edge a force of pure evil?

No, he did not believe it was. It was the man who wielded it, this Azure Knight, who was the source of the evil. A weapon is just a tool, neither inherently good nor evil, no matter how it is used, or by whom. So thought Yun-seong as he passed through one devastated village after another.

At last, Yun-seong drew to within a day's journey of Ostrheinsburg, the stronghold of the Azure Knight. As he moved cautiously through the charged, sinister atmosphere, he heard a tale—a tale about a solitary warrior who had gone into the ruined castle and escaped again, barely alive. Believing that this warrior would have valuable information, Yun-seong sought him out.

"...Is that you, Yun-seong?"

It was unbelievable. The warrior was none other than Hwang Seong-gyeong, the master swordsman of the Seong Dojang that Yun-seong had grown up idolizing! Hwang's injuries were grave, so serious that he could not even rise to his feet. Yun-seong could not believe that he had found a fellow Dojang student so far from home, in this foreign land—but even more incredible to him was the sight of the powerful, invincible Hwang weakened and wounded by another.

Hwang told Yun-seong his story. He had been tasked for a third time with finding Soul Edge, and he had headed for Ostrheinsburg, a place he had thought suspicious for some time. Officially, his assignment was one of investigation, but Hwang was a man who had previously been punished for denying the existence of the Sword of Salvation. The true meaning behind Admiral Lee Sun-shin's deliberate choice of Hwang for this mission was respect for Hwang's judgment, and a silent order to do what he knew must be done.

When Hwang came to these lands and saw the horror and devastation around him, he knew immediately; there was no Sword of Salvation. Soul Edge was a destroyer of nations, not a savior.

So even Hwang, who Yun-seong respected more than any other man, believed the sword was evil. The knowledge shook Yun-seong to the core. But still he would not be swayed from his path. When Hwang saw that Yun-seong remained as determined as ever, he stared at him long and hard, as if measuring him in his mind, and then he nodded once, deeply.

The love Yun-seong held in his heart for his country was pure. He had once been young and impetuous, but his long journey had turned him into a man. The determined, resolute expression on his face made it clear.

Hwang made a decision. He would place his trust in this younger disciple. He knew that sometimes, the best hope for a country was to place its faith in the passion and potential of its youth.

Hwang told Yun-seong everything he knew about Soul Edge, and then gave him a grave warning: beware, for the cursed land of Ostrheinsburg is dangerous beyond reckoning. He then told the young man the single fact that Yun-seong had been unable to fathom: the identity of the opponent who had defeated Hwang. Surprisingly, it was a single swordswoman. And though he had defeated him in battle, she spared his life and let him go free.

"She, too, was fighting to protect the weak. I could see it in her eyes."

Once he had finished his tale, Hwang smiled at Yun-seong encouragingly.

"Go, and find your own answer."

With courage and conviction he had never before known, Yun-seong turned toward Ostrheinsburg. He would have faith in his own strength, and seek his destiny![3]

Soulcalibur VI

A Joseon patriot and disciple of the legendary warrior Seong Han-myeong, Hong Yun-seong is the nephew of the famous second captain of the coast guard, Hong Gil-jong. Despite his youth, his natural talent has caught the eye of many of his elders—including Han-myeong—and they expect great things from him.
Hong idolizes Hwang Seong-gyeong, star pupil of the dojang and national hero, and he occasionally slips away to sneak into coast guard bases and observe his idol putting the recruits through their paces. His overly active and somewhat abrasive personality often troubles his seniors and elders. However, he appears to have a special bond with Han-myeong's only daughter, Seong Mi-na. Her words alone can tame his wild spirit... usually, anyway. While it may seem that Mi-na strong-arms Hong into doing whatever she says, anyone familiar with the two know that there is far more to their relationship than that. Friends of the pair do their best to hide knowing smiles whenever they watch the two dynamic youths interact.


Soulcalibur II


Soul Calibur 2 - Yunsung Ending HQ

Soulcalibur II Yun-seong's Ending

Sc2 ep 018

"I don't care if the sword is evil....I will protect my country with its powers!"

Thus he convinced himself throughout his battles, but as he reached for Soul Edge, he stopped.

Returning quickly to his home, Yunsung toiled feverishly to protect his homeland.

He no longer needed the Sword of Salvation, for he believed in himself.

Soulcalibur III

Yun-seong faces the evil sword, Soul Edge. He reaches out for the sword, but when he touches it, he is instantly shocked. He then stumbles backwards and falls onto the floor. Yun-seong gets back up on his feet, and begins to walk back up to Soul Edge. A basket of food and his sword lay on the floor on either side of him.


Soul Calibur 3 - Yun-seong - Ending B

Yun-seong's Soulcalibur III Ending B

Input Ending: Yun-seong chooses to pick up the basket of food, but as he reaches for it, Seong Mi-na knocks him out from behind. The screen fades, and then shows Yun-seong carrying very large bags as punishment for his actions. "Yun-seong, that sword is evil. With something like that, you'll never be able to obtain true power." Seong Mi-na says as she monitors Yun-seong. Yun-seong replies by saying that he understood, and then asks for some help with the bags, but Seong Mi-na refuses to help. "You need to learn a lesson." Seong Mi-na says. "Now walk faster!"


Soul Calibur 3 - Yun-seong - Ending A

Yun-seong's Soulcalibur III Ending A

No Input Ending: Yun-seong chooses to pick up his sword. He then strikes Soul Edge, completely shattering it. The screen then fades to white, and then shows Yun-seong walking over a bridge in a beautiful valley. He realizes that he does not know what he was truly looking for, and that he does not need that evil sword to become stronger.

Soulcalibur IV

Yun-seong picks up Soul Edge and holds it in his hands and exclaims triumphantly, "It's mine at last! Soul Edge!" Suddenly it begins to glow very brightly, causing Yun-seong to shield his eyes. As the light fades, Seong Mi-na's voice can be heard saying "Why do you fight, Yun-seong? In order to win, or is it for justice?" As he kneels down and looks up into the sky, he replies by saying "No... I-I'm just trying to protect my homeland, and the people that I love!" "Then what are you doing?" Seong Mi-na says softly. Yun-Seong quickly looks down and becomes instantly shocked. He was not clenching Soul Edge anymore, but Seong Mi-na's throat. She then manages to utter, "Is this what you call justice?" She then closes her eyes, which gives an impression that she has "died". "No! What have I... What have I done?!" a panicked Yun-Seong yells as he cradles Seong Mi-na's limp body.


SHP Soul Calibur IV -- Yun-Seong's Ending

Yun-Seong's Soulcalibur IV Ending

The screen fades to black, then shows Yun-Seong leaving the tower with a lively Seong Mi-na on his back. Yun-Seong asks her why she was "playing possum." "Oh, be quiet! I just passed out for a second," replies Seong Mi-na. The two laugh, and begin their long journey home.

The text-only epilogue reads as follows: He acquired something much more important than power. He will now return home, much older than he was before.

Fighting Style

Yun-seong's fighting style is typically made of quick kicking combos reminiscent of taekwondo, mixed in with short, but strong and quick sword strike techniques. He can also be quite acrobatic with his kicks. The speed of his kick attacks are some of the quickest in the game and some of his sword techniques do a great deal of damage. Although, he is a low to mid-tier character, he can be devastating in the right hands. Also, Yun-seong can build up momentum in combat, so it can be very difficult to stop him.

Like other characters, Yun-seong has a different stance. It is called "The Crane" stance, which is an important element in fighting as, or against, Yun-seong. In previous games, like Soulcalibur III, the stance was performed by pushing two buttons at once (vertical attack + kick), or by simply holding the attack button down after certain attacks. The stance in Soulcalibur III was only active for a short time, and players had to react quickly to perform attacks. That fact changed in Soulcalibur IV, making it possible to stay in "Crane" as long as needed. Like other stances, "Crane" has lots of different attack options. From horizontal attacks, to quick low kicks, but also medium kicks. Many of these attacks are also combo material, making the "Crane" very deadly, and unpredictable. As last, but seriously, not the least, the "Crane" has an auto-dodge. When in "Crane" stance, the player can't be hit by Vertical Attacks (Unblockables not included). When the opponent strikes with a Vertical Attack, Yun-seong will automatically dodge the attack, and counters the attack, with a quick mid-kick (only when the opponent is in range, so it may not always work against characters like Kilik/Seong-Mina). Also, when the mid kick hits, and the player quickly pushes the kick button, and the second kick connects, an Attack-Throw will follow, making Yun-seong jump up is enemy, and kicking him against the ground. This is very handy when fighting characters like Mitsurugi, or other characters, who attack with Vertical Attack a lot.

Soulcalibur IV

Seong Style Long Sword (with some personal style mixed in)

Seong is a swordsman of good, honorable lineage. However, his kicking techniques defy categorization. In the dojang he was told that he still had work to do, but as he gained actual fighting experience, his natural rhythm and tendencies began to come to surface. Nothing can be protected by ceremony alone. Unless it is accompanied by power, faith is nothing more than talk. On his journey seeking Soul Edge, this was the less Yun-seong learned. No enemy that faced him and his blade would convince him otherwise.

His distinctive sword style is both sure and also adaptive to the situation at hand. When he finally achieves his goal, he can only then look back and feel worthy of his name.



Theme Music

Soulcalibur II

  • "Destiny Awaits No One"

Soulcalibur III

  • "Call Of The Ancients"

Soulcalibur IV

  • "Indomitable Warrior"


Soulcalibur IV

Tower of Lost Souls

Yun-seong so far has only made a minor appearance in the Tower of Lost Souls mode on the ascend path, only appearing in the floor challenge "Unfailing Tower."

  • Skills in "Unfailing Tower"
    1. HP Recovery B
    2. Auto Grapple Break B
  • Descend Mode Skills
    1. Impact Heal
    2. Double Edged Sword
  • Default Skills
    1. Charge Cancel
    2. Start Dash C
    3. Will Power


  • "Youth and passion combine to create a hardened warrior." — (Announcer arcade quote)
  • "His desire to surpass others drives him onward." — (Announcer arcade quote)
  • "Quit now if you want to live!"
  • "Just what I wanted!"
  • "Alright, let's do this!"
  • "Watch this!"
  • "All right, let's start!"
  • "You're going down!"
  • "Do you seriously want to this?"
  • "All right, I'm itching for a fight!"
  • "Any time you're ready!"
  • "All right, let's go!"
  • "I can't wait to take you down!"
  • "Talk is cheap in battle!"
  • "I'm not going to lose to fools like you!"
  • "It doesn't matter how many of you there are!"
  • "Hear the scream of my sword!"
  • "Alright! All's well that ends well!"
  • "That was great!"
  • "Not quiet good enough."
  • "I hardly broke a sweat!"
  • "It's a matter of skill!"
  • "That's it?"
  • "Not too bad."
  • "Come back when you're ready!"
  • "Nothing can stop me!"
  • "I'm unstoppable!"
  • "Still breathing?"
  • "That was too easy! No problem!"
  • "How's that? Still breathing?"
  • "Man, I'm much better looking than you."
  • "Don't make me waist my time."
  • "That was better than the last time!"
  • "What?!"
  • "Damn..."
  • "...I don't believe this."
  • "Oh, come on...."
  • "That sword is definitely evil."
  • "I don't care if it's evil. I will protect my country!"
  • "Did you feel my true strength?!"
  • "Sorry, but I have to go!"
  • "No no, let young people handle it."
  • "I can't handle her. I'm outta here!"
  • "Take this!"
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Outta my way!"
  • "Die!"
  • "Next!"
  • "Nice try!"
  • "Don't run!"
  • "No use!"
  • "I see ya!"
  • "Sorry!"
  • "Gimme a break!"
  • "Feel that?"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "How's that?"

  • "All right! I'm getting pumped up!"
  • "I'm not gonna let up for a second!"
  • "Okay, let's give it a go!"
  • "Quit you yapping and let's get this fight started!"
  • "All right, now we're talkin'!"
  • "Oh yeah! Let's go!"
  • "You ready to go down? Let's go!
  • "I don't like... the look in your eyes."
  • "Ha ha ha! You look like an idiot!"
  • "Huh? What are you a salamander?"
  • ", l...let's have a good match.
  • "Let's go!"
  • "All right, let's do this!"
  • "I've been itchin' for a fight!"
  • "Talk is cheap...let's get this on!"
  • "Come and get some!"
  • "You're goin' down!"
  • "I was looking for a fight!"
  • "Wanna see... just how strong I am?"
  • "You seriously wanna fight?"
  • "Geezers and kiddies should stay home!"
  • "This is your last shot to call it quits!"
  • "All right, let's start this!
  • "I'm getting pumped!"
  • "You don't wanna die, do ya?"
  • "Anytime you're ready!"
  • "Not done yet!... Heh, I guess you are."
  • "Damn, I'm just way too good! Huh?"
  • "Heh heh...That won't work on me!"
  • "Dammit, that really hurt!"
  • "That's what you get... for messing with me!"
  • "These skills... it's all talent."
  • "That was nothin'! There's more where that came from!"
  • "Maybe that was too much... you all right?"
  • "You're pretty good. I'm really impressed."
  • "I just don't feel like losing today, you know?"
  • "Just to let you know, I'm not gonna lose today, all right?"
  • "Hurry up and get back up here! You're still not done right?" — Ring Out.
  • "Heh, that was totally worthless."
  • "You wanted a fight, so I gave you a fight."
  • "Come on.. that was totally a joke."
  • "All right! No problem!"
  • "That was too easy!"
  • "A waste of time! Come back when you're ready!"
  • "Haaa! That was great!"
  • "That was a sorry fight!"
  • "That's all you've got? That was boring!"
  • "Not bad, not bad."
  • "That's it? I hardly broke a sweat!"
  • "I couldn't have asked for more!"
  • "It's a matter of skill!"
  • "Yeah, I'm unstoppable!"
  • "I'm on fire!"
  • "That was incredible!"
  • "We can do this.. as many times as you like."
  • "It doesn't matter how many you bring! There's no one else, right?"
  • "You know what? You're not half bad lookin'."
  • "I gotta say, I'm much better looking."
  • "You picked the wrong guy... to mess with!."
  • "We can do this a thousand times... if you like."
  • "Did you get... a taste of my strength?"
  • "You ready?!"
  • "Over here!"
  • "Get outta here!"
  • "Ally-whoop!"
  • "Too slow!"
  • "Hee ha!"
  • "Hurry up... and lose!"
  • "Here!"
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Outta the way!"
  • "Ha!"
  • "Here's more!"
  • "And another!"
  • "How's...this!"
  • "Is that all you've got?"
  • "You want me to hold back a bit?" — Taunt.
  • "What?!"
  • "Dammit!"
  • "Gimme a break!"
  • "What's up with that?!"
  • "Heh, this should be fun! You're gonna regret this!"
  • "I wanna find out... for myself!"
  • "Enemy of my country... prepare yourself!"
  • "I'm gonna break... that sword of yours!"
  • "This is... what I look like?"
  • "What I've been looking for isn't here after all."
  • "I wasn't able to truly see... what it is that I was looking for."
  • "No maybe...I was just in denial of the truth."
  • "Even without that sword, I'm going to become stronger... I know I will."
  • "All right, I got it! Now come on, can you do something about this?"

  • "Piece of cake!" — after being selected by player 1 in the character select.
  • "Want some of this?" — after being selected by player 2 in the character select.
  • "Alright, I'm getting pumped up!"
  • "Come on! I was just getting warmed up!" — spoken after executing a "Perfect!".
  • "I'm not gonna let up for a second."
  • "What's wrong, giving up already?"
  • "This is your last shot to call it quits."
  • "You picked the wrong guy to mess with."
  • "Quit your yapping and let's get this fighting started!" 
  • "A battle of wills, huh? I won't lose."
  • "Huh? What is this?!"
  • "It doesn't matter how many you got! Just bring it on!"
  • "Sorry, you know I can't do that." — spoken to Seong Mi-na in his Story Mode.
  • "I want to find out for myself."
  • "That was really close."
  • "Like hell! You're the one in my way!" — spoken to Siegfried in Story Mode.
  • "Ideals are meaningless without power!"
  • "That power is mine! Hand over Soul Edge!"
  • "You're gonna have to throw down that blade!" — Spoken to Mitsurugi in his Story Mode.
  • "No one can stop me now!"
  • "It's mine at last!"
  • "Soul Edge!"
  • "N-no! I-I'm just trying to protect my homeland, and the people I love!"
  • "No! What have I... what have I done?!"
  • "So, why were you playing possum like that?" — spoken to Seong Mi-na, in his ending. 
  • "Eat this!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "And another!"
  • "I'm on fire!"
  • "All or nothing!"
  • "How's THIS?!"
  • "Here's more!"
  • "Come on, don't chicken out!" — When taunting.
  • "Alright this is it!" — When taunting.
  • "Is that all you got?" — When taunting.
  • "Yeah, this is it!" — before critical finish.
  • "Fly high!"
  • "Hong Style Prime Strike!" — in the middle of a critical finish.
  • "Yeah! Burn baby burn!" — after critical finish.
  • "Perfect!"

  • Relationships

    • Friend of Seong Mi-na.
    • Friend and idolize, Hwang.
    • Student of Seong Han-myeong whom he was trained and raised by, before the events of Soulcalibur II.
    • Travel companion and friend of Talim since the beginning of Soulcalibur III. Shares a Destined Battle with her in Soulcalibur II.
    • Considers Mitsurugi to be "the enemy of [his] country" because he's a samurai. He is Yun-seong's Destined Battle in Soulcalibur III.

    Series' Appearances


    His debut in Soulcalibur II had him wearing a sleeveless vest that ended near his stomach, and white pants tied on with a red belt. His abs and navel were revealed in this suit. In Soulcalibur III, he had on a green jacket left unbuttoned, with dark pants that ended between his knees and his ankles. In Soulcalibur IV, he is completely shirtless with a Juok Chaplet (a green and red necklace) around his neck, as well as having several tattoos that are laid out on his arms and shoulders. His 2P costume is vaguely reminiscent of his Soulcalibur II costume, in which his hair is uncovered and he has a sleeveless Noble Shirt and pants. However, the shirt has an embellished dragon upon it and is black with red feathers where the sleeves would normally appear.


    • His costume seems to be more revealing in every next game where he is playable. In Soulcalibur II, he wears a white costume that reveals his abdomen, in Soulcalibur III, he wears a green unbuttoned shirt that reveals his chest, and in Soulcalibur IV, he is completely shirtless.
    • In Soulcalibur II's Weapon Master Mode, Yun-Seong portrays Bastian.
    • In Soulcalibur III's "Tales of Souls", Yun-seong's Destined Battle is against Mitsurugi, but it is against Seong Mi-na in Quick Play. He is her Destined Battle in both modes.
    • In Soulcalibur III's "Chronicles of the Sword" mode, Yun-seong's weapons and moveset can be used as a level 30 thief, along with Tira.
    • In Soulcalibur IV's Story Mode, after he defeats Seong Mi-na, Talim, and Sophitia on the second stage, Seong Mi-na accompanies him for the rest of his journey.
    • In Soulcalibur IV, one notable fact is that Yun-seong's ending is considered happier and better than the ending of Seong Mi-na, because in her ending they both fight to the death and in contrast of Yun-seong's ending, they both return together happily back to their home in Korea.
    • In Angol Fear's Story Mode in Soulcalibur IV, after she defeats Yun-seong, Talim, and Seong Mi-na, Angol Fear captures Yun-seong as a specimen of earth. But then he manages to run away from her after the third stage. This may have caused Yun-seong to become the "Afterglow of the Universe" ingredient in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, which was needed for a cure to save Hilde's father.
    • In Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, he is said to have been abducted by aliens. This is non-canon, however.
    • Yun-Seong's 2P costume in Soulcalibur III was originally going to be based on Hwang as shown in the concept art, but it was changed due to the return of Hwang as a bonus character.
    • In Soulcalibur V, Yun-seong, Rock, Talim and Zasalamel, are the only characters not to appear and not to have a successor to replace them.
    • Yun-seong's favorite color is orange.
    • Yun-seong uses some of Hwoarang's kicking moves from the Tekken series. Yun-seong shares many other traits with Hwoarang as well. Both were born in Korea, both have red hair and both have very similiar personalities. He also has similar kicking moves with Baek Doo San. Though not confirmed by Bandai Namco, it has been theorized that Yun-Seong is an ancestor of Hwoarang.


    1. ^ "Soul Calibur 2 - History - Yunsung". Soulcalibur. Namco Limited. Archived from the original on February 4, 2005. Retrieved on January 10, 2024.
    2. ^ "SOULCALIBUR III". Soul Archive. NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Archived from the original on March 20, 2020. Retrieved January 10, 2024.
    3. ^ Deats, Adam; Epstein, Joe (July 17, 2008). SOULCALIBUR IV Signature Series Fighter's Guide. BradyGames. pp. 175-176. ISBN 978-0-7440-1006-0.
    Soulcalibur Playable Characters
    Introduced in Soul Edge CervantesHwangInfernoLi LongMitsurugiRockSeong Han-myeongSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaTakiVoldo
    Introduced in Soulcalibur ArthurAstarothEdge MasterIvyKilikLizardman (Aeon)MaxiNightmareXianghuaYoshimitsu
    Introduced in Soulcalibur II AssassinBerserkerCassandraCharadeHeihachiLinkLizardman (Generic)NecridRaphaelSpawnTalimYun-seong
    Introduced in Soulcalibur III AbeliaAbyssAmyAureliaChesterDemuthGirardotGreedHualinLynetteLunaMiserOlcadanRevenantSetsukaStrife AstlarTiraValeriaZasalamel
    Introduced in Soulcalibur Legends Lloyd Irving
    Introduced in Soulcalibur IV AlgolAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteDarth VaderHildeKamikirimusiScheherazadeShuraYoda
    Story only: AzolaGerhildeHelmwigeShadow
    Introduced in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny DampierreKratos
    Introduced in Soulcalibur V Devil JinEzio AuditoreElysiumLeixiaNatsuPatroklos (α Patroklos)Pyrrha (Pyrrha Ω)ViolaXibaZ.W.E.I.
    Introduced in Soulcalibur VI 2BAzwelGeralt of RiviaGrøhHaohmaru
    Soulcalibur II
    Soulcalibur II (HD Online)The Art of Soulcalibur IIUnlockablesSoulcalibur II Original SoundtrackWeapon Master
    AssassinAstarothBerserkerCassandraCervantesCharadeHeihachiInfernoIvyKilikLinkLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareNecridRaphaelSeong Mi-naSiegfriedSophitiaSpawnTakiTalimVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsuYun-seong
    ChaosEgyptian CryptEgyptian RuinsEurydice Shrine GalleryHwangseo Palace - Phoenix CourtImperial Capital AyutthayaKaminoi Castle - Sakura-Dai GateLabyrinthLakeside ColiseumMoney Pit - Top TierOstrheinsburg ChapelPalgaea Shrine - Lowest LevelPirate's AlcoveSouth France Mansion - LibraryVillage of the WindXiwei Siege Ruins
    Soulcalibur III
    Soulcalibur III (Arcade Edition)UnlockablesSoulcalibur III Original Soundtrack - Legend of SoundsTales of SoulsSoul ArenaChronicles of the Sword
    AbeliaAbyssAmyArthurAstarothAureliaCassandraCervantesChesterDemuthGreedGirardotHualinHwangIvyKilikLi LongLizardmanLunaLynetteMaxiMiserMitsurugiNightmareOlcadanRaphaelRevenantRockSeong Mi-naSetsukaSiegfriedSophitiaStrife AstlarTakiTalimTiraValeriaVoldoXianghuaYoshimitsuYun-seongZasalamel
    Battle in the StraitChaos - Spiritual RealmClock TowerEgyptian TempleEurydice Shrine - Gate of the GodsGrand LabyrinthIndian PortJyurakudai VillaKunpaetku Shrine RuinLakeside ColiseumLing Sheng-Su Temple RuinLost CathedralLost Cathedral - RuinLotus GardenOld Toledo - Burning GalleryOstrheinsburg Castle - BattlementPalgaea Shrine - RuinsPirate RaidProving GroundsRomanian Valley - Castle SiegeSacred Mt. Fuji - Lava BedSecret Money PitSilk Road RuinUnderground Buddhist SanctumValentine MansionWater Mill Valley
    Soulcalibur IV
    Soulcalibur IV (Broken Destiny)Soulcalibur MobileSoulcalibur IV (DC Comics)Exciting! Soulcalibur DojoThe Art of Soulcalibur: Broken DestinySoulcalibur IV UnlockablesSoulcalibur IV Original SoundtrackSoulcalibur Broken Destiny Best Of SoundtrackCritical FinishTower of Lost SoulsQuick MatchThe Gauntlet • Trials (Trial of Attack, Trial of Defence, Endless Trial) • Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Unlockables
    AlgolAmyAngol FearThe ApprenticeAshlotteAstarothCassandraCervantesDampierreDarth VaderHildeInfernoIvyKamikirimusiKilikKratosLizardmanMaxiMitsurugiNightmareRaphaelRockSeong Mi-naSetsukaScheherazadeShuraSiegfriedSophitiaTakiTalimTiraVoldoXianghuaYodaYoshimitsuYun-seongZasalamel
    Challenge of the GodsDistant Marsh (Sleeping Marsh) • Egyptian Temple - Sacred Flame (Egyptian Temple - Sand Cloud) • Grand Labyrinth - Corridor of Suspended TimeHall of the Warrior GodIce Coffin of the Sleeping AncientJyurakudai Villa - Virgin Snow (Jyurakudai Villa - Twill Damask and Brocade) • Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants (Grand Shrine of Palgaea - Sea of Decay) • Ostrheinsburg Castle Throne RoomOstrheinsburg Castle - Twilight (Dark Capital Ostrheinsburg) • Phantom PavilionSailor's Rest (Sailor's Rest - Twilight) • Star Destroyer Docking BayThesmophoros' Imperial Garden (Thesmophoros' Imperial Garden - Sunset) • Tower of Remembrance - Ancient GateTower of Remembrance - DegradationTower of Remembrance - Encounter (Tower of Remembrance - Omen) • Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of TimeVoiceless Volpe BridgeWolfkrone Monument